
version : Véronique Dubi

  • faites cuire à transparence mais non croquant ..
    250 grammes de Bacon

  • faites bouillir 1 paquet de nouilles aux œufs

  • incorporer un paquet de fromage cottage égoutté

  • verser (presque tout) le gras de bacon sur les nouilles.

  • ajouter 250 ml de crème sûre sur le bacon et remuer

  • verser le mélange de bacon et crème sûre sur les nouilles.

    note de Mary-Lou : peut être agréablement accompagné de brocoli.


Curd Dumplings
version : http://www.fsz.bme.hu/hungary/cuisine/foods/turos_csusza.html

(for 4 persons)


Knead a stiff dough from
400 g plain flour,
4 eggs and salt.
Roll out thin then tear into small pieces,
boil in a salted water and strain.

Cut into dice 100 g smoked bacon,
fry until the fat runs,
toss the boiled dumplings in the fat.
Mix together with : 250 g curd of either cow's or ewe's milk,
20 cl sour cream, add salt to taste and pour into an ovenproof dish.
Crumble another 250 g curd over the top,
sprinkle with another 20 cl sour cream,
prinkle with small strips of fried bacon,
place briefly in the oven to heat through and serve immediately.

Túrós csusza (Noodles with Cottage-cheese)
version : http://lingua.arts.klte.hu/hungary/konyha.htm

·1/2 lb. noodles
·7 oz. cottage-cheese
·1 tsp. finely chopped fresh or dried dill
· 2 oz. fat bacon
·1 1/2 gills sour cream

Cook noodles in plenty of salt water.
Cut bacon into small cubes meantime, and fry on low heat till crisp.
Lift out bacon, put aside.
Drain the cooked noodle.
then put into the bacon-fat in the saucepan.
Lower heat under saucepan then add sour cream.
Stir, pull aside and add the crumbled cottage-cheese and chopped dill.
Put immediately into a hot dish.
sprinkle the chopped, fried bacon on top and serve.
