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THURSDAY, August 4th 2016

PLANNING héhé.. by pure coincidence.. starting my fitnesslog 111 same day as I plan for the NE 111

The Northeast 111 Club

The Northeast 111 Club recognizes those who have climbed all of the 4000-footers in the northeastern United States.  When the list was first compiled there were only 111 peaks.  There are now actually 115 peaks that comprise the list.  To be eligible for the Northeast 111 Club you must be a member of the New England Four Thousand Footer Club, the Adirondack 46ers club and have climbed Slide Mountain and Hunter Mountain in the Catskill Mountains of New York.

To get an official application for the Northeast 111 Club, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Mike Dickerman
P.O. Box 385
Littleton, NH 03561

For other Northeast 111 Club inquiries you may email Mike at

BED AT 9h30 PM

FRIDAY, August 5th 2016

1h30 Off Program FOCUS T25 : # Alpha — Cardio ~ HOME FITNESS with Shaun-T 
Haven't done it in a long time..  it's very difficult.. continuous.. but I need it.

T25 Alpha — Cardio
1- Alternating knee lift
2. Lift on toes
3. Slow control jog
High knee jog
5. Jack feet
6. Double Jack feet
7. Double Jack & arms
8. Basic Jack
9. Pivot lunge & Step in
10. Pivot lunge & hop
11. Pivot lunge & touch knee
Pivot lunge & touch floor
13. Heel tap up and back L
14. Heel tap up and back R
15. Lateral sprint
16. Lateral Mountain climbers
17. Jump rope
18. Jump rope up & back
19. Jump rope up & back slow
20. ½ tuck jump
Burn-Out :
21. Basic Jack
22. Pivot lunge & touch floor
23. Lateral Mountain Climber
24. ½ tuck jump

25. Control squat
26. Hop squat
27. High Heels up & back
28. High Heels squat side to side
29. On your marck & sprint L
On your mark & sprint R
31. On your mark Up and down L
On your mark Up and down R
33. Low Kick
35. Low Kick on toes
36. Hich switch kick
37. Running small lunge
38. Split lunge agility (front & side Jacks)
39. Jack feet out & in
40. Speed & agility
 (front & side Jacks)
Burn-Out :
41. HH Squat
42. On your mark & up double
43. On your mark &?
44. Switch high kick

45. Speed & agility
  (front & side Jacks)
46. Hop up & back
47. Hop side to side
48. Alt speed knee slow
49. Alt speed knee fast
50. High knee jog
51. High knee jog slow

BED AT 9h30 PM

SATURDAY, August 6th 2016

11h00 AM JOGGING From home It's 27°C in the SHADE and my run is 98% in the sun. cross the street a couple of times to get in the shade of a tree or two for a few seconds. / It's the first time I run with water (the little bottle that I bought for Gaterade but didn't like it for hiking) fits well in a very old bottle holder. and I even have a hankerchief with me. / actually take 2 wrong turns and don't do the route I wanted to, but it's ok. jogg for the first 30 mins, then alternate as I feel.

43 mins / AveHR  145  87% / MaxHR  161 97 %  / 480 cals / 25 % fat / 41  mins InZone (75%+)

STRETCHING  30 mins sort of Extento? by Alexandre Despatie.. but mostly just what I want/need

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY, August 7th 2016
PM visit M+ML+2 I try Trampoline for a few minutes

NO stress NO HR monitor..
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. today : Steps at 10 " . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .

Put the lagre screen TV on the Rio Olympics for motivation. It actually helps :)

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips 
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

 BED AT 10h30 PM .But really don't sleep well.. think too much.

" Listen to every avenue of information you come across and then filter out what is not for you. "

Archer Crispin Deunas"

TUESDAY, August 9th 2016

8h00 PM P90X+ ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
With Gabriel. THANK-YOU SO MUCH Gaby.. I've been having trouble getting back into it. Yet it felt so good!

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM 

WEDNESDAY,  August 10th 2016

4h35 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
48 mins / AveHR  131  79% / MaxHR  155 93 %  / 449 cals / 35 % fat / 36  mins InZone (75%+)
More varied than last year. nice.

51 mins / AveHR  126  76% / MaxHR  154 93 %  / 451 cals / 40 % fat / 30  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU with good music :) // ABS & Stretching after WO ( Week 1 of 4 )
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) &  40 secs / 20 secs rest & 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor DB15s : Burpees with rows instead of jumps
Speed ladder :
Steps in line:
 hands on step Spiderman  each side - move to next step

Bossu : flat side up / 5 kg plate
 Kayak row alternating sides
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : parallel power squat on step / 2-4-6 : "pneus rapides"
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : pushups with feet on step / 2-4-6 perpendicular balance sitting on step

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  August 11th 2016
See Normand M jogging as I go to work.. He's 78 years old.. nice!

6h06 PM ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Emilie L
49 mins  + / AveHR  142  86% / MaxHR  163  98%  / 532 cals / 30 % fat / 48 mins InZone (75%+)
First Zumba in a long time. fun.

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY, August 12th 2016
Bonne fête Gaby mon amour!

11h52 AM JOGGING From home It's 21° C, cloudy, light wind.. love it I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod  // This time I jog all the time, and don't get lost LOL
45 mins / AveHR  140  84% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 471 cals / 30 % fat / 40  mins InZone (75%+)
I'm really slow.. "
Age-Graded Score: 45.24%  Time: 32:39" but I never WAS I won't become fast as I age.

DIET : 140 lbs

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUATURDAY, August 13th 2016

NO stress NO HR monitor..
Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. today : Steps at 10 " / dips at 12" . routine on PAPER, have music from ceiling speakers, ,
Put the lagre screen TV on the Rio Olympics for motivation    have ceiling fan and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .
All done with 28lbs pacsac on my back.
NEXT TIME I'LL change the order like on table 2  to take the weight off for the running exercises, not just the dips./  #1-6 from Backpacker's Magazine and # Runner's Knee-up and Lunge to butt kick  from Runner's Magazine

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Side Step-ups L/R
2 DB 20s Shrugs with calf raises
3 Single DB 8 front Squats L/R
4 Walking Lunges alternate
5 Plank step-outs L/R
6 Front-loaded good-mornings DB8
7 Lunge to butt kick  L/R
8 Runner's knee-up, extend, flex, scrape ground L/R
9 Push-ups (Knee)
10 Dips (not weighted)
SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times  ( I will do this NEXT TIME )
1 Side Step-ups L/R
2 DB 20s Shrugs with calf raises
3 Single DB 8 front Squats L/R
4 Walking Lunges alternate
5 Plank step-outs L/R
6 Front-loaded good-mornings DB8
7 Push-Ups (Knee)
8 Runner's knee-up, extend, flex, scrape ground L/R (not weighted)
9 Lunge to butt kick L/R (not weighted)
10 Dips (not weighted)

table 1                                                  table 2  Next  time..   

BED AT 10h30 PM .

SUNDAY, August 14th 2016
Boring day.. happens.

7h18 PM P90X  ~ OFF-PROGRAM HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 02 Plyometrics
54 mins / AveHR  119  71% / MaxHR  150  90%  / 328 cals / 45 % fat / 24 mins InZone (75%+) 
didn't know what to do today. This was good.

#02 Plyometrics
warm up & stretch

1- Jump Squat 30 sec
2- Run-stance Squat
30 sec
3- Airborne Heisman
30 sec
4- Swing Kick
60 sec

repeat 1-2-3-4

water break 30 sec

5- Squat Reach Jump
30 sec
6- Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-Up
30 sec
7- Double airborne Heisman
30 sec
8- Circle Run
30 sec each direction

repeat 5-6-7-8

water break 30 sec

9- Jump Knee Tuck
30 sec
10- Mary Katherine Lunges
30 sec
11- Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
12- Twist Combo
60 sec

repeat 9-10-11-12

water break 30 sec

13- Rock Star Hop
15 sec each side
14- Gap Jump
30 sec
15- Squat Jack
30 sec
16- Military March
60 sec

repeat 13-14-15-16

water break 30 sec

17- Run Squat 180 Jump Switch
30 sec
18- Lateral Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
19- Monster Truck Tire
30 sec
20- Hot Foot
30 sec each foot

repeat 17-18-19-20

water break 30 sec

21- Pitch & Catch
30 sec each side
22- Jump Shot
30 sec each side
23- Football Hero
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM 

MONDAY, August 15th 2016

7h15 PM JOGGING From home It's 22° C, I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod   I think in time I'll be able to Score 50% .

AveHR  145  87% / MaxHR  161 97 %  / 430 cals / 25 % fat / 37  mins InZone
ON 2016-08-12 :
Age-Graded Score: 45.24%  Time: 32:39
Age-Graded Score: 49.16% Time: 30:02

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  August 16th 2016

7h00 PM  OFF-PROGRAM P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
I think maybe I'll dow P90X3 doubles again as a program in spetember

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, Burnout (Punch and Sprawl) A-Z abs & 7x15 chien L/R

BED AT 11 h15 PM

WEDNESDAY,  August 17th 2016
Manou gives conference in Orlando on saturday.. brings grils

4h34 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
51 mins / AveHR  123  74% / MaxHR  156 94 %  / 493 cals / 40 % fat / 33  mins InZone (75%+)

51 mins / AveHR  132  80% / MaxHR  154 93 %  / 484 cals / 35 % fat / 36  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO ( Week 2 of 4 )
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) &  40 secs / 20 secs rest & 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor DB15s : Burpees with rows instead of jumps
Speed ladder :
Steps in line:
 hands on step Spiderman  each side - move to next step

Bossu : flat side up / 5 kg plate
 Kayak row alternating sides
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5-7 : parallel power squat on step / 2-4-6-6 : "pneus rapides"
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : pushups with feet on step / 2-4-6 perpendicular balance sitting on step

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  August 18th 2016
Nice day with E&D. / Gaby works but Bday cake, balloons and drawings for him at supper time. I'm at the gym

6h08 PM ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Emilie L
51 mins  + / AveHR  126  76% / MaxHR  143  86%  / 451 cals / 45 % fat / 30 mins InZone (75%+)
As soon as I get a little used to the routines (this is my 2nd time) my HR goes down.. .

BED AT 10h30 PM

D looses her first baby tooth :)

SATURDAY, August 20th 2016
Gabriel works on the shed roof.

NO stress NO HR monitor..
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. today : Steps at 10 " . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips 
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners
SPARTACUS :  1 min each. ONE ROUND ONLY — this needs tweaking..
1 upper ABS
2 lower ABS A-M
3 lower ABS N-Z & rest
4 diagonal ABS bicycle 
5 Glutes chien -Right
6 Glutes chien - Left
7 upper ABS
8 lower ABS
9 side-plank Right
10 side-plank Left

BED AT 10h30 PM .B

SUNDAY,  August 21st 2016
Gabriel works on the shed roof.

3h00 PM  OFF-PROGRAM P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
ACHES & PAINS I don't want to do Plyo because my left metatarsals hurt.

how well can I do this WO ?

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, Burnout (Punch and Sprawl) A-Z abs & 7x15 chien L/R

BED AT 11 h15 PM

MONDAY, August 22nd 2016
Lots of changes at work with ?->YB->HMG->ND->BD-> SRM

7h27 PM JOGGING From home It's 17° C and no wind.. beautiful sunset really perfect, I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod   Very slow today, but I thought I was fast and it went well! LOL still at ~5km
43m34s AveHR  142  86% / MaxHR  155 93 %  / 469 cals / 30 % fat / 42  mins InZone (75%+)

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  August 23rd 2016

7h00 PM  OFF-PROGRAM P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
It was very difficult today.. I just didn't have the intensety (maybe because of 24°C / 70% humidity). So I decided to do it very "technical".

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, Burnout (Punch and Sprawl) V-ups

BED AT 10h15 PM

WEDNESDAY,  August 24th 2016 

4h34 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
50 mins / AveHR  131  79% / MaxHR  153 92 %  / 470 cals / 40 % fat / 37  mins InZone (75%+)
Tabatas all the way

45 mins / AveHR  128  77% / MaxHR  152 92 %  / 409 cals / 40 % fat / 29  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO ( Week 3  of 4 )
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) &  40 secs / 20 secs rest & 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor DB15s : Burpees with rows instead of jumps
Speed ladder :
Steps in line:
 hands on step Spiderman  each side - move to next step

Bossu : flat side up / 5 kg plate
 Kayak row alternating sides
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5-7 : parallel power squat on step / 2-4-6-6 : "pneus rapides"
6 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : pushups with feet on step / 2-4-6 perpendicular balance sitting on step

planned BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  August 25th 2016

5h01 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume François B at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  127  77% / MaxHR  159 96 %  / 531 cals / 40 % fat / 37  mins InZone (75%+)
I like his classes alot. François will be giving the Monday evening classes starting Sept. 12th.

6h03 PM CXWORX ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume at Beloeil/MacMasterville
6h35 PM POWER CARDIO ~ GROUP FITNESS with Guillaume at Beloeil/MacMasterville
6h07 PM "FULL BODY WORK OUT" ~ GROUP FITNESS with Jean Hébert at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  118  71% / MaxHR  149 90 %  / 419 cals / 45 % fat / 10  mins InZone (75%+)
Very hard, excellent WO /
2 new stretchs :
Romboids.. : sitting on floor, knees bent, wrap hands around feet, straighten legs, rounding shoulders
oblique dorsals : lying on the back, right leg in the aire, knee slightly bent.  hold foot with left hand, bending ankle towards left. Straighten leg to pulll arm (and back muscles) . repeat on other side.

Talk alot with a lady after.. would be nice to have a friend here :) Roxanne ,

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY, August 26th 2016
DIET 140 lbs

My FB status today.. "Un super 5 à 7 à McMasterville hier.. HEIN? moi à un 5 à 7 !! ?? oui.. cardio-militaire de 5 à 6 et Full Body workout de 6 à 7.. *rire* Merci François & Jean!"

NO stress NO HR monitor.. do it at an average speed.. can't work at high intensity all the time, that wouldn't be good.
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. today : Steps at 10 " . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .

Put the lagre screen TV just for company, Gaby went outside, first time with music, for a 3 km jog/walk..

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips  on stools
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

 BED AT 10h30 PM .

Épluchette de blé d'inde chez NT. talk with all..

SUNDAY, August 28th 2016

8h00 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — OFF-Program  # 07 Stretching
57 mins+ with Gabriel . in log 73 I said : " really have to get back to doing this, even if it doesn't burn calories! " same.
I modify some of the exercies I feel aren't good for me.. 11-13-14-20-22-14...

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

 planned BED AT 10h30  PM

MONDAY, August 29th 2016

7h19 PM JOGGING From home It's 21° C, cloudy, light wind.. love it / I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod  5 km
42 mins / AveHR  139  84% / MaxHR  151 91 %  / 438 cals / 30 % fat / 39  mins InZone (75%+)
Gaby does his first 3km with my old .mp3 player and the Cardio1 playlist that he puts on my iPod afterwards.

BED AT 10h00 PM

TUESDAY, August 30th 2016

8h00 PM P90X+ ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
With Gabriel.

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM But don't sleep well.. wake up often, don't really know why.

WEDNESDAY,  August 31st 2016

4h34 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
48 mins / AveHR  123  74% / MaxHR  156 94 %  / 405 cals / 40 % fat / 24  mins InZone (75%+)
ok, but it takes me a long time to really warm up.. - my lower back hurts even though I took 2 advils

5h34 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Yan Fontaine (will be on vacation 'til Sept. 21st)
50 mins / AveHR  131  79% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 473 cals / 35 % fat / 34  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO ( Week 4  of 4 )
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  40 secs / 20 secs rest
Floor DB10s : Burpees with rows instead of jumps
Speed ladder :
Steps in line:
 hands on step Spiderman  each side - move to next step

Bossu : flat side up / 5 kg plate
 Kayak row alternating sides
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs on 8" steps
TABATA  1-3-5-7 : parallel power squat on step / 2-4-6-8 : "pneus rapides"
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : pushups with feet on step / 2-4-6 perpendicular balance sitting on step
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  Static lunges / knee to mat. alternate sides at each set.

BED AT 10h00 PM I should pack for the WE but too tired.. gather some stuff, wash clothes.

THURSDAY,  September 1st 2016
Big day at work..

5h02 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  134  81% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 580 cals / 35 % fat / 46  mins InZone (75%+)
I lik.

6h03 PM CXWORX ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
I still don't like the CXWORX but admit it's good exercise. / I forgot to start my HR monitor.

6h34 PM POWER CARDIO ~ GROUP FITNESS with Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  132  80% / MaxHR  149 90 %  / 250 cals / 35 % fat / 10  mins InZone (75%+)
Push myself and feel yesterday's WOs in my abs..

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  September 2nd 2016
Day 1

CAR TRIP to Lincoln Wood Center
departure : 9h30 AM / 1 hour wait at Stanstead  Border Crossing.
lunch at: The Parson's Corner

BACKPACK IN 2,9 mi, 1h10min
from Lincoln Forest visitor Center at 15h00
to Franconia Brook East Tentsite

Blue line, on road only  

Too easy on easy road. Too many dogs...

At tentsite :

places are grouped together.

No plants between spots but alot of trres.

We have bear canisters so don't need the bear box.

Many non-hikers.

A guy & his nephew try-out their hammocs near us.

2 Montrealer Girls living in Massachussets at site #18

BED AT 8h00 PM Camping  Franconia Brook East Tentsite #16

SATURDAY,  September 3rd 2016
Day 2

Owl's Head Mountain, NH 42/48, NE 98/115
With Gabriel
HIKING  start 7h10 am Finish at 4h25 pm
12.6 miles
9°C -> 17° Sunny
water 2 ½ liters

ABOVE Crossing the Pemigewasset early morning was "refreshing" no need for coffee to wake up!

My left leg shakes from Wednesday & Thursday's Work-outs as I put my hiking boots back on.

RIGHT meet a "red line" hiker for the first time!  That is he is doing all the trails on the map!

PINK line UP and DOWN

ABOVE Lots of stream crossings. easy approach for 3 hours before loose rock slide //  no view on summit but wonderful view of Lincoln-Lafayette from the slide

BED AT 8h00 PM Camping  Franconia Brook East Tentsite  #16 ALOT of hikers at campground arriving at all hours of the evening.

SUNDAY,  September 4th 2016
Day 3

Bondcliff Mountain, 2nd time
With Gabriel
HIKING  start 7h38
UP : 4 hours
Walk about / pictures/ lunch / pictures and talk with alot of people : 1h20 mins
DOWN : 3,½ hours

water : test my "Pristine" pills .. 2 liters / 1½ liters filtered

12.6 miles
9°C -> 17° Sunny


RIGHT : On the Bondcliff "spot" but we'd taken the classic photo last year, so I wanted another angle.

alot of people at summit, but since it's not our first time there, it's ok.

no wind at all, makes alot of difference on "the spot"


crossing Pemigewasset again twice today. higher in the AM and lower in the PM but I'm tired so don't even try to rock hop. I like my Keen sandals

Gaby doesn't feel well for most of the climb, but ok afterwards

Talk quite a bit with the Caretaker.

Campfire by Gaby is nice :) but still go to bed early

Campground is restfull, our neighbors are gone.

MAP The rest of the yellow line was our long day hike in 2015.


YELLOW line to pink circle Bondcliff


BED AT 8h00 PM Camping  Franconia Brook East Tentsite  #16

MONDAY,  September 5th 2016
Day 4

from Franconia Brook East Tentsite
to Lincoln Forest visitor Center at 11h40

Blue line, via Pine Island Trail  

Lazy morning packing

Leave campground at 10 am.

Pine Island Trail is not longer but it is a trail, not a road. nice.

departure : 12h00 AM /
lunch at: Subway at Loon Mountain Ski Slopes
10 mins at North Troy Border Crossing.
home at 5h10 PM

 planned BED AT 10h30 PM AT HOME

TUESDAY,  September 6th 2016

7h32 PM JOGGING From home It's 20° C and getting dark / I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod  5 km+
46 mins / AveHR  136  82% / MaxHR  159 96 %  / 457 cals / 35 % fat / 40  mins InZone (75%+)
Gaby also runs but we only cross each other once.

BED AT 10h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  September 7th 2016

4h37 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
55 mins / AveHR  113  69% / MaxHR  151 91 %  / 403 cals / 45 % fat / 19  mins InZone (75%+)
ok, but feel heavy, and sort of slim at tthe same time (wgt 138 lbs)

5h34 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Sylvie-Anne  Yan Fontaine
44 mins / AveHR  103  66% / MaxHR  142 86 %  / 288 cals / 50 % fat / 13  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO / Sylvie-Anne is filming for her certification.. so it's a boring class
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor DB10s : Squats with Militairy presses
Hurdles : :
2 feet jumps / I do it on the side because people don't do them properly but too fast.
Mats :
 crunchs 3 x 3

Bossu :
burpees holding bossu
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor DB10s : Lunges with biceps curls
Hurdles :  Lateral run
  / I do it on the side because people don't do them properly but too fast.
Mats :
 abs : slow, twisting bicycle

Bossu :
pivoting Push-ups, feet/knees on Bossu
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  1-3-5 : burpees  / 2-4-6 from plank, twisting arm-lift

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  September 8th 2016
Gaby goes to volleyball that starts tonight, but I want to do this last day of the summer session

5h01 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  135  81% / MaxHR  159 96 %  / 528 cals / 30 % fat / 42  mins InZone (75%+)
Last week of the summer session, go Guillaume says he makes us work harder. I work as hard as I can anyways :)

6h05 PM CXWORX ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
26 mins / AveHR  100  60% / MaxHR  159 77 %  / 128 cals / 60 % fat / 0  mins InZone (75%+

6h35 PM POWER CARDIO ~ GROUP FITNESS with Guillaume Nolin at Beloeil/MacMasterville
 mins / AveHR  130  78% / MaxHR  149 90 %  / 243 cals / 40 % fat / 20  mins InZone (75%+)
Luckily yesterday wasn't too hard. but I really feel my shoulders from the TaeBoxe.

BED AT 9h30 PM

FRIDAY,  September 9th 2016
DIET : 138 lbs

READING  I don't have access to the so I'll need to Google on the subject. Seems interesting.

on ADK highpeak forums / a new way to prevent muscle cramps

“For decades physicians and other experts in sports medicine have theorized that a cramp was the result of a muscle that was dehydrated, or starved of electrolytes, or suffering tears in its micro-fibers and cell membranes. Now, more experts are beginning to believe we may have been thinking wrongly about cramps all along. “

“The primary origin of the cramp is the nerve, not the muscle. “

“After perusing the existing research he and Dr. Bean hypothesized that they could modify the nervous system, including the motor neurons controlling muscle, by applying a strong sensory input and by stimulating receptors in the mouth and esophagus—which is how scientists describe ingesting pungent tasting foods. The pungent-taste overloads nerve receptors, producing a kind of numbing effect. “

A lot of elite athletes swear by pickle juice as the cure for cramps. It seems these scientists are discovering why that works!

PLANNED, BUT maybe NOT.. I need a rest day. 7h32 PM JOGGING From home NOPE.. NOT TODAY.

BED AT 9h30 PM I don't feel well

SATURDAY, September 10th 2016
I don't feel well.. my HR is at 45 and I'm dizzy alot. Eat to try to get some energy but feel bad about eating..

Do this WO (relaxed) hoping I'll feel better, and I do!
43 mins / AveHR  118  71% / MaxHR  146 88 %  / 339 cals / 45 % fat / 19  mins InZone (75%+)
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. today : Steps at  8" . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .

Put the lagre screen TV just for company, Gaby is mowing the lawn ..

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips  on stools
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

7h14 PM JOGGING From home It's 20° C and getting dark / I run with little water l in a very old bottle holder. and have a hankerchief with me and of course my iPod  5km+
WU 11 mins / 3 x 15sec  run - 10 secs walk 80 jog / 2 x 15 secs jog quick / 90 secs jog /
33 mins / AveHR  144  87% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 353 cals / 25 % fat / 29  mins InZone (75%+)
Alternate walk & jog cool-down
10 mins / AveHR  131  79% / MaxHR  150 90 %  / 88 cals / 40 % fat / 6   mins InZone (75%+)

BED AT 10h30 PM .