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SATURDAY,  June 8th 2013
Watched alot of running videos, but not sure I can apply them, my left metatarsals are bruised.. again.

5h17 PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — 5 th 
36 mins  / AveHR  148  89% / MaxHR  163  98%  / 251 cals / 25 % fat?? / 35 mins InZone (75%+) 
foggy-wet-windy at times, but ok. wear my cargo pants and tie my windbreaker around my waist, bring a little water. count 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 almost all the way ..goes by quite quickly but wouldn't want to do more just yet..

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,   June 9th  2013    

 9h01 AM
Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann.
59  mins / AveHR  122  73% / MaxHR  149 89%  / 300 cals / 45 % fat /29 mins InZone (75%+)   
Still on Naproxen but my leg is ok. I do feel a twitch in my lower back at the begining, but it goes away.

11h06 SYNERGIE ~ SMALL GROUP FITNESS with Olivier Blouin
58  mins / AveHR  134  80% / MaxHR  156 93%  / 344 cals / 35 % fat / 42 mins InZone (75%+)   
last time was my free tryout on March 4th, this time a pay for a "one shot"  / sort of same group, not very advanced but  I can do the stuff at my level and it works out ok.

45 secs / 15 secs rest — 40 secs / 20 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : PU position 1 arm up 1 arm PU /  Steps 12" : traverse de côté  Speed ladder :in and out  /  Med Ball  : Lunge and above head :  back to TRX,
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 40 secs / 20 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : ft in trx, hamstrings knee side to side /  Steps 12" : back lunge and knee up  Speed ladder :Hop Scotch /  Med Ball  : abs : fig 8 under leg :  back to TRX,
45 secs / 15 secs rest — 40 secs / 20 secs rest — 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : PU position right knee to left arm, switch /  Steps 12" : Squat jump up and squat jump down, hold squat  Speed ladder : outside foot in and over  /  Med Ball  : Dead lift with ball above head:  back to TRX,

DIET 131 lbs Maintenance going well

BED AT 10h00  PM

MONDAY, June 10th 2013 

I forget to stop my HR monitor so the 2 classes are together
1h55 mins /  AveHR  116  69% / MaxHR  153  92%  / 538 cals / 45 % fat / 49 mins InZone  (75%+) 

4h34 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
Nice WO, first one of the session
Banner picture
I really like this WO, even if I started with hamstring DOMS from Saturday it went very well.

Amélie CrossFit Style
100 Squats DB 8s
90 Crunches
80 Biceps DB 8s
80 Triceps DB 5s
70 Jump rope
60 Squat Dev. Militaire DB 5s
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
40 Russian twist DB 8
30 Push-Ups
20 Squat - Rameur DB 8s
10 Burpees
5 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees
20 Squat - Rameur DB 8s
30 Push-Ups
40 Russian twist DB8
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
60 Squat Dev. Militaire DB 5s
70 Jump rope
80 Triceps DB 5s
80 Biceps DB 8s
90 Crunches
100 Squats DB 8s

BED AT 9h00 PM

   ACHES & PAINS : Left metatarsals

   ACHES & PAINS : Left metatarsals

THURSDAY, June 13th 2013

9h04 PM P90X+ ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  HYBRID-Program  # Kenpo
mins / AveHR  95 57%  / MaxHR  122 73%  / 137 cals / 60 % fat / 00 mins InZone

BED AT 7h30 PM

FRIDAY, June 14th 2013
M+2 at 8h00 PM

Mont Saint-Hilaire
HIKING  start 9:00 am
20°C and sunny

ROCKY RED up 'n down
up 'n down
up 'n down

  up 'n down

6h22 mins / AveHR  117 70%  / MaxHR  152 91%  / 1783 cals / 50 % fat / 2h09 mins InZone

ahhh oui, puis en montant le bleu, je suis arrivée face à face avec un chevreuil hummm on dit une biche? , à environs 5 m de moi.. on s'est regardés longuement.. je lui ai parlé un peu.. elle ne semblait pas genée.. et j'ai continué mon chemin. Je l'ai revu en montant Pain de sucre l'après midi.. (si c'était la même) mais cette fois elle était à 15 m et il y avait une 20 aine de personnes que essayaient de la photographier.. je n'ai pas ralenti, mais j'étais bien contente


planned BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY, June 15th 2013

Mont Saint-Hilaire
With Gabriel, Manouane, Elena, Daniela
TO Lac Hertel with the children  start 4:00 pm
20°C and sunny

Just the beach at Lac Hertel, but have a very nice time. It's the first time the little girls hike, and it the first time I do a trail run.. LOL juste 800 m.. to try how it feels.. on almost flat trail.. but I'll be back :)


BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY, June 16th  2013 
Fathers' Day M+2 Carrot cake

8h47 PM PRECOR 954i
29 mins 
/ AveHR  142  85% / MaxHR  159  95%  / 195 cals / 30 % fat / 27 mins InZone (75%+)
Try out different speeds, between 7 and 9 k/h and at 1% elevation ( I read that we have to put it à 1% to have the equivalent of outdoor running. .  Try different tempos and stride it on the ladiies' side of the gym and have a miror in front, so I can really see how I run.  Mostly to get ready for my biomechanical analysis of my running technique this Thursday.


WAOW ..I looked up the Precor 954i and  treadmills have changed!

Integrated Footplant Technology™ (IFT)

1. Mimics natural running motion

When running or walking, the foot accelerates and slows during the course of each step. If exercising outdoors, the ground’s firm surface supports the natural acceleration at the beginning of each stride. Precor technology works with this natural acceleration by precisely adjusting belt speed as the foot hits the deck—supporting the natural motion and preventing drag that can pull the foot backwards as the runner moves forward.

2. Harmonizes running speed and belt speed

Precor treadmill design calibrates belt speed so that the treadmill surface shares the stationary benefits of running outside. To do this, equipment software monitors heel strikes and communicates with equipment hardware to adjust motor speed with a user’s natural stride. The resulting harmony between runner and machine means a smooth, fluid, and rhythmic running experience.

3. Promotes workout ease and comfort

Relative Perceived Exertion (RPE) is the difference between how hard your brain says you’re working and how hard your heart actually works. If you’re jogging, the perceived level of exertion drops when impact to your ankle, knee and other affected joints is reduced. So you experience a more comfortable workout that keeps you motivated and moving toward your fitness goals.


Ground Effects® (GFX)

How this Science works naturally with the human body

1. Absorbs shock only where you need it – Precor running decks are secured at the back so you get the greatest shock absorption at the front – right where you need it – where the heel hits the tread – for a smooth, natural running motion. This patented design provides maximum lateral stability across the running surface without compromising the give you need at the front for a comfortable workout experience.

2. Supports a strong push-off– a running deck with enhanced stability makes a strong push off possible. That’s important because without it, your foot sinks as it pushes off, requiring more energy, increasing fatigue, and diminishing workout results. Precor patented treadmill deck design provides added firmness at the back so you get just the right balance of hardness and absorption for a solid push off which reduces stress to the joints.

3. Adjusts to your individual needs – Precor innovative technology includes triangular-shaped shock absorbers at the front of the deck. This unique feature progressively absorbs impact based on your height and weight. The combination of lateral stability and variable shock absorption means that whether you’re training for a marathon or recovering from an injury – you’re on a machine that adapts to your build and your workout.



9h28 AM TRX mostly uppers    ~ program by Audrey Renée Demers
44 mins  / AveHR  114  68% / MaxHR  135  81%  / 200 cals / 55 % fat / 8 mins InZone (75%+)
Doing this WO is quite different with the Cardio just before, and I haven't done this TRX for 2 months.. just in time not to forget the exercises :)

TRX - . Super sets 3x15 total each : / 8+9 / 1+7 / 2+3+4 / 5+6
warm up  see above

8- Hamstrings - Sur le dos, pied dans le TRX, élévation du bassin
9-  Abs - En planche, pieds dans TRX, face au sol, tirer genoux au ventre ou au côté

1- Shoulders - Face au TRX, Élévation bras tendus au dessus de la tête ou en V
7- Biceps - Face au TRX, Triceps parallèle au sol et ils ne doivent pas bouger, flexion des coudes.

2- Shoulders / Pecs - Dos au TRX, bras en cercle, ouvrir sans plier coudes (comme P-U)
3- Back - Face au TRX, tirades arrière, mains neutres ou 3 positions
4- Back -
Face au TRX, une main sur poignée, l'autre sur la sangle, tirer avec un bras et glisser l'autres main le plus loin possible avec rotation du corps et de la tête

5- Pecs - Dos au TRX, Mains dans TRX, descendre en push-up et avancer 1 bras, plier l'autre.
6- Triceps - Dos au TRX, bras vis-à-vis les oreilles , flexion arrière des coudes.

cool-down & stretch

8h00 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — OFF-Program  # 07 Stretching
57 mins+ with Gabriel ..

DIET 131 lbs Maintenance going well
 BED AT 10h30  PM

MONDAY, June 17th 2013 

4h37 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
53 mins /  AveHR  110  66% / MaxHR  160  96%  / 226 cals / 45 % fat / 10 mins InZone  (75%+) 
Amélie says it was a hard WO but I found it went by fast

51 mins /  AveHR  120  72% / MaxHR  154  92%  / 250 cals / 45 % fat / 25 mins InZone  (75%+) 
Few old time regulars in class, I miss them, the level was higher..same as above "Amélie says it was a hard WO but I found it went by fast." / I feel my triceps quit a bit from yesterday all day, but feel better AFTER this class!!!
5-6 exercises each 45/15 secs;  30/10 secs; 15/no stop .. same routine with 4-6 other exercises and again.

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSAY, June 20th 2013 

5h00 PM Analyse de technique de course ~  with Karine Bélisle, Kinésiologue/entraîneure
What I signed up for on June 5th. Tell you more about how it went  soon. but IT WAS GREAT!


Maison de la course / Mont St-Hilaire
Analyse de la technique de course

Notre station d'analyse comprend un tapis-roulant, trois caméras HD ainsi qu'un poste informatique équipé du logiciel Dartfish afin de visionner et d'analyser votre technique de course. Ensemble, lors d'une séance d'une heure et quart, nous trouverons les réponses aux questions suivantes :

  • Est-ce que ma cadence est optimale ?

  • Est-ce que ma posture est bonne ?

  • Est-ce que j'utilise bien l'énergie élastique ?

  • Est-ce que je fais de la pronation excessive ou de la supination et est-ce que ma chaussure est adaptée ?

  • Est-ce que j'atterris sur le talon, au milieu du pied ou à l'avant ? Est-ce optimal?

  • Est-ce que mes bras et mes épaules font ce qu'ils devraient faire ?

  • Est-ce que la position de la tête est bonne? 

Avec le spécialiste vous travaillerez dès cette rencontre à corriger votre technique. Puis vous serez de nouveau filmé à la fin de la séance et être ainsi en mesure de visualiser comment en une heure, sous bonne supervision,  votre patron de course aura changé. Vous repartirez de la boutique avec vos séances vidéo sur votre clé USB et une liste d'exercices et de correctifs pour bien continuer votre progression.

Coût: 119$ 

Communiquez avec nous pour de plus amples informations, par courriel ou par téléphone 450-467-0004.

Maison de la course — Mont St-Hilaire

Shoe Review: Zoot Tempo Trainer
By    |   Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Last week I had the frustrating experience of stopping by a major outdoor goods retailer to try on some trail running shoes. Although I have narrow and thin feet, it was difficult to find a fit among many of the trail runners, even at a full size up. Several of the shoes, including those from Saucony and The North Face, felt quite tight and snug – even more so than racing flats.

Fortunately, fit is not a problem with the new Zoot Tempo Trainer, a stability running shoe with a comfortable medium-wide fit. I hadn’t previously run in a shoe from Zoot (“1983… Born in Kona.”). Thus, I had no preconceptions about this model that was provided to me by Zoot Sports. But then I have maintained a couple of preconceptions that were turned into misconceptions by this virtually distinct running shoe.

I say virtually distinct, because as soon as I put on the Tempo Trainers and began jogging, I was reminded of the original Adidas Supernova trainer from the early ’90s. This was true for both the fit and the feel. The classic Supernova, a bit wider than most running shoes of the time, provided a smooth ride and a bit of extra stability on rainy days.

The Tempo Trainer is a mid-weight shoe (10.3 ounces in the men’s version) with a two-density midsole. The firmness provided by the small second density insert above the arch may be just enough to allow a runner to maintain his or her natural foot striking style when tired. It is not significant enough – and this is a positive – to force the feet either inward or outward.

My first preconception was that I do not favor running shoes that provide a bouncy feel. The Tempo Trainer’s Z-bound maximum cushioning midsole provides a bit of a bounce over crushed gravel, something that’s appreciated by those whose feet regularly get beat up by this supposedly “softer” surface. The same minimal-to-moderate bounce cushioning feels like a protective force when jogging on both concrete and asphalt. The Tempo Trainer’s ride on asphalt is so pleasing that you might find yourself wondering when’s the next time you can sign up for a half or full marathon.

My second preconception was that as a heel striker I do not like soft heels. I’ve continually searched for running shoes with a firm or stiff heel plant. This shoe might have cured me of a strange obsession. The Tempo Trainer has a very soft heel which provides a pleasingly smooth ride.

The Tempo Trainer arrives in a Graphite/Black/Blaze color scheme, which most of us would describe as orange and black with neon green laces. If you’re an introvert who disdains attention except when you’re out jogging, these shoes will get you noticed! If you’re on a Most Wanted list, substitute jet black laces for the neon green ones.

The forefoot of the Tempo Trainer is wide enough for your toes to splay at will, and forefoot runners will enjoy the sweet blown rubber section up front. Reflective materials are sewn onto the forefoot for night running protection. And speaking of protection, I’ll reiterate that these trainers provide enough cushioning that even those with minimal padding on their feet and/or metatarsal issues will want to sing the Beatles song, “I Feel Fine.”

Well, no running shoe is perfect, so what issues cropped up with the Tempo Trainer? The first is that the sock liner is quite thick – mysteriously so (and a friend mentioned that it looks like an aftermarket insole). The thickness is logical given that this Bare Fit shoe was constructed to be run in without socks. Simply replace the provided insole with a standard one from another pair of running shoes – and add socks! – and presto, the fit reverts to feeling normal.

The second issue is that this model feels only competent on a hard-packed dirt trail. The width of the shoe makes it feel more like a jaunt in a family sedan than in an exciting personal sports car. But the Tempo Trainer gets the job done, making this a bit of nit picking.

The Tempo Trainer is well named, as it permits the runner to keep up a consistent running tempo while fostering mid-foot landings. The shoe makes for a relaxing walking shoe; it feels Asics-like at walking pace.

All in all, this trainer from Zoot presents a close-to-perfect blend of strengths that should overwhelm any minor weaknesses in it. It’s an all-purpose shoe that may eliminate the need to buy separate shoes for running, walking, visits to the gym and for casual wear. With the Zoot Tempo Trainer, it may be “one and done”!

intéressant :


planned BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  June 21st 2013  
M didn't get the +2.. //  Annual Check-up with Dr Poulin. going good. // X-Ray of neck to confirm that I have arthrosis in my neck.

52 mins / AveHR  125  75% / MaxHR  156 93%  / 280 cals / 40 % fat / 28  mins InZone (75%+)   
main course : 3 blocks of : 5-6 exercises on steps (or not) , then running (different styles) , repeat,, then running (different styles) , and bonus abs.

BED AT 10h00  PM

SATURDAY,  June 22nd 2013

CAR TRIP ~3 hours To

3 hours
Take the afternoon off to have a nice ride and settle in.

BED AT 8h00 PM Gorham Motor Inn

SUNDAY, June 23rd 2013

UP : Airline,
Valley Way and Brookside

With Gabriel

We did NOT go up nor down "Chemin des Dames". We wanted to see what King Ravine was like, but this was not the day. The forcast was for clearing in the afternoon but Thunderstorms at 14h00 .. and we chose to be safe hiking down, and not wait around for the skies to clear. I guess we'll just have to come back.

HIKING  start 6 h 30 AM
ALTITUDE    5366 ft
TEMPERATURE at the top:   Wow!  beautiful sunshine, no wind! No need to Layer up!

Airline, passed Madison Hut to Madison summit.
4h00 mins  / 1307 calories / 40% fat / AveHR 127 76% / MaxHR 149  89% / 2h34 mins inZone
SNACK  14 mins
1h05 mins  / 220 calories / 60% fat / AveHR 99 59% / MaxHR 118  71% / 0 mins inZone
1h06 mins  / 223 calories / 60% fat / AveHR 99 59% / MaxHR 112  67% / 0 mins inZone 

SNACK  12 mins
DOWN, including Snack and clean-up
2h02 mins  / 371 calories / 60% fat / AveHR 94 56% / MaxHR 111  66% / 0 mins inZone


Car trip home

MONDAY,  June 24th 2013
Bonne St-Jean tous les québécois!

8h54 PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — Try running technique..
30 mins  / AveHR  135  81% / MaxHR  149  89%  / 192 cals / 35 % fat / 28 mins InZone (75%+) 
It was VERY hot all day.. but the thunderstorm cleared everything , and I was able to go out with a beautiful sunset. I did technical intervals with a metronome set at 176.. (doesn't have the 174 option) based my intervals solely on how I felt, with 30 secs quick walking when I felt I couldn't concentrate on my technique and tempo. That gave mostly 2 mins intervals, with some à little less, and very few a little more. This is a start. I know where I am.

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  June 25th 2013

NOON  PRECOR 954i Technique Intervals..besides WU and CD.. mostly 4 mins / 30 secs
30 mins 
/ AveHR  129  77% / MaxHR  151  90%  / 169 cals / 40 % fat / 20 mins InZone (75%+)
I used an mp3 recording of a downloaded Metronome.. at 3/4 time for 174 bpm

4h30 PM Hybrid-Program  P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton   # 01 Chest & Back
Man I didn't feel like doing this WO! but with the hiking and running these last 3 times.. I need it. and pushed/pulled through it very honestly..

#01 Chest & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Standard Push-Up
2- Wide Front Pull-Up
3- Military Push-Up
4- Reverse Grip Chin-Up

mini stretch — 2 minutes

5- Wide Fly Push-Up
6- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
7- Decline Push-Up
8- Heavy Pants

mini stretch — 2 minutes

9- Diamond Push-Up
10- Lawnmower
11- Dive-Bomber Push-Up
12- Back Fly

repeat but switch order of every 2 exercises :
2 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 1 0 - 9 - 12 - 11

cool-down & stretch



WEDNESDAY, June 26th 2013

PLANNED 9h04 PM P90X+ ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  HYBRID-Program  # Kenpo X
mins / AveHR  95 57%  / MaxHR  122 73%  / 137 cals / 60 % fat / 00 mins InZone

ACHES & PAINS : Front of right shoulder

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  June 28th 2013  
M  +2.. //  Get copie of X-Ray of neck, but will need the doctor or someone to explain it to me.

49 mins / AveHR  119  71% / MaxHR  161 96%  / 241 cals / 45 % fat / 38  mins InZone (75%+)   
lots of shoulder moves, but surprisingly it goes well 

DIET : 131 lbs maintaining .

BED AT 10h00  PM

SUNDAY,  June 30th 2013

8h25 AM  PRECOR 954i Technique Intervals... I'm able to do longer intervals,
31 mins 
/ AveHR  135  81% / MaxHR  156  93%  / 192 cals / 35 % fat / 27 mins InZone (75%+)
I used my mp3 recording of a downloaded Metronome.. at 3/4 time for 174 bpm
but really need to get a longer recording than 4 mins.. or get music that's at 174 bpm..

Too tired to do the TRX WO after, I'd have neededa shower and  another set of clothes.


   DIET; I'll have to plan my home days better than this.. +2 cheese / +1 ice-cream and not enough variety in regular meals.

TUESDAY, July 2nd 2013

41mins ~ / AveHR  134 80% / MaxHR  155  93%  / 325 cals / 35 % fat / 31 mins InZone (75%+) 

Xoom as timer with TABATA APP set for Spartacus WO.. Steps at 12" . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan, open window and floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

BED AT 9h30 PM 

WEDNESDAY,  July 3rd 2013

8h42 PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — 5+ km
35 mins  / AveHR  149  89% / MaxHR  159  95%  / 255 cals / 25 % fat / 34 mins InZone (75%+) 
It was hot and humid. I used the 174 bpm metronome .mp3 for the first 4 mins, then ran to my music. trying to concentrate on lifting my knees, standing tall, lifting my feet.. etc.. just walked 15 secs maybe 3 times.. to start concentrating on my technique again. the tempo is ok for my legs and arms, but the breathing tempo is not easy yet.

BED AT 11h30 PM

THURSDAY,  July 4th 2013

NOON  OFFICE PARTY SRMI — Parc de la Yamaska : BBQ & Volleyball


It was hot and humid. but the first time in 26 years where I work, that I actually had fun at an office party! why? I played about 6 games of Beach Volley :)

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  July 5th 2013  
M+2 with us for a week, begining of shared custody :)

49 mins / AveHR  131  78% / MaxHR  158 96%  / 281 cals / 35 % fat / 33  mins InZone (75%+)   
4 or 5 times supersets of 4-8-10-12s

BED AT 10h00  PM

SUNDAY, July 7th  2013 

9h02 AM TRX mostly uppers    ~ program by Audrey Renée Demers
41 mins  / AveHR  97  58% / MaxHR  127  76%  / 131 cals / 60 % fat / 8 mins InZone (75%+)
This time I do the TRX before the cardio, with just 5 mins WO before. Goes very well

TRX - . Super sets 3x15 total each : / 8+9 / 1+7 / 2+3+4 / 5+6
warm up  Rowing 5 mins.

8- Hamstrings - Sur le dos, pied dans le TRX, élévation du bassin
9-  Abs - En planche, pieds dans TRX, face au sol, tirer genoux au ventre ou au côté

1- Shoulders - Face au TRX, Élévation bras tendus au dessus de la tête ou en V
7- Biceps - Face au TRX, Triceps parallèle au sol et ils ne doivent pas bouger, flexion des coudes.

2- Shoulders / Pecs - Dos au TRX, bras en cercle, ouvrir sans plier coudes (comme P-U)
3- Back - Face au TRX, tirades arrière, mains neutres ou 3 positions
4- Back -
Face au TRX, une main sur poignée, l'autre sur la sangle, tirer avec un bras et glisser l'autres main le plus loin possible avec rotation du corps et de la tête

5- Pecs - Dos au TRX, Mains dans TRX, descendre en push-up et avancer 1 bras, plier l'autre.
6- Triceps - Dos au TRX, bras vis-à-vis les oreilles , flexion arrière des coudes.

cool-down & stretch

9h50 PM PRECOR 954i
30 mins 
/ AveHR  141  84% / MaxHR  152  91%  / 195 cals / 30 % fat / 27 mins InZone (75%+)
Still very difficult to run with correct style and tempo for a long time.. I have to stop a few seconds a number of times,


 BED AT 10h30  PM

MONDAY,  July 8th 2013
Started work at 7h30 AM..Summer schedule.. big days

1h00 / 312 calories / 45% fat / AveHR 126 75% / MaxHR 146 87% / 36 mins  inZone (75%+)
Amélie is on vacation, no Buns of Steel or Cardio Militaire..

 Cross training 3 on Precor EFX 576i for most of the time..)


BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  July 11th 2013

9h15  PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — 5+ km
40 mins  / AveHR  139  83% / MaxHR  154  92%  / 265 cals / 35 % fat / 38 mins InZone (75%+) 
Slower but with my new metronome, really on 174 bpm most of the time. actually quite pleasant.

Meideal M50 Digital Metro  nome 

The Meideal M50 comes with an stereo earphone jack, which is the one thing missing from the Seiko DM50S that allows you to listen to the tempo of the beats without getting funny looks from people using headphones or earphones.

The Good Stuff
1. The Meideal M50 is light making it very portable to use.
2. The clip-on design makes it easy to attach to practically anything while you run.
3. The clear display ensures you can see and view your temp reading.
4. Easy to use and set up straight out of the box.
5. You can set three different volume levels to ensure you can hear the tempo of the beats.
6. The 3.5mm jack allows you use to listen to the tempo of the beats with earphones or headphones.
7. Convenient tap button function allows you to test your ideal tempo.
8. Provides a tempo range of between 30-280BPM.
9. Battery life of up to 200 hours.
10. Easy to replace CR2032 battery.
11. Three times cheaper than the Seiko DM50S.

The Bad Stuff
1. People with big hands may find the Meideal M50 difficult to use due to the compact size but we didn’t experience such issues during use.
2. Made from plastic and doesn’t feel as durable as the Seiko DM50S but for the price, we think it’s a real bargain for casual runners.

planned BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  July 12th 2013  

NOON ( BUNS OF STEEL cancelled ) SPINNING    ~ GROUP FITNESS with Émilie
52 mins / AveHR  126  75% / MaxHR  147 88%  / 277 cals / 45 % fat / 33  mins InZone (75%+)   

ACHES & PAINS : Starting 2 weeks vacation, but my neck hurts all over.. (muscular pain)

planned BED AT 10h00  PM

SATURDAY,  July 13th 2013  
M's friends : Steve & Constantin and Gabriel & I  help Manou move from Trois-Rivières to Montréal North.

9h15  PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — 5- km
0 mins  /
Just do 30 mins to get out before backpacking

BED AT 10h30  PM

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