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MONDAY,  September 14th 2015

4h30 BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
Good, even though my left quads really hurt at the begining. Steps and arms and a Tabata of Burpees. About 4 or 5 times I tell myself.. "not too much, there's Cardio Militaire after :)

5 minutes of WU
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Floor : 

Row and stand
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps : perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor
Mats : V

Floor Plank
 : running knees in -  cross - or spider  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 2,5 kg + DB 8

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  September 15th 2015
Get my first Kindle today. like it, hope I'll read more.

at Cinιma 10/30 : On the Appalachien Trail.. from the view of a ~70 year old non-hiker.. that is .. every other hiker besides him and his friend is VERY young, VERY much in shape, VERY fast, a girl they meet talks an AWAFUL LOT, and the bears they see are GRIZZLIES. That's when I realized why the rest of the movie seemed so exagerated. It's how HE saw things. // interesting though, Gaby and I had some good laughs and became interested in how many 4,000 footers there where in the SE USA.

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  September 16th 2015
Gaby starts Volleyball at St-Pie, but I don't. once a week will suffice.

4h33 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
Too repetitive and still no blocking

5 minutes of WU with good music :) // ABS & Stretching after WO ( Week 1 of 4 )
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Push-ups I go on knees to put my hands in line with chest
Floor : 

Weights: BB
Rows (2 x 10kgs)
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps Perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor (most difficult)
Mats : V-ups
Floor Plank
 : running knees in  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 2 x 2,5 kg a little less than Monday

BED AT 9h15 PM had bad digestion all day.. maybe too much sugar? I'm also sneezing alot..

THURSDAY,  September 17th  2015
Don't feel well, don't go to work  OK at about 3 pm then bad digestion still at 6h00 PM.. or is it CM's V-ups?

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURΙKA school
We're 12 but hot and humid and most want to leave at 9h10. and it's ok, anyways I feel on the borderline of bein sick. My serves are a litte better than last week.

BED AT 10h30 PM

Read alot on my Kindle. Download "Walking in the Dolomites: 28 multi-day routes (Cicerone Mountain Walking)"

SATURDAY,  September 19th 2015
Gaby decides at last minute to go to St-Hilaire with Sophie C & Jean-Luc-P

11h45 AM  P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 06 Kenpo X
Feels good, I sooo don't like the routine we do these days at the gym

#06 Kenpo X
saunders stretch cycle warm-up

1- Twist & Pivot — 25 each side
2- Twist & Pivot with Hook & Upper Cut — 25 each side
3- Jabs — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
4- Jab / Cross — 25 each side
5- Jab / Cross / Hook — 25 each side
6- Jab / Cross / Hook / Uppercut — 25 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

7- Step Drag / High-Low Punch — 20 reps +10 doubles each side
8- Jab / cross Switch — 20 reps
9- Hook / Uppercut Switch — 20 reps
10- Knee Kick — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
11- Ball Kick — 30 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

12- Side Kick — 30 reps each side
13- Back Kick — 25 reps
14- Three-Direction Kick — 72 reps
15- Side Lunge With High Sword / Low Hammer — 15 reps each side
16- Step Drag / Claw / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side

cardio break — 60 sec

17- High Block — 30 reps
18- Inward Block —30 reps
19- Outward Block — 30 reps
20- Downward Block — 30 reps
21- Star Block — 16 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

22- Front Shuffle with High Block / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side
23- Knee / Back Kick — 15 reps each side
24- Front & Back Knuckles / Ball Kick / Back Kick — 10 reps each side
25- Hook / uppercut / Low Side Kick — 10 reps each side
26- Elbow Series — 30 reps
27- Vertical Punches — 100 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

cool-down & stretch

14h30 PM   P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  #04 Yoga
Ive been wanting to do this again for a while. Really need it.

#04 Yoga

A) Moving Asanas : Each Asana is led through a series of Vinyasas (Sun Salutations).
1- Runner's Pose
2- Crescent Pose
3- Warrior One
4- Warrior Two
5- Reverse Warrior
6- Triangle Pose
7- Twisting Triangle
8- Chair To Twisting Chair
9- Right-Angle Pose To Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab
10- Prayer Twist From Runner's Pose to Side Arm Balance
11- Warrior Three to Standing Splits
12- Half Moon To Twisting Half Moon

B) Balance Postures
13- Tree — 90 sec
14- Royal Dancer — 90 sec
15- Standing Leg Extension — 30 sec

C) Floor Work
16- Crane ( Pre-Handstand) — 60 sec
17- Seated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
18- Cat Stretch — 9 reps

19- Frog —60 sec
20- Bridge or Wheel — 5 breaths
21- Plough Into Shoulder Stand With Leg Variations Into Plough
22- Table — 5 breaths
23- Cobbler Pose — 60 sec
24- One-Legged Hamstring Stretch Into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch

D) The Yoga Belly 7
25- Touch The Sky — 30 sec
26- Boat — 30 sec
27- Half Boat — 30 sec each side
28- Scissor — 30 sec each side
29- Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
30- Deep Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
31- Touch The Sky — 60 sec

E) Final Stuff
32- Side Twist
33- Glute Stretch
34- Happy Baby
35- Child's Pose
36- Shavasana ( Corpse Pose)
37- Fetal Pose
38- Lotus (Meditation Pose)

planned 6h45 PM BALLROOM DANCE PRACTICE  at home
15 mins 

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY, September 20th 2015

8h55 FOOTLOOSE Rock en ligne.. I show Roxanne for the full time of the song.

9h06 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
For the first half hour.. really feel the Footloose I did just before.

Mont Saint-Hilaire
With Gabriel and his nefhew Nicolas
HIKING  start NOON  
12°C and sunny
TOTAL : ~ 4h00
Deuter 28l pack : at 17 lbs

BLUE down to black and UP DIEPPE
down to orange and up YELLOW to PAIN DE SUCRE


DIET : goota get on track

BED AT 9h00 PM

MONDAY,  September 21st 2015

4h30 BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre   Nathalie Archambault
I feel better than I thought I'd feel.

Goes better than I thought but  I'd say at about 80 %.. bronchitis or too much yesterday.. I don't know. but it's all good anyways.

Main course : ( week 2 of 4 )
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Push-ups I go on knees to put my hands in line with chest
Floor : 

Weights: BB
Rows (2 x 10kgs)
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps Perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor (most difficult)
Mats : V-ups
Floor Plank
 : running knees in  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 3 x 2,5 kg

Manou comes at 7h30 PM With Gaby who misses volleyball for this : We watch season premiere of The Big Bang Theory 9th season, Penny & Leonard get married ( ok Gaby also had a neck sprain)

BED AT 10h30 PM

grrr.. . AAACchhhouuummmmmm

WEDNESDAY,  September 23rd 2015
Very difficult afternoon because I don't have any more Kleenexs and a bad cold. Take Contact C

4h15 CARDIO 45 mins

Precor ADM 100i ~30 mins   3min climbing @ 20 resistance and  3 min running at 7 resistance  intervals
Precor  EFX 546 15 mins Cross country program

Start with cramps in my left calfs and my left foot "numb" but all in all I am more steady in my WO though maybe not as intense as if I had done Tae-Boxe

Main course : ( week 2 of 4 )
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Push-ups I go on knees to put my hands in line with chest
Floor : 

Weights: BB
Rows (2 x 12,5kgs)
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Steps Perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor (most difficult)
Mats : V-ups
Floor Plank
 : running knees in  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 3 x 2,5 kg

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  September 24th  2015
Bonne fκte ECP mon ami perdu

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURΙKA school
We're 11 and play until 9h15. everyone is tired. I would have continued but must say that my runny nose really tired me. Luckily I had a good hanky. / Gaby said I played well. and it was the firs time since i hurt my knee last year that I could bend to squat low. I was so surprised that I didn't think of doing it each time I should have, but I'm on the right track.

planned  BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  September 25th  2015
Feel ok apart from a runny nose.

Get my Polar F11 Heartrate monitor back from battery change. Put my logo back on the watch.

To use Polar UpLink Tool, you will need dynamic loudspeakers/headphones and a sound card in your computer.

1. In the Time display of your wrist unit, press OK and toggle up to SETTINGS mode. Place the wrist unit less than 10 cm/ 4" from the loudspeaker. Do not move the wrist unit during the data transfer.
2. Select the logo or settings you want to upload to your wrist unit and click on Transfer.
The upload to the wrist unit starts automatically
3. UpLink shows on the wrist unit display. The data transfer will make a chirping sound. Do not move the wrist unit during data transfer.
4. UpLink OK and a beep indicate that all settings are now transferred.
5. Press and hold the BACK button to return to the Time display.
6. In the Time display, press and hold the upper right button to activate the new logo.


DIET  Back on track at 142 lbs

Still sick with a runny nose and cold, but read alot with my new Kindle

SUNDAY,  September 27th 2015

9h06 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
good although I still have a cold :/

BED AT 9h30 PM

MONDAY,  September 28th 2015

4h38 BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
49 mins  + / AveHR  140  84% / MaxHR  163  98%  / 247 cals / 30 % fat / 38mins InZone (75%+)
Good, even though I still have a cold :/  but forget to start my HR monitor until after the WU

46 mins  + abs / AveHR  137  82% / MaxHR  159  95%  / 224 cals / 35 % fat / 34mins InZone (75%+)
(week 3/4) start at "floor" instead of Steps and I find it much easier, although I don't do "very" well because of my runny nose and general lack of energy, It's still a very honest WO
Main course.
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor : Jumping-Jacks
Row and stand
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor Plank  : running knees in -  cross - or spider  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
Steps : perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor
Mats : V-ups
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on high steps with  2 x 2,5 kg

BED AT 9h30 PM

TUESDAY,  September 29th 2015

6h45 PM  P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 06 Kenpo X
not bad for a Tuesday but don't do the stretching nore the cool-down

#06 Kenpo X
saunders stretch cycle warm-up

1- Twist & Pivot — 25 each side
2- Twist & Pivot with Hook & Upper Cut — 25 each side
3- Jabs — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
4- Jab / Cross — 25 each side
5- Jab / Cross / Hook — 25 each side
6- Jab / Cross / Hook / Uppercut — 25 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

7- Step Drag / High-Low Punch — 20 reps +10 doubles each side
8- Jab / cross Switch — 20 reps
9- Hook / Uppercut Switch — 20 reps
10- Knee Kick — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
11- Ball Kick — 30 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

12- Side Kick — 30 reps each side
13- Back Kick — 25 reps
14- Three-Direction Kick — 72 reps
15- Side Lunge With High Sword / Low Hammer — 15 reps each side
16- Step Drag / Claw / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side

cardio break — 60 sec

17- High Block — 30 reps
18- Inward Block —30 reps
19- Outward Block — 30 reps
20- Downward Block — 30 reps
21- Star Block — 16 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

22- Front Shuffle with High Block / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side
23- Knee / Back Kick — 15 reps each side
24- Front & Back Knuckles / Ball Kick / Back Kick — 10 reps each side
25- Hook / uppercut / Low Side Kick — 10 reps each side
26- Elbow Series — 30 reps
27- Vertical Punches — 100 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

cool-down & stretch

« Since I was 10 , « old » has always been 20 years more than me… » mls

planned 6h45 PM BALLROOM DANCE PRACTICE  at home
15 mins 
TRIPLE-SWING / NOPE.. Gaby's turn to
be sick

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  September 30th 2015

RAMBLING A little while ago I heard that in Quιbec (or Canada?) the Fit Life Expectancy  (my translation for : « Espιrance de vie en santι »)  has gone DOWN 4 years in the last 30 years, while the overall life expectancy has gone UP. This means we get « out of shape », « old ».. younger, but stay alive longer! Actually they say that between 60 and 67 years old, the people devide into 2 groups : those who are active and fit and healthy, and does  who aren’t.  and at that age, the difference is much bigger than at 30 or 40 years old. The people between 60 and 67 years old  don’t eat as well and exercise LESS than the same age group 30 years ago. I’m 61.. I know which group I’m in J

23 mins 15-90 / 23 mins 1min-2mins / the rest cross-country  variable resistance
59 mins  + / AveHR  139  83% / MaxHR  158  95%  / 294 cals / 30 % fat / 52mins InZone

Precor EFX 556


45 mins  + / AveHR  134  80% / MaxHR  156  93%  / 210 cals / 35 % fat / 31mins InZone (75%+)
Main course : ( week 3 of 4 )
I thought I'd be dead after the Cardio, but it goes quite well. nice groupe.
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Floor : Jumping-Jacks
Weights: BB
Rows (2 x 10kgs)
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Push-ups I go on knees after half time to put my hands in line with chest
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Floor Plank  : running knees in  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
Steps Perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor (most difficult)
Mats : V
-ups start a few seconds late each time but wait in V to catch my breath
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 2 x 5 kg ??

INJURIED The back of my right knee hurts all day. I limp all day. I can’t completely straighten it and I can’t flex it much. But I have my gym bag and really want to do. I had cardio planned . I was quite confident in being able to do the elliptical even with my knee trouble so I go for it, and my knee is good. An hour later I figure I might as well do the Cardio-Militaire (Boot Camp) class, maybe less intensively than usual.. (ha ha ha.. as if I could do it less intensively.)  Well it seemed to have healed my knee! At least for ΰ while.

*Note from the next day.. maybe the hour on the elliptical ground the little piece of cartilage that was hurting me, or maybe it just moved it? I actually have no idea about what I’m talking about here.. but that is what I think.

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  October 1st  2015

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURΙKA school
Gabriel is too sick to go.

planned  BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  October 2nd 2015
planned I WAS going to do alot today.. 5+ hours of hiking, then it went down to 2h, then to a 40 mins jog, then by 3h00 pm down to a P90x3 program.. I still feel feeverish and with a runny nose.. hope I'll do it. Logging helps.

Interesting link from Peter Lakatos 's FB page

Monitoring training load exert                     RPE = rating of perceived exertion

This method of monitoring training load requires each athlete to provide an RPE for each exercise session (see Table 1in the related links below) along with a measure of training time (Foster et al. 2001). To calculate a measure of session intensity, athletes are asked within 30-minutes of finishing their workout a simple question such as ‘How was your workout?’ A single number representing the magnitude of training load for each session is then calculated by the multiplication of training intensity (RPE from Table 1) by the training session duration (minutes).

                Training load = session RPE x duration (minutes)

For example, to calculate the training load for a 30-minute training session with the athlete’s RPE being 5 (HARD), the following calculation would be made:

                                      Training load = 5 x 30 = 150 units.

but I've had for a very long time my own RPE.. I first though of it in 1983 when I was learning to walk again after being paralized in May '82. In december '82 I still had to use all my concentration and effort to go up the stairs outside to our appartement.. and in January '83 I realized that for the first time I COULD listen and understand what someone was saying to me while I was going up the stairs but couldn't answer / Now if I want to use this to calculate load,  I'll have to devide my ratings by 2, to give less importance to intensity compared to time, as minutes stay minutes..

Table 1 of above article :

0 Rest

1 Very, Very Easy

2 Easy

3 Moderate

4 Somewhat Hard

5 Hard


7 Very Hard



10 Maximal

Used at EC gym :

0 Rest

1 almost nothing

2 Easy

3 comfortable



5 moderate

6 good work-out

7 excellent work-out

8 very hard

9 throw up

10 dying

My own rating of perceived exertion :

0 Rest

1 boring, too easy

2 not even a warm-up

3  can explain how something works  or understand difficult concepts explained to me

4 can develop an idea (paragraph)

5 can exchange sentences

6 can reply with 3-4 words

7 can reply with a one sylable word

8 can listen to someone talking to me but not reply

9 can't even listen to (understand) someone talking to me

10 crash to the ground

done! 4h150 PM Off Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
do regular push-ups instead of #11 Gump jump push ups and TRX push-ups instead of # 18 Plyo Line Push-Ups
I forgot how cardio (1min /~20 sec rest) this was.. and it showed me that my right Glutes need the foam roller. Maybe later.

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups



I don't believe that just answering a few questions can give us a true evaluation..

but hey.. it makes me feel good and at least says that I'm on the right track..

ok, I never doubted it..

on harristrainingsystems  a VO2Max of 43 at 61 years old is "high". It takes 45 to be athletic and 50+ to be Olymic. / It is also Average for a woman 20-29 years old.

On good days, that IS how I feel.


planned BED AT 10h30 PM

Manif Front Commun Mtl : le gouvernement offre 0-0-1-1-1 %,
 recevoir autant moins que le coϋt de la vie est insultant.

SUNDAY,  October 4th 2015
found info.. Rivage / Lucille Brinck Roy 1923-2008 /  ιpoux de Marius Brinck 1922-1997 ( just when I started on IRC - Undernet #neige ) / their daughter 1951 -2001

Quand j'ai commencι ΰ chatter sur IRC #neige, le mari de Rivage venait de dιcιder. Les gens de #neige (incluant moi, la p'tite nouvelle) on s'est relayι pour κtre certain qu'il y avait toujours quelqu'un sur le canal "au cas oω" Rivage venait et avait besoin de parler ΰ quelqu'un ou de simplement ne pas κtre seule. Gaby et moi l'avons rencontrι 3 fois.. chez elle ΰ Maria en 1999?? ( ΰ vιrifier), puis ΰ Granby, puis en 2006 la derniθre fois. J'ai plusieurs fois aprθs, essayι de la rejoindre.  c'ιtait une personne merveilleuse qu'on aimait beaucoup.

9h06 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
still have sniffles but feel good.

NEW ON THE WEB   read "new to me" (2013)

Bokwa fitness

No Counting Steps
Because Bokwa steps are structured and based on the forms of letters and numbers, doing Bokwa does not require you to count steps, like a traditional 8 count followed by most dance fitness programs. Simply feel the music and freely move with the beat. And the dozens of other class participants that are sharing the energy and excitement with you.

I wonder when this will come to a gym near where I live. I have never experienced it but what I like about it is that since the moves are easy, it is easy to up the energy level. When in Zumba the moves are too fancy we spend our energy just following, and that's not as cardio.

BED AT 9h30 PM

MONDAY,  October 5th 2015

4h33 BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
46 mins  + / AveHR  132  80% / MaxHR  159  96%  / 440 cals / 35 % fat / 33mins InZone (75%+)
Good, (week 3/3) / I only changed my VO2 max according to Friday's test.. to 43 from 23 on my HR monitor, I don't understand why the calorie count si so much higher than the pas weeks for about the same exercises.. , but then I never really did understand my HR monitor

NOTE 2015-10-06 * found most of the answer

Plus la consommation d’oxygθne est grande, plus la dιpense calorique est ιlevιe.

            Sachant que l’humain a besoin d’oxygθne pour bouger et vivre, les chercheurs ont cherchι ΰ quantifier la consommation d’oxygθne. Ils ont choisi le symbole VO2 pour reprιsenter le volume (V) de consommation d’oxygθne (O2) en millilitres (ml). Pour exprimer la consommation d’oxygθne d’une personne, il faut aussi tenir compte de la durιe de l’activitι (min) et du poids de la personne (kg). Le volume de consommation maximale d’oxygθne est reprιsentι par VO2 max. La consommation d’oxygθne varie d’une personne ΰ l’autre pour une mκme activitι. Ιgalement, plus un effort est grand, plus la consommation d’oxygθne est grande.
         Comparons deux personnes lors d’une mκme activitι, par exemple, un entraξnement ΰ vιlo. La personne 1 (80 kg) s’entraξne rιguliθrement depuis plusieurs annιes; elle a un VO2 max de 60 ml/kg/minute. La deuxiθme personne (80 kg), plutτt sιdentaire, a un VO2 max de 28 ml/kg/minute, soit moins de la moitiι de la consommation de la personne 1. Si la personne 1 s’entraξne ΰ 75 % de sa capacitι maximale, elle consommera 45 ml/kg/minute. ΐ la mκme intensitι, la personne 2 consommera 21 ml/kg/minute. Selon vous, qui dιpensera le plus de calories sur une mκme durιe ? Rιponse : la personne 1, car plus la consommation d’oxygθne est grande, plus la dιpense calorique est ιlevιe. En amιliorant votre condition cardiovasculaire, vous augmenterez donc votre dιpense calorique par entraξnement

56 mins  + abs / AveHR  129  78% / MaxHR  157  95%  / 513 cals / 35 % fat / 32mins InZone (75%+)
(week 4/4) start at "weights" feeling good
Main course.
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Weights: Row and stand
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
Mats :
Floor : Jumping-Jacks
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 305 secs rest
Weights : shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
Steps : perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor
Mats : V-ups

Floor Plank  : running knees in -  cross - or spider
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on high steps with  2 x 5 kg

BED AT 9h30 PM

TUESDAY,  October 6th 2015

" La socialisation en personne lutte contre la dιpression chez les aξnιs "

Les participants βgιs de 50 ΰ 69 ans semblaient surtout tirer profit de rencontres avec des amis, tandis que ceux βgιs de 70 ans et plus avaient surtout besoin de rencontres avec leurs enfants et d'autres parents.

Est-ce parce que les « amis » des gens de plus de 70 ans sont en gιnιrale des « vieux » et c’est plus le fun d’κtre avec du mon plus actif? Si non, parce que les gens de 70 ans et plus rιalisent la « valeur » de la famille? Ou les gens de 70 ans et plus sont mieux traitιs par leur famille que par leurs amis? Je crois que le « pourquoi? » est important.

5h30 PM  P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 06 Kenpo X
I actually wanted to do the shorter P90X3 version, but was to lazy to get the log and paste it here when this one was already on the same page!!! LOL So I cut the cardio breaks and the WU and cool down. cardio : anyways, I do enough cardio the other days, I mainly need to move and balance.

#06 Kenpo X
saunders stretch cycle warm-up

1- Twist & Pivot — 25 each side
2- Twist & Pivot with Hook & Upper Cut — 25 each side
3- Jabs — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
4- Jab / Cross — 25 each side
5- Jab / Cross / Hook — 25 each side
6- Jab / Cross / Hook / Uppercut — 25 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

7- Step Drag / High-Low Punch — 20 reps +10 doubles each side
8- Jab / cross Switch — 20 reps
9- Hook / Uppercut Switch — 20 reps
10- Knee Kick — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
11- Ball Kick — 30 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

12- Side Kick — 30 reps each side
13- Back Kick — 25 reps
14- Three-Direction Kick — 72 reps
15- Side Lunge With High Sword / Low Hammer — 15 reps each side
16- Step Drag / Claw / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side

cardio break — 60 sec

17- High Block — 30 reps
18- Inward Block —30 reps
19- Outward Block — 30 reps
20- Downward Block — 30 reps
21- Star Block — 16 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

22- Front Shuffle with High Block / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side
23- Knee / Back Kick — 15 reps each side
24- Front & Back Knuckles / Ball Kick / Back Kick — 10 reps each side
25- Hook / uppercut / Low Side Kick — 10 reps each side
26- Elbow Series — 30 reps
27- Vertical Punches — 100 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

cool-down & stretch

ACHES & PAINS left quands :/

60 mins  TRIPLE-SWING /

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  October 7th 2015

23 mins 15-90 (R10-4) / 23 mins 1min-2mins ( R 8-6) / the rest cross-country  variable resistance
59 mins  + / AveHR  136  82% / MaxHR  150  90%  / 602 cals / 35 % fat / 54mins InZone
don't hold the handles much, and peddle backwards at time. In the 15 sec intervals I manage to go up to 18 METS for a few seconds a couple of times. 

Precor EFX 546

48+ mins  + / AveHR  126  76% / MaxHR  156  94%  / 414 cals / 40 % fat / 26mins InZone (75%+)
Main course : ( week 4 of 4 )
Starting at mats with push-ups : was fun and encouraging :) also some young guy in my group says "en tout cas, vous κtes en forme" :)
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Mats : Push-ups I go on knees after half time to put my hands in line with chest
Floor : Jumping-Jacks
Weights: BB
Rows  still a littlet difficult to turn my wrist into position
Steps : Cardio alternating touch-step
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 15 secs rest
Mats : V-ups
Floor Plank  : running knees in  
Weights :
shoulders : lateral raise / bring to front / down
Steps Perpendicular Power Squat and deep squat when on floor (most difficult)
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Hamstrings : butt lift on steps with 2 x 5 kg

 BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  October 8th  2015

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURΙKA school
come home early to get up early tomorrow., M-L B & A & T are already asleep., they came while we were at volleyball.

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  October 9th 2015

CAR TRIP TO BAIE DES CHALEURS, QC Leave at 4h15 am With M-L B & A & T, M-L B drives all the way and we have a nice time getting to know each other better.  / Gaby, M & RE & D leave mtl at 7h15 , arrive at about 4 am.

BED AT 9h30 PM at : Carleton-sur-Mer, " La maison bleue "

SATURDAY,  October 10th 2015

Party for supper and evening. 12 Adults / 9 children, very pleasant to meet son many of M-L's friends. Excellent Seafood Patι. A' 6th bd was on Oct 2nd and we have cake, candles and presants for her.

BED AT 10h30 PM at : Carleton-sur-Mer, " La maison bleue "

SUNDAY,  October 11th 2015

Sea shore : with Gaby, playground & Look-out

BED AT 9h30 PM at : Carleton-sur-Mer, " La maison bleue "

MONDAY,  October 12th 2015
Thanks Giving day, but not much time to think about it.

10h00 to 14h00 VISIT BadPillz (C.G.) in Pointe ΰ la Croix
M&M-L +4 planned to go to Mont St-Joseph, but I think that would bring us home to late, since we want to see our friend as well.

CAR TRIP HOME  via Mont-Joli with Gaby, my car,  supper at Le Normandin, Riviθre du Loup,  we arrive at 10h25 Manou texts me that they got home at 2 am.

BED AT 11h00 PM at : HOME

TUESDAY,  October 13th 2015
Take the day off from work to rest from week-end and celebrate the 10th anniversary of my fitness log.

JP FITNESS FORUM : I haven't been there for years, and it seems almost dead, but I post my thank-you message :

JP FITNESS FORUM   I see that there isn't much action on the forum these days so I'm posting this here as well as in the logging section. I know that the administrators will wisely choose to take one down, or leave both as they feel best.

Dropping in for the 10th anniversary of my fitness log. Hello All !

Hello good people of JP FITNESS !

Note the date 10-13-2005, 11:44 PM
that means that 10 years ago today, I was starting to log my fitness journey. A few months later I realized that this log was not exactly what I wanted and moved it over to my web page, where I continued.. and am still logging ! I came back here to of say "Thank-you JP Fitness" for giving me the incentive to start logging, even if I moved away, I remember that this is where I started.

Marykaa's Fitness Logs

Quote Originally Posted by Marykaa View Post     FLASHBACK TO 2005!

10-13-2005, 11:44 PM

THIS WEEK *typical schedule*
(12 minute warm-up on staionary bike at a HR of about 115 bpm)

*Unless I mention otherwise, I take about 30 second rests between sets, and
do the extercises 3-0-3 secs.

1) 2x15 squats on a Bosu with the round part on the floor and 20 lbs weights
in a pack-sac (like when I X-country ski). I keep my feet about 6" apart and try to close my eyes sometimes. This is only a balancing exercise.

2) 2x15 Streight legged Dead Lifts. I started at 33 lbs , am at 66 lbs, starting to feel the last lifts but still easy.

3) 2x15 each leg : Standing on left leg slightly bent, leaning slightly forwords, with 8 lb ankle weights right leg, I bend my right leg to bring my right knee in front of me and then extend my leg diagonally to the back, my foot is then about 12 " from the ground.

4) 2x15 Hip Adduction. sitting, 115 lbs on Nautilus machine.

5 ) 2x15 pulls 37,5 lbs on Freedom trainer but with the apparatus' metal arms at mid-thigh level in front of me (E7), I pull straight-armed down and back and so in the end my hands are behind me .(1,5-0-3 secs)

6) 2x15 Dumbell Press , narrow hold. 12,5 lbs in each hand with my head and shoulders on a Swiss (fitness) ball. My body in the air and my knees bent.

7) 2x20 Bent arm Lateral Lifts. My physical therapists says to stay at this weight cause I'm still sore from a shoulder bursites (from a fall I took this summer, roller blading)

8)2x20 each side. Oblique Abs.. lying down on my back, with legs and arms
appart.. I lift my legs and arms so that my right hand touches my left foot. back
down without touching the ground with my legs or arms. ( I can't really do
2x20 each side yet, It's more like 20+15+5 each side.... ( about 1-0-1 secs.)

9)2x15, leg lifts and plevic curls : on inclined bench, on the 3rd bar (my rythm is about 1-1-1-1 secs.)

10) 2 times for as long as I can hold.. push-up position on elbows : I do about 2 x 75 seconds.. but my right elbow really hurts from an old wound.

CARDIO : (after weight training)
on eliptical (Precor 546)
*5 mins warm-up on eliptical
*20 mins ; Intervals : 5x ( 2 mins at about 8 METs, 2 mins at about 12-15
METs) My HR during the intervals is around 155-160 in the second minute of the high zone. And the max METs I saw was 18.
*5 mins cool-down.
FELEXIBILITY : about 8-12 mins.. I'd like to do more but rarely have any
energy left for more.
Ballroom dance class ( 1 hour relaxed)
WEIGHTS : same as on mondays.
CARDIO : (after weight training)
20 mins step-climber : manual program.. progressivly harder..
20 mins eliptical with arms movement.. this week : cross-country program
My HR average is around 148 for the workout.
FLEXIBILITY : same as on mondays
CARDIO : 60 mins eliptical (Precor 576i and Precor 546) with .mp3s and 3 different cross-country Programs
FLEXIBILITY : same as on mondays
hiking as often as I can.. about 3-4 hour hikes. If not.. something else
Groupe fitness class.. 90 mins aerobics/steps/strength/relaxation
Nothing planned ahead.

I'm not sure how effective all this is.. (I'll know better with the snow..) but it's fun. I do think there is something missing.. like more "power" : exercises to gain speed in skiing..

3h15 PM P90X3 HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program Eccentric Lower ~ 30 mins
ouch!! Why is my right glute hurting so muchhhh? The butt lifts last Wednesday? that seems soooo long ago..

P90X3 #8b     Eccentric Lower
1. Squats
2. Lunge
3. Sumo
4. Weighted Pistol
5. Side Kick
6. Front Kick
7. Albanian Squat
8. Adductor Lunge
9. Cross Reach
10. TT Pluss
11. Bridge Kicks
12. Hip Flexor Splits
13. Calf Dog

3h45 PM P90X3  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program Eccentric Upper ~ 30 mins
Dot the Pulling exercises with the Black band and some of the push-ups and Triceps with the TRX. I need to do this more often to get back into it.

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

READING Actualitι : Essentrics de Miranda Esmonde-White.

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  October 14th 2015

23 mins 15-90 (R10-4) / 23 mins 1min-2mins ( R 8-6) / the rest cross-country  variable resistance
52 mins  + / AveHR  141  85% / MaxHR  160  96%  / 552 cals / 30 % fat / 51mins InZone
Start my HR monitor just after 10 mins.. (forgot) so that's AFTER my WU..

Precor EFX 556 ~30 mins
Precor EFX 546 ~30 mins


50+ mins  + / AveHR  132  80% / MaxHR  158  95%  / 481 cals / 35 % fat / 34mins InZone (75%+)
Main course : ( week 1 of 4 ) I like it. / google reverse flyes, maybe I'll try with DB5s ..
45 secs / 15 secs  rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps : lie on back, chest flys
Plank This is not enough.. maybe I'll add some push-ups next time.
Floor : Burpees
  / lean forwards
reverse flyes DB8s (DB rear lateral raise)
explanations  / 2 mins rest
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 45 secs / 15 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Steps Perpendicular straddle.. up up down down (pneus rapides)
Mats : Ruission Twists DB 10
Stage  : Start both feet up, step down just to touch and up again / alternate 
Weights :
Rocket launcher tricep kick backs DB8s
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Squats and bicep curls DB8s

 BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  October 15th 2015
only half a day at work cause I have app with MH Arpin, all is well.

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURΙKA school
We're 14 including a 12? year old who probably won't be back starting next week. She's nice, her father organizes the VB, and maybe in few years she'll grow stronger and be a regular..  we stop at 9h15 because really quite a few people seem to have the flu. (including Gaby but not me :) I feel good. but took Advils before going 'cause of DOMS from last two days.

BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  October 16th  2015
Gaby has the flue, stays at home.

4h3 0 PM OFF Program P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Goes well, "difficile ΰ souhait" and I still like this WO.

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, Burnout (Punch and Sprawl)

DIET  Scared to weigh myself

SATURDAY,  October 17th 2015

1h30 PM OFF Program P90X3 : #1b  CVX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Use DB 8 even for the exercises that I should use DB 5, (# 2-6-11 ) too lazy to go get the DB 5 in the other room, and think too much about my right glute that is still hurting.

P90X3    #1b    CVX
1.  Press Jacks
2.  Atlas Twist *
3. March & Reach
         Repeat 1-2-3
4. Traveling Tire Twist
5. Frog Squat Reach
6. Arc Press Lunge *
         Repeat 4-5-6
7. Hop Overs
8. Balance Pull
9.  Twist & Pivot
          Repeat 7-8-9
10. Side Reach Jumps
11.  Crescent Chair  *
12. Globe Squatters

planned 7h45 PM BALLROOM DANCE PRACTICE  at home
15 mins  TRIPLE-SWING But Gabriel is sick

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  October 18th 2015

9h06 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne Saint-Pierre
Feeling bad DOMS in my left shoulder and right glutes.. so I can't really enjoy the class, but it feels good to move.

planned BED AT 9h30 PM

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