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FRIDAY,  December 30th 2016

Party chez Nathalie G & René

BED AT 1h30 AM

SATURDAY,  December 31st 2016

Elite  Mag  Elastogel  Home Trainer - 60 mins (2-3 on trainer  / 4 on bike)
I haven't done this in a long time..LILD (Low intensity long distance)

Actually set it up with Gaby's bike for his knee rehab.. but since by lowering the seat  it's just my size, I couldn't resist. (December  2006)


Sony Wireless Over-Ear Headphones (MDRRF985RKC) December 2014

New Year's Resolution : Got to get by on track with Diet. weight : 146 lbs

BED AT 12h30 AM

SUNDAY, January 1st 2017
Get up at 8h00, Gaby at noon.

5h15 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2
Since doing Amélie CrossFit style on December 29th, I decided that I want to do a review of the WOs that I have from her.
Do this one on Batchata music.. just right for today.

WU- 4 mins cycling

Bloc 1           50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : 30 secs lents 20 secs rapide

Squat triceps Kickback

Bloc 2              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire

Dead lift / rameur

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Side kicks, gauche

Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté

Squats large avec coudes biceps

Jog sur place

7h30 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
mins with Gaby.+

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero

23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

 BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, January 2nd 2017

Group fitness with François Beloeil/McMasterville

This is the LAST CLASS ! no more starting next week!

5h02 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE Group fitness with François B at Beloeil/McMasterville
54 mins / AveHR  134  81% / MaxHR  154 93 %  / 511 cals / 35 % fat / 43  mins InZone (75%+)

WU : 1 run, 1 squat, 2 runs, 2 squats,  3 runs, 3 squats, 4 runs, 4 squats, 5 runs, 5 squats, 6 runs, 6 squats, 7 runs, 7 squats, 8 runs, 8 squats, 9 runs, 9 squats, 10 runs, 10 squats.
ok, I just wanted you to understand it was long..

main course :

1 min each, 3 times

fentes croisées arrière / burpees

1 min each, 3 times

push-ups / football

1,5  min each, 3 times

planche faciale / mary-katherines

1 min each, 3 times

crunch / floor touch  alternate

FINISHER : 30 seconds  each, 3 times high knees / rest or heel to butt

BED AT 9h30 PM

TUESDAY, January 3rd 2017
M+2 come at 2 PM

10h15 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #14 with Gabriel who stops at 5, probably because he just got up and hasn't eaten breakfast..

each pair is done 20-5 / 15-10 / 10-15 / 5-20 times


Sumo squats

Jump sumo squats


Static lunge (up & down) ea side

step back lunge ea side


Wide Squat - ea side leg lift

static squat leg lifts ea side


Squat - tricep kickbacks



Jumping Jacks



1 leg hamstrings ea side

butt lift


Squats DB 8s

Jump squats side to side


Russian twists ea side

flexion latéral du tronc DB8 ea side


Front lunge ea side

Front knees ea side


Abs : leg lifts

Abs : crunches

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  January 4th 2017

READING  “There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.”   

38 mins ~ no HR monitor but AS USUAL : have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan, and floor fan and a yoga mat.  Add to that water, a headband, BUT FIRST TIME :  NO PAUSE between repeating the sets. it was different.
Steps at 8"

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times 

1 Step-ups L&R
2 short side Traverses 
3 Power Squats
4 Dips
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L&R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  January 6th 2017
2nd day that I didn't sleep well.. backache :/ 
M+2 leave at 6pm
D says "Bye-bye Mamy-Lou, bye-bye Papy-Gaby"

7h25 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style # 10  10-15-20-25 Advil before I start.
with Gaby who does Abs for part B : Crunches / Front plank / Side plank L / Side plank R / Bicycle


A) do 10-15-20-25 reps
(alternate with partner)

B ) do continously  while partner does numbered exercise


Squat -  side kick left ½L ½R

Sumo squat  with Biceps DB8s


diagonal Push-up -  other diagonal

1 Burpee and 4 knees


Squat déménageur ½L ½R

2 power squat forward, 6 run back


Dolphin Hop

Squat - back lunge


Squat - développer militaire

Mountain climber


1 min each / 15 secs rest / just ONE round

1 Crunches
2 Plank Right 
3 Bicycle
4 Plank Left
5 Hand to toe, alternate
6 Plank Front
7 Diagonal V-ups ½L ½R
8 Plank Right
9 Plank Left
10 Plank Front

144 lbs down 2 lbs

BED AT 10h30 PM and sleep well until 4h20 am. but again after breakfast.. no back-ache.. encorphines?

SATURDAY,  January 7th 2017

1h30 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #7 ~ 90-30

3 blocks of 5 stations

90 secs each, 30 secs rest between stations,

1. lunge with dévelopé militaire
2. on back with elastic, legs up, press apart
3. step-ups on 8" steps
4. chair on wall
5. forward in-outs on speed ladder

2 mins rest between blocks

1. squats with biceps
2. crunches
3.  power squats over 8" steps and jump and turn
4. 1 leg abduction - change at 45 secs
5. hop, touch floor  on speed ladder

2 mins rest between blocks

1. sumo squats with above-head triceps
2. diagonal crunches
3. march up-down, squat, perpendicular  to 8" steps
4. cycle at 1-7-trainer at 4
5. side in-outs on speed ladder

DANCE EVENING St-Basile Les Services musicaux MG / Michel Gingras

Mix of  ballroom dances and more : Vienniese Waltz, Slow Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot, Jive, Tripple-Swing, Cha cha, Tango, Mambo, Samba, Salsa, Slows, Line dances, Disco, Batchata, Rumba, Twist, and a Polka !
Right click and save to listen to Dances in blue.

Last time we didn't find the place. It's to the Right of Maison Éthier, completely in the back. / Alternating 4 Social and 4 Line dances. The room is quite smalll for a dance Hall but not crowded today, so OK. / we got up for all social dances, but really need to practice some of them alot.. Tango, Foxtrot, Mambo..

BED AT midnight

SUNDAY,  January 8th 2017

9h33 AM BUNS OF STEEL Group fitness with  Nathalie Archambault
52 mins + / AveHR  130  78% / MaxHR  188!? 113 %  / 469cals / 35 % fat / 38  mins InZone (75%+)
week 3/4 very Cardio.

planned 7h30 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
but too tired even just to watch TV

BED AT 9h00 PM after having napped/slept most of the day! and yet sleep well all night"

MONDAY, January 9th 2017
First day back at work. It's cold and I have the sniffles at work.

4h22 PM P90X - AB-Ripper X on paper

instead of Abdo solution that was cancelled
#12 Ab Ripper X

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
50 reps
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


5h01 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE Group fitness with François B at Beloeil/McMasterville
54 mins / AveHR  134  81% / MaxHR  154 95 %  / 511 cals / 35 % fat / 46  mins InZone (75%+)
main course :

Tabata 1

burpees & Mary-Katherines

Tabata 2

jumping-jacks & fentes croisées arrière sauté

Tabata 3

 Jacks-étoiles & push-ups

1 min each, 3 times

 football & fentes arrières

1 min each, 3 times

front plank  &  single Heismans (patin)

1 min each, 3 times

 floor touch  alternate & high-knees: I do:"one-knee"s  but in the 3rd set I do 5-10-15 "hops"

FINISHER : 30 seconds  each, 3 times high knees / rest or heel to butt

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY, January 10th 2017
Get the topo maps for the Dolomites AV2 from

7h50 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
mins with Gaby.

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero

23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

 BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  January 11th 2017

4h20 PM PRECOR EFX 546i ~ (no arms)
15-90secs HIIT

22 mins / AveHR  142  86% / MaxHR  154 93 %  / 233 cals / 30 % fat / 20  mins InZone (75%+)
10 mins 60-120 secs Intervals & the rest :  cross-country #3
36 mins / AveHR  137  83% / MaxHR  147 89 %  / 342 cals / 35 % fat / 35  mins InZone (75%+)

51 mins / AveHR  128  77% / MaxHR  154 93%  / 445 cals / 40 % fat / 33  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO /  Week 1/4
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
8x Steps : side to side squats Cones : lateral slalom
Mats with 5kg : 3 Russian twists - 1 crunch

Bossu  : feet on Bossu, single leg but lifts, 3 then change leg

Glider : side lunge, 3 then change sides
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
Steps : 10 touch toe on step then 2 shorts runs there & back
Mats   :  10 mountain climbers then 6 twisting mountain climbers

Bossu :  push-ups with hands on Bossu, mostly on knees for me

DB 15s:  lrocket launcher Rows 3 then change leg
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA   :  planks
8 times 20 secs / 10 secs
TABATA  3 squats and jump / front lunge walk


THURSDAY,  January 12th 2017

7h10 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel,  at EURÉKA school / Play 'til 9h50
we're only 10, Gaby plays for the first time in 7 weeks.. his right knee is ok . I don't play well.. too many 1 handed hits.

BED AT 10h00 PM

FRIDAY, January 13th 2017
DIET :141 lbs , down 3!

9h00 AM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
50+abs mins / AveHR  131  79% / MaxHR  151 91 %  /
456 cals / 40 % fat / 37  mins InZone (75%+)
First time on Friday mornings.. since there is no more on Wednesdays at 4h30, Goes well.

8h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~ Elite  Mag  Elastogel  Home Trainer
 55 mins (2-3 on trainer  / 4 on bike)
.LILD (Low intensity long distance)
Just while I watch McGyver

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  January 14th 2017

2h10 PM SNOWSHOEING & SLIDING with Gabriel & N. at family party in St-Alphonse.
1h30 total.. the snowshoeing conditions are lousy, and there is no marked trail. sliding on the tubes is fun.

BED AT 1h00 AM

SUNDAY,  January 15th 2017

8h56 AM Concept 2 Rower ~
26 mins / AveHR  93  56% / MaxHR  110 66 %  / 113 cals / 60 % fat / 0  mins InZone (75%+)
just because I got to the gym thinking my class is at 9h00.. but I'll do this again.. good WU and I like the rower but never put it in my training cause I find it too easy (meaning I never push (pull) hard enought lol)

9h33 AM BUNS OF STEEL Group fitness with  Nathalie Archambault
44 mins  / AveHR  134  81% / MaxHR  156 94 %  / 416cals / 35 % fat / 33  mins InZone (75%+)
week 4/4 skipping : jump higher every 4th jump / jumping jacks : do star-jacks instead / front lunges : mary-katherines
" N says at least twice "
Si vous voulez en faire plus.. faites comme Mary-Louise" !
 mins abs / AveHR  92  55% / MaxHR  89 59 %  / 43cals / 60 % fat / 0  mins InZone (75%+)

7h30 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
mins with Gaby.

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero

23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT 9h00 PM

MONDAY, January 16th 2017

4h22 PM P90X - AB-Ripper X on paper

#12 Ab Ripper X

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 forwards / 25 backwards
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo V-Ups
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


5h05 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE Group fitness with François B  Jean Hébert at  Beloeil/McMasterville
51 mins / AveHR  135  81% / MaxHR  159 96 %  / 492 cals / 35 % fat / 38  mins InZone (75%+)

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY, January 17th 2017

7h30 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #3 ~ 75 squats with Gaby

Amélie CrossFit Style


Squats DB8s


Sumo Squats


Jump Squats




1 leg hamstring butt lift


1 leg hamstring butt lift


Russian twist DB 8

~20 secs



Squat - Rameur DB 8s






Jumping jacks

2 mins



Jumping jacks






Squat - Rameur DB 8s

~20 secs



Russian twist DB8


1 leg hamstring butt lift


1 leg hamstring butt lift




Squats DB 8s


Sumo Squats


Jump squats

My Extra

25 Overhead triceps DB8s
25 Triceps kickbacks DB8s
25 Dips
~75 secs Front plank 'til Gaby finishes

BED AT 10h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  January 18th 2017

4h09 PM PRECOR EFX 576i ~
0 mins 60 (12 METS)-120 (8 METS) secs Intervals & the rest :  cross-country #3
60 mins / AveHR  132  80% / MaxHR  155 93 %  / 553 cals / 40 % fat / 50  mins InZone (75%+)

48 mins / AveHR  126  76% / MaxHR  147 89%  / 407 cals / 40 % fat / 30  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  // ABS & Stretching after WO /  Week 2/4
VERY difficult because of what I did before, or yesterday, or Monday.. my legs are cement.
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
Steps : pneus rapides or squat and jump
Mats with 5kg : 3 Russian twists - 1 crunch

Bossu  : feet on Bossu, single leg but lifts, 3 then change leg

Glider : side lunge, 3 then change sides
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
Steps : 10 touch toe on step then 2 shorts runs there & back
Mats   :  10 mountain climbers then 6 twisting mountain climbers

Bossu :  push-ups with hands on Bossu,10 on feet / 10 on knees

DB 15s:  rocket launcher Rows 3 then change leg
TABATA+   :  front plank : 4 mins !
8 times 20 secs with extras / 10 secs straight plank
TABATA   front lunge walk with DB8s
8 times 20 secs front lunge walk  DB8s / 10 secs biceps DB8s

BED AT 9h00 PM

THURSDAY,  January 19th 2017

7h10 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel,  at EURÉKA school / Play 'til 9h30
we're  9 or 10.. too many regulars don't come.. N is into running, S yoga, A 's back is out, P's ankle, E just had a baby,..
I have major DOMS from yesterday.. my right shoulder and upper back right side.. I think I was favoring my right side yesterday in the last planks when I was too tired.. but with 2 Advils.. I'm ok for the evening, just not top shape. I DO however recover more balls near the net than  usual. :)

BED AT 11h00 PM

FRIDAY, January 20th 2017
DIET :140 lbs , down 1 or almost.. :/.

9h06 AM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
75 mins forget to stop the HR monitor / AveHR  127  77% / MaxHR  153 92 %  / 624 cals / 40 % fat / 43  mins InZone (75%+)
Nathalie  tells the group that if they want to have a "lighter" version of the exercises they follow X and if they want a more advanced / difficult version of the exercises  they follow me! :)

planned : one OR the other we haven't done these.. I did enough abs at the gym and Gaby wasn't into abs that much.. we had actually forgotten that we had these DVDs.

8h00 PM Friday abs.. will this become a tradition like our Sunday evening stretch?

P90X+#05+ Abs/core+
no warm up on DVD.. so do it before..
30 secs unless otherwise noted.
 (but I don't have all the times yet..)
1- hanging toe tap knee raises
2- tip-toe oblique crunch
3- scorpion plank with twist 55 secs
4- spread leg, banana cannonball
5- hanging up & overs
6- discus throws 39 secs
7- warrior bows
8- scissor climbers
9- hanging knee kicks 39 secs
10- wood choppers 36 secs
11- down dog crunch 1 min 37 secs
12- banana mason
13- hanging mixed bike
14- X crunch
15- seated weighted back-stroke
16- hanging pelvic tilt
17- straight leg X crunch
18- 360° chatarwunga
19- cherry bomb
cool down & stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM

SUNDAY,  January 22nd 2017

9h33 AM BUNS OF STEEL Group fitness with  Nathalie Archambault
56 mins  / AveHR  129  81% / MaxHR  158 99 %  / 531cals / 30 % fat / 41  mins InZone (75%+)
week 5/4 skipping : jump higher every 4th jump / jumping jacks : do star-jacks instead / front lunges : mary-katherines

7h20 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
+  Hang from safety bar Gaby installed in an unfinished portion of the basement ceiling near the TRX
mins with Gaby.

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero

23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM

MONDAY, January 23rd 2017

4h22 PM P90X - AB-Ripper X on paper

#12 Ab Ripper X

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 forwards / 25 backwards
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
Roll-Up/V-Up Combo V-Ups 15 + 10
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps DB 10


5h04 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE Group fitness with François B  at  Beloeil/McMasterville
53 mins / AveHR  138  86% / MaxHR  155 98 %  / 561 cals / 30 % fat / 44  mins InZone (75%+)
after 5 min WU

4 rounds of 15 to 20 reps -
change when François changes

Jumping-jacks - 2nd and 3rd rounds I do Star jacks
squat one foot on ground and front kick on steps - right
biceps DB8s
plank mountain climber on floor
squat 1 foot on ground and front kick on steps - left
triceps DB8s
touch knee hops wow! I did them all !
push-ups 1st, 2nd and ½ of 3rd rounds regular than on knees
développés militaires DB8s

just a few secs rest between rounds

then 3 rounds of
but I think that the changing of sides was in the min

1 min burpees slow burpees for me
1 min wide skater with back lunge


3 times  30 secs high knees with 30 secs rest.


BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY, January 24th 2017
Schools closed, ice storm

11h45 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #4 ~ 45/15-30/10 with Gaby

45 secs / 15 secs rest then bonus and again 30 secs / 10 secs rest


Squat, leave DB on floor, stand, squat, take DB and stand with biceps flexion


Arabesque with hip extension, left


Arabesque with hip extension, right


Elastic at feet, double side step and touch diagonal back


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, left


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, right


½ sit-up with DB over head, or not.


DB Russian twist with legs off the floor


Side plank with hip lift, left


Side plank with hip lift, right


Side lunge , touch floor with DB, stand with militairy press / alternate sides


Front Squat kick, alternate sides


Sumo Squats, lift heels each time, finish with 10 secs Sumo jump squats


Back lunge with DB biceps, alternate sides


on the back , hamstrings, left leg up


on the back, hamstrings, right leg up


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, left


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, right


45 secs : Double jumping-jack & Burpee // 30 secs : Burpees


45 secs : Triceps push-ups 2 up 2 down // 30 secs : 4 down, stay down 3 up 1

 Gaby wants to do abs so we do this for the first time. It seems shorts.. but alot of the exercises are isometric!

P90X3 - AB-Ripper some  isometrics
1.) Tin Man Windmill – 5 each side, 10 total
2.) Dolphin Hops- 3 hops in, 1 out, 15 total
3.) C-Y Reach – 5 each side, 10 total
4.) Sphinx Crunch Hold- 5 each side, 10 total
5.) 5 – Way Arbrinome
6.) Hip Drop Twist- 6 each side, DB optional
7.) Bridge Burners- 10 total, dumbbell optional
8.) Speed Bike- 100 reps ( 2 speeds, 10 each up to 100)

BED AT 10h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  January 25th 2017
I'm 63 years old today.

post on FB

Yes, yes, I am 63 years old today, but as I always say .. birthdays are not just the celebration of the passing of time but also the celebration of life itself. And I love life

4h11 PM PRECOR EFX 576i ~
no intervals today just
  cross-country #3
60 mins / AveHR  127  79% / MaxHR  149 93 %  / 572 cals / 35 % fat / 40  mins InZone (75%+)

I don't stay for the Tabatas,
35 mins / AveHR  125  78% / MaxHR  148 93%  / 315 cals / 40 % fat / 22  mins InZone (75%+)
5 minutes of WU  /  Week 3/4

2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
Steps : pneus rapides or squat and jump
Mats with 5kg : 3 Russian twists - 1 crunch

Bossu  : feet on Bossu, single leg but lifts, 3 then change leg

Glider : side lunge, 3 then change sides
2 x (45 secs / 15 secs  rest) & 1 x  (40 secs / 20 secs rest )
Steps : 10 touch toe on step then 2 shorts runs there & back
Mats   : 10 mountain climbers then 6 twisting mountain climbers

Bossu :  push-ups with hands on Bossu,10 on feet / 10 on knees

DB 15s:  rocket launcher Rows 3 then change leg
TABATA+   :  front plank : 4 mins !
8 times 20 secs with extras / 10 secs straight plank
TABATA   front lunge walk with DB8s
8 times 20 secs front lunge walk  DB8s / 10 secs biceps DB8s

Birthday supper with Gaby & Manou at Scores in Granby. wonderful time :) Manou started x-country skiing with MLB :)

BED AT Midnight

THURSDAY,  January 26th 2017
took a day of vacation, so did Gaby. Manou leaves after lunch.

7h10 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel,  at EURÉKA school / Play 'til 9h15
we're  only 7! MJT plays with A & M vs G,J-F, D & me. my back hurts until I take 2 advils.. but I still feel that I spent alot of time sitting yesterday and this morning, and napping this afternoon.  but it was worth it, so it's all ok.

BED AT 11h00 PM

FRIDAY, January 27th 2017

9h06 AM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
51 mins / AveHR  130  81% / MaxHR  150 94 %  / 490 cals / 35 % fat / 39  mins InZone (75%+)
Lots of dizziness.. I don't know why.

Highlight in orange on black and white copies of Dolomite AV2 what we plan to do next summer.

Take a nap in the afternoon.

planned 8h00 PM Friday abs..  but no.. both Gaby and I are tired.

BED AT 10h00 PM

SATURDAY,  January 28th 2017


BED AT 11h00 PM

SUNDAY,  January 29th 2017

9h34 AM BUNS OF STEEL Group fitness with  Nathalie Archambault
5+ yoga mins  / AveHR  131  82% / MaxHR  157 99 %  / 492cals / 30 % fat / 34  mins InZone (75%+)
week 1/4 easier than last week, but since it's the first week of the program, I didn't "up" and of the exercises.

7h20 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS With Tony Horton  # 07 Stretch
+  Hang from safety bar Gaby installed in an unfinished portion of the basement ceiling near the TRX
mins with Gaby.

#07 Stretch

 2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero

23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM

MONDAY, January 30th 2017

4h22 PM P90X - AB-Ripper X on paper

#12 Ab Ripper X

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 forwards / 25 backwards
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
Roll-Up/V-Up Combo V-Ups 13 + 12
9- Oblique V-Up
Leg Climb "A to Z"
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps DB 10


5h03 PM CARDIO MILITAIRE Group fitness with François B  at  Beloeil/McMasterville
55 mins / AveHR  133  83% / MaxHR  154 96 %  / 550 cals / 30 % fat / 45  mins InZone (75%+)
long WU relays in teams of 4 / WO is alternating cardio on steps and weights/elastic
Talk with E & L. E works at  CSSH

BED AT 10h00 PM

TUESDAY, January31st 2017

7h45 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #6 ~ 4 blocks FdF  with Gaby

Long circuit.. one person per station — 2 mins between each block — in red this is why it's Buns of Steel, not Cardio Militaire

Block 1 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations 

2 squats, jump squat
Squats with  biceps DB 10s
Step-ups on 20" stage - right foot
Step-ups on 20" stage - left foot
Squats with triceps on the side.. DB 8s
Power squat on 10" Step (Jump over, turn, jump over)

Block 2 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

2 squats, 2 back lunges down from 9" steps
Gliding side lunge to the right
Gliding side lunge to the left
Step-downs from 9" steps with DB 10s  ( next time do 1 min each side)
½ sit-ups

Block 3 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

Squat with military press DB 12s
Summo Squats with biceps
Burpees with push-ups and jumps
Triceps push-ups
on 4 on floor, lift leg at 90° ( next time do 1 min each side)

Block 4 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

Russian twist with legs up, DB 8
Summo squat jumps
Squat and extend leg diagonal back, DB10s  ( next time do 1 min each side)
Ski, ski, squat / but I do 4 Mary-Kathrines, 2 squats..
Squat summo & mover (déménageur) DB 12

BED AT 10h20 PM