Voici la recette selon Véronique Dubi, ma mère. C'est aussi comme moi je le fais, quoi que je le fais bien moins souvent qu'elle. C'est prèsque toujours aux noix de Grenoble qu'elle le faisait et c'est bien meilleur! Juste 2-3 fois que j'ai goûté à une version avec graines de pavot.. décrite plus bas.. probablement dans des temps où les noix de Grenoble coûtaient trop cher. |
Pâte : -5 t. farine -1 1/2 t. sucre -1 lb beurre froid salé -8 c. à c. poudre à pâte J'ai essayé avec moitié-moitié soda/poudre à pâte, c'est plus facile à rouler.. mais le goût est moins bon -4 jaunes d’oeuf -2/3 t. crème sure ou lait |
Garniture : -500 gr noix de Grenoble moulu finement -1 t. de chapelure -~ 2/3 t. de raisins secs de corinthe -1 t. de sucre -1 sachet de 9 gr de sucre vanille -1 1/3 t. de lait c'est bien tantant d'en mettre plus pour que ça s'étende mieux.. mais la pâte ne cuit pas assez bien quand la garniture est trop mouillé. -1/4 de citron.. ou du jus -3 c. à table de confiture d'abricots |
-mélanger tous les
ingrédients de la garniture et faites chauffer afin de faire fondre
le sucre. *attention, ça colle facilement
-émietter le beurre
dans le mélange de farine, sucre et soda à pâte -ajouter
les jaunes d’oeuf et la crème sure.
-badigeonner avec
un blanc d'oeuf Servir avec sucre en poudre saupoudré dessus.
et voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur le net en 1997.. le paragraphe "and the guest, should he come for an elevenses, dinner, high tea or supper, invited or uninvited, hungry or full, will not escape his fate. He has to taste the roll and give his opinion, which must, of course, be only the best. The adjectives he uses must never be lower than phenomenal or he is liable to fall out of grace with the lady of the house for ever."M'a fait énormément sourire puisque j'y reconnaissais bien ma chère mère, quoi que le Bejgli de ma mère était tellement délicieux que personne n'aurait pensé à dire autrement ... *clin d'oeil et sourire tendre* ![]()
Diós és Mákos kalács (bejgli) Edited by: János Mohácsi (mohacsi@fsz.bme.hu) The most distinguished place in the order of the main Christmas dishes, along with the roast turkey, is taken by the rich marbled Walnut and Poppy Seed Milk Bread (or Walnut and Poppy Seed Rolls?) Whether they are made of short of pastry or simple raised dough, whether the filling is rich or more modest, they are always the pride of the Hungarian hostess, even if she herself has not made them, but only ordered them from a confectioner. A certain silent competition starts at this time of year among housewives, especially concerning walnut rolls (Poppy Seed Rolls have only secondary importance), and the guest, should he come for an elevenses, dinner, high tea or supper, invited or uninvited, hungry or full, will not escape his fate. He has to taste the roll and give his opinion, which must, of course, be only the best. The adjectives he uses must never be lower than phenomenal or he is liable to fall out of grace with the lady of the house for ever. You can find 4 special recipe for Christmas Walnut and Poppy Seed Milk Bread, in possesion of which you may enter the Christmas competition full of confidence. Ingredients for batter 1000 g/2 lb. flour,
Ingredients for walnut filling 450 g/1 lb. sugar,
Ingredients for poppy seed filling 600 g/1 lb. 5 oz. ground
poppy seeds,
Preparation For the walnut filling, make a syrup with the sugar and water in a saucepan. Then mix in the ground walnuts and almonds. Remove from heat and add the other ingredients. To make the poppy seeds filling, make a syrup with the sugar and water in a sauce pan. Then add the ground poppy seed and stir for a few minutes. Remove from heat and add the remaining ingredients.
Ingredients for batter
Ingredients for walnut
Ingredients for poppy seed
Preparation the same way as for rétes. Place on a baking tin, brush with egg and prick in a few places with a fork. Leave to rest for 15 minutes, then brush again with egg. Bake in a slow oven to start with, then turn it up until the bread is golden brown. For the walnut filling, dissolve the sugar and melt the chocolate in a little hot milk. Then add the ground chocolate in a little hot milk. Then add the ground walnuts and all the other ingredients, folding in the stiffly beaten egg whites at the end. To make the poppy seeds filling, make a syrup with sugar or honey and a little water. Then add the ground poppy seeds and cook for a few minutes. Remove from the heat and mix in the lemon peel, vanilla essence, sultanas, jam and finally the stiffly beaten egg whites.
Ingredients for batter
Ingredients for walnut
Ingredients for poppy seed
Preparation Then roll into rectangle and cut into strips. Spread with the walnut and poppy seed filling. Roll up, brush with egg white and bake in a moderately hot oven until golden brown.
To make the walnut filling, dissolve the sugar and honey in a saucepan over heat. Add the walnut and cook for a few minutes. Remove from heat and mix in the sultanas and rum. Finally add the cinnamon and grated lemon peel to taste.
For the poppy seed filling, cook the honey, sugar and poppy seed in saucepan. Remove from heat and add the rum and lemon peel to taste.
Ingredients for batter
Ingredients for walnut
Ingredients for poppy seed
Preparation Divide the dough into two and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Roll out into fairly thin squares and spread one with walnut filling and the other with poppy seed. To make the walnut filling, make syrup with milk and sugar. Then add the ground walnut and the remaining ingredients. For the poppy seed filling, make syrup with sugar and milk. Then add the ground poppy seed and cook for few minutes. Remove from the heat and mix in the remaining ingredients. After spreading the dough with fillings, roll up and leave to rest for 10 minutes. Brush with egg yolk and prick with fork. Place on a baking tin and leave for another 10 minutes. Brush again with yolks and bake in a moderately hot oven until golden brown. |