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SUNDAY, February 2nd 2014

8h31 AM Power Cardio ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
 mins / AveHR  140 84% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 169 cals / 30 % fat / 24  mins InZone (75%+)
feeling good. .

9h01 AM Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
58 mins / AveHR  115 69% / MaxHR  144 86 %  / 263 cals / 50 % fat / 15  mins InZone (75%+)
Vacations are great, but it's good to be back at the gym.

Karolann announces that Energie Cardio will be up-sizing 5000 square feet next summer.. maybe a 2nd group fitness room? or Spinning room? or Synergie place?

DIET 138 lbs
Trying, but need to try harder!

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, February 3rd 2014 

4h32 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
52 mins  / AveHR  125 75% / MaxHR  163 98 %  / 247 cals / 40 % fat / 28  mins InZone (75%+)
Too many people
but ok

57 mins / AveHR  130 78% / MaxHR  129 129 %  / 309 cals / 40 % fat / 30  mins InZone (75%+)
Groups of 5 doing 5 exercises for total of 5 minutes. #1 counts the others do the exercises until #1 has done the required number. about 5 blocks with cardio bonus between blocks.

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY, February 5th 2014
Gabriel has bad Cold, so we don't go to dance class.

42mins ~ no HR monitor but
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at 8" for cardio. routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel .

SPARTACUS :  1 min each. Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY, February 6th 2014
NO Volleyball and I go to Montréal in the evening.

6h35 PM   P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton OFF PROGRAM   # 06 Kenpo X
43mins +  / AveHR  123 74% / MaxHR  147  88%  / 223 cals / 45 % fat / 19 mins InZone (75%+) 
Hurry up to go to Montréal to Help Manou with E while he takes D to the hospital for the day.

#06 Kenpo X
saunders stretch cycle warm-up doing some Floor Ladder work

1- Twist & Pivot — 25 each side
2- Twist & Pivot with Hook & Upper Cut — 25 each side
3- Jabs — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
4- Jab / Cross — 25 each side
5- Jab / Cross / Hook — 25 each side
6- Jab / Cross / Hook / Uppercut — 25 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

7- Step Drag / High-Low Punch — 20 reps +10 doubles each side
8- Jab / cross Switch — 20 reps
9- Hook / Uppercut Switch — 20 reps
10- Knee Kick — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
11- Ball Kick — 30 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

12- Side Kick — 30 reps each side
13- Back Kick — 25 reps
14- Three-Direction Kick — 72 reps
15- Side Lunge With High Sword / Low Hammer — 15 reps each side
16- Step Drag / Claw / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side

cardio break — 60 sec

17- High Block — 30 reps
18- Inward Block —30 reps
19- Outward Block — 30 reps
20- Downward Block — 30 reps
21- Star Block — 16 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

22- Front Shuffle with High Block / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side
23- Knee / Back Kick — 15 reps each side
24- Front & Back Knuckles / Ball Kick / Back Kick — 10 reps each side
25- Hook / uppercut / Low Side Kick — 10 reps each side
26- Elbow Series — 30 reps
27- Vertical Punches — 100 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 9h00 PM

 At Manou's to take care of Elena while he takes Daniela to Ste-Justine's Hospital for exams and Chimio.

SUNDAY, February 9th 2014
Manou is home for the week-end. it's goot to talk with him, listen to him play the piano and watch the Sotchi Olympics together.

8h32 AM Power Cardio ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
 mins / AveHR  143 86% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 189 cals / 30 % fat / 25  mins InZone (75%+)
feeling good. .

9h04 AM Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
53 mins / AveHR  123 74% / MaxHR  141 84 %  / 269 cals / 45 % fat / 26  mins InZone (75%+)
difficult after the Power Cardio, but that's what I need.


planned BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, February 10th 2014 

4h33 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
54 mins  / AveHR  119 71% / MaxHR  157 94 %  / 260 cals / 45 % fat / 23  mins InZone (75%+)
very buns of steel

56 mins / AveHR  125 75% / MaxHR  159 95 %  / 296 cals / 40 % fat / 27  mins InZone (75%+)
in groups of 7 : 5 exercises for 90 secs each / cardio bonus in pairs / 5 other exercises for 90 secs each / cardio bonus, +abs.

DIET talk with Amélie

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY, February 11th 2014

60 mins am  , Review
some Slow Waltz & Chacha, Gabriel called Alain to ask him what we missed the last 2 weeks.. not much :)

Aches & Pains : All over but not too bad.

DIET better, but really need to keep at it.

Planned BED AT 10h00  PM

WEDNESDAY, February 12th 2014

6h00 PM P90X+ ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
It was nice, though my right upper arm (not quite the shoulder) hurts and I ice it after

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

8h15 PM BALLROOM DANCE CLASS  at Le Sodanse 
slow waltz

BED AT 11h00 PM 

THURSDAY, February 13th 2014

6h30 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gaby   at Granby, EURÉKA school
3h00 mins We're 12.. lot's of strong players incl Benoit, Laurent, Olivier, Sylvain, Annie.. / my Serves are weak, but considering I'm on Advil because my right shoulder hurts too much.. I'm rather satisfied.

BED AT 11h30

FRIDAY, February 14th 2014
Big snowstorm.. call the gym and they say that Amélie won't be there, and they aren't sure if Karine will be either, so I decide to workout at home..


42mins ~ no HR monitor but
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at 8" for cardio. routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel  Added my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

BED AT 9h30

SUNDAY, February 16th 2014
Manou and Elena en visite.. Daniela chimio..

8h32 AM Power Cardio ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
 mins / AveHR  140 84% / MaxHR  158 95 %  / 175 cals / 30 % fat / 23  mins InZone (75%+)
hummm.. see Aches and pains..

9h04 AM Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
52 mins / AveHR  115 69% / MaxHR  134 80 %  / 234 cals / 55 % fat / 15  mins InZone (75%+)
Not real good :/.

ACHES & PAINS left leg upper side, lower back, right thumb, right upper arm near shoulder, neck.. OUCH!!! Take Novanaprox when I get home.

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, February 17th 2014 
M asks me to be in Mtl on Friday, but I don't feel up to it :/

4h33 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
1 mins  / AveHR  114 68% / MaxHR  158 94 %  / 225 cals / 45 % fat / 18  mins InZone (75%+)

54 mins / AveHR  110 66% / MaxHR  155 93 %  / 223 cals / 50 % fat / 14  mins InZone (75%+)
Each muscle group during a full song.. have alot of trouble doing 3,5 mins of push-ups even on the knees. but do 20-15-10-5 burpees quite well even though I have trouble doing the "chair" while my partner does the burpees.

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  February 19th 2014

7h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — Pre-Program  # 02 Plyometrics
4 mins+ / AveHR  138  84% / MaxHR  158  96%  / 768 cals / 30 % fat / 48 mins InZone (75%+) 
Run, wall chair or plank during water breaks and some un-interesting exercises..

#02 Plyometrics
warm up & stretch

1- Jump Squat 30 sec
2- Run-stance Squat
30 sec
3- Airborne Heisman
30 sec
4- Swing Kick
60 sec

repeat 1-2-3-4

water break 30 sec

5- Squat Reach Jump
30 sec
6- Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-Up
30 sec
7- Double airborne Heisman
30 sec
8- Circle Run
30 sec each direction

repeat 5-6-7-8

water break 30 sec

9- Jump Knee Tuck
30 sec
10- Mary Katherine Lunges
30 sec
11- Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
12- Twist Combo
60 sec

repeat 9-10-11-12

water break 30 sec

13- Rock Star Hop
15 sec each side
14- Gap Jump
30 sec
15- Squat Jack
30 sec
16- Military March
60 sec

repeat 13-14-15-16

water break 30 sec

17- Run Squat 180 Jump Switch
30 sec
18- Lateral Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
19- Monster Truck Tire
30 sec
20- Hot Foot
30 sec each foot

repeat 17-18-19-20

water break 30 sec

21- Pitch & Catch
30 sec each side
22- Jump Shot
30 sec each side
23- Football Hero
60 sec

cool down & stretch

8h15 PM BALLROOM DANCE CLASS  at Le Sodanse 
slow waltz

BED AT 11h00 PM

THURSDAY, February 20th 2014

6h30 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gaby   at Granby, EURÉKA school
3h00 Gaby and I open the gym but D is there to close it. I hurt my right Thumb again, but this time I don't try to hide it. Cold water it between games. We're max 10 players and some of the big players aren't there, so I get to play much more. Because of my aching thumb I serve underhanded after à while. I'll practice overhanded some other time.

BED AT 11h30

FRIDAY, February 21st 2014
Sochi Winter Olympics.. Hockey semi-finals : Canada 1 / USA 0

 47+ mins / AveHR  148 89% / MaxHR  230??? 138 %  / 257 cals / 21 % fat / 23  mins InZone (75%+)
6-8-10s for 3 exercises / in one of the triads we have power squats and I do jumpos over the steps instead. With bonuses between sets . last bonus is quite a combination :

Burpees Squats
1 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
9 2
10 1

BED AT 11h30

SUNDAY, February 23rd 2014
Last day of Sochi Winter Olympics..
8h32 AM Power Cardio ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
 mins / AveHR  141 84% / MaxHR  157 94 %  / 192 cals / 30 % fat / 26  mins InZone (75%+)
New program, good to change. /
Holckey Gold for Canada's Men at Sochi.. 3-0

9h02 AM Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
51 mins / AveHR  126 75% / MaxHR  147 88 %  / 269 cals / 45 % fat / 30  mins InZone (75%+)
Feeling good.

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, February 24th 2014 

4h36 PM BUNS OF STEEL ~ GROUP FITNESS  with Amélie Martin
52 mins  / AveHR  120 72% / MaxHR  156 93%  / 259 cals / 45 % fat / 27  mins InZone (75%+)
very hard on the legs..

60 mins / AveHR  112 67% / MaxHR  148 89 %  / 262 cals / 50 % fat / 22   mins InZone (75%+)
main cours 45 secs / 15 secs rest with choice of 3 levels of each exercise. I have alot of trouble :/

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY, February 25th 2014
Health : PM RV with Dr. M-H Arpin at St-Hyacinthe Hospital.. Removal of Nabothian cyst (Kyste de Naboth) Will see her again on May 6th. No worries.

8h15 PM TESTING.. curious about Max Plank time.. my Max : Stopped at 5 mins mostly because my right shoulder was hurting.

on Facebook : Karolann Paris & trainees have been doing a Plank Challenge and they're at 4m15 secs (to be done in a day)

Avec votre défi de planche vous (au pluriel) avez quand même fini par me piquer la curiosité. Je savais que j'ai plus besoin de mettre de l'énergie ailleurs que de faire des planches.. j'étais pas mal certaine que je pouvais faire un 3 minutes.. et c'est suffisant pour me dire que ce n'est pas une de mes priorité.. mais comme j'ai dit, j'ai fini par être curieuse..

Je viens d'arrêter à 5 minutes de planche faciale.. je commençais à trembler.. mais j'avais surtout mal aux épaules MERCI pour la motivation. C'est l'fun de savoir que je suis meilleure que je pensais LOL

En fds je vérifierai mes planches latérales

BED AT 11h30

WEDNESDAY, February 26th 2014

8h15 PM BALLROOM DANCE CLASS  at Le Sodanse 
Chacha.. not into it tonight.. we need to practice more.. or at least à little!

BED AT 11h00 PM 

THURSDAY, February 27th 2014

6h45 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gaby   at Granby, EURÉKA school
3h00 r.eal fun evening when I get to play alot, and I DON'T hurt my right thumb again. / Underhand serves but practice overhand between games. We're 13 but I'm always on the team with 6 so I don't have to sit out. Many good players, Mike, Laurent, Olivier, Gaby (of course) Geneviève, Sylvain, à new guy.. Michel, Jade, Jean-Christophe, Michèle, Anne, Jean-François, / Gaby abdomen and back hurts from earlier at work, He has to stop after a while,  hope it won't be bad.

 BED AT 11h30


FRIDAY, February 28th 2014
M+2 come for the Week-end

Volleyball serving progession

1) Ballon dans main gauche , apporter ballon en arrière, la  mettre dans la main droite qui lance par-dessus filet

2) Tenir ballon dans la main gauche, en diagonale , faire un pas du pied gauche, frapper avec main droite comme si le ballon était dans un T (de golf ou baseball 4 ans)

3) Pratiquer le lancer, de la hauteur de l’épaule.., lancer un peu par en avant. laisser tomber le ballon

 4) Faire le service.

54 mins / AveHR  128 77% / MaxHR  154 92 %  / 296 cals / 40 % fat / 34  mins InZone (75%+)
main course : 4-5 sets of 15s on steps with DBs or not.. cardio bonus / repeat 3 times. ouch!

Practice Spanish conversation with J-YB a little before and an hour after Halgas de hierro.. haven't spoken Spanish in a VERY long time.. I'm loooooosing it! :/


El Burpee debe su nombre a Royal Burpee, que en los años 30 utilizó este ejercicio para desarrollar un test de fitness. Este test se utilizó posteriormente por el ejército americano para evaluar el nivel físico de los reclutas durante la segunda guerra mundial.

El ejercicio

En realidad hay bastantes tipos de Burpee, pero el que presento aquí es el Burpee con salto, muy completo y apto para casi todo el mundo.

Los pasos para realizar correctamente un Burpee son los siguientes:

1) La posición de partida es de cuclillas, apoyado sobre las puntas de los pies y con las manos en el suelo.

2) Salta con las piernas, sin despegar las manos del suelo, para que cuando aterricen te quedes con las piernas estiradas y apoyado sobre los brazos, también estirados.

3) Haz una flexión completa, manteniendo el cuerpo recto y llevando el pecho a pocos centímetros del suelo. Si no puedes hacer una flexión normal hazla apoyado sobre las rodillas.

4) Manteniendo los brazos estirados, salta con las piernas hacia delante para volver a la posición inicial.

5) Desde esta posición salta lo más alto que puedas, y al caer dobla las rodillas para regresar a la posición de partida.

BED AT 00h50 Nice to talk with my son after watching TV

SUNDAY, March 2nd 2014
8h30 AM Power Cardio ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
 mins / AveHR  142 85% / MaxHR  160 96 %  / 182 cals / 30 % fat / 22  mins InZone (75%+)
Feeling good even though I have some aches & pains. I like this 11th PC program

9h02 AM Zumba ~ GROUP FITNESS with Karolann Paris
55 mins / AveHR  128 77% / MaxHR  149 89 %  / 305 cals / 40 % fat / 35  mins InZone (75%+)
Feeling good.

 BED AT 10h30 PM

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