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this is posted  fot the 10th anniversary of this log. October 13th 2015.

THIS WEEK *typical schedule*

MONDAY, October 13th, 2005
WORKOUT    Next workout                                                                                                                                               
(program #3 Pre-ski by Amélie Martin -1) 

(12 minute WARM-UP on staionary bike at a HR of about 115 bpm)

*Unless I mention otherwise, I take about 30 second rests between sets, and
do the extercises 3-0-3 secs.

1) 2x15 squats on a Bosu with the round part on the floor and 20 lbs weights
in a pack-sac (like when I X-country ski). I keep my feet about 6" apart and try to close my eyes sometimes. This is only a balancing exercise.

2) 2x15 Streight legged Dead Lifts. I started at 33 lbs , am at 66 lbs, starting to feel the last lifts but still easy.

3) 2x15 each leg : Standing on left leg slightly bent, leaning slightly forwords, with 8 lb ankle weights right leg, I bend my right leg to bring my right knee in front of me and then extend my leg diagonally to the back, my foot is then about 12 " from the ground.

4) 2x15 Hip Adduction. sitting, 115 lbs on Nautilus machine.

5 ) 2x15 pulls 37,5 lbs on Freedom trainer like in the picture but with the apparatus' metal arms at mid-thigh level in front of me (E7), I pull straight-armed down and back and so in the end my hands are behind me .(1,5-0-3 secs)

6) 2x15 Dumbell Press , narrow hold. 12,5 lbs in each hand with my head and shoulders on a Swiss (fitness) ball. My body in the air and my knees bent.

7) 2x20 Bent arm Lateral Lifts. My physical therapists says to stay at this weight cause I’m still sore from a shoulder bursites (from a fall I took this summer, roller blading)

8)2x20 each side. Oblique Abs.. lying down on my back, with legs and arms
appart.. I lift my legs and arms so that my right hand touches my left foot. back
down without touching the ground with my legs or arms. ( I can't really do
2x20 each side yet, It’s more like 20+15+5 each side.... ( about 1-0-1 secs.)

9)2x15, leg lifts and plevic curls : on inclined bench, on the 3rd bar (my rythm is about 1-1-1-1 secs.)

10) 2 times for as long as I can hold.. push-up position on elbows : I do about 2 x 75 seconds.. but my right elbow really hurts from an old wound.

CARDIO : (after weight training)
on eliptical (Precor 546)
*5 mins warm-up on eliptical
*20 mins ; Intervals : 5x ( 2 mins at about 8 METs, 2 mins at about 12-15
METs) My HR during the intervals is around 155-160 in the second minute of the high zone. And the max METs I saw was 18.
*5 mins cool-down.
FELEXIBILITY : about 8-12 mins.. I'd like to do more but rarely have any
energy left for more.

Ballroom dance class ( 1 hour relaxed)
WEIGHTS : same as on mondays.
CARDIO : (after weight training)
20 mins step-climber : manual program.. progressivly harder..
20 mins eliptical with arms movement.. this week : cross-country program
My HR average is around 148 for the workout.
FLEXIBILITY : same as on mondays

CARDIO : 60 mins eliptical (Precor 576i and Precor 546) with .mp3s and 3 different cross-country Programs
FLEXIBILITY : same as on mondays

hiking as often as I can.. about 3-4 hour hikes. If not.. something else
Groupe fitness class.. 90 mins aerobics/steps/strength/relaxation
Nothing planned ahead.

I’m not sure how effective all this is.. (I’ll know better with the snow..) but it’s fun. I do think there is something missing.. like more “power” exercises to gain speed in skiing..

Well if you went throught that and are still reading I'll introduce myself à little more [Razz]

But first, Thanks for dropping in and I know I have to learn the right terms.. please excuse my clumsiness explaining the training!

Now here goes more about me.. (Just to put the training into context)

Joining a gym was the BEST gift I have ever given myself. I feel so lucky to have all those facilities available. I can still hardly believe it.

I’m 51 years old, 5’6” and weigh around 136 pounds. I’m a mesomorph with a long sports background (fencing, wildernes canoeing, hiking). But often a few years without training.

When I was 28 I paralised waist down due to a vascular malformation mixed with an epidural for a C-Section. Took me 2 years to learn to walk again, after 5 years it was still “work” to climb a set of stairs. Today what I have left of this is my left foot’s metatarses are "collapsed" ("affaisées" in french), so even with a support and good running shoes, they hurt if I run or jump too much on hard ground.

I joined a gym in june 2005 after 2 years of group fitness classes 2x a week in a local school. Between juin and mid-september I did total body programs about 2-3 times a week. Since mid-september I'm doing a pre-cross-country-skiing weights program that I asked my(not personnal) trainer to perpare for me. The cardio program I decided on my own. I also participate in a group fitness class once a week at the gym, and I just bought poles to integrate nordic walking when I go on hikes. I eat sensibly, but that is definately something I'll have to check out more later..

GOALS ? No bulking for me, but I’d love to have enough endurance to go X-Country skiing 4-5 hours and still be in shape to dance all night.. well.. let’s say to dance into the wee hours of the night..

I'd be very thankful for any help, advice or critiques and don't mind some teasing since I'm sure it's all in good faith.

*takes a deep breath* [Eek!] ooufff.. that was quite a workout putting all that down !

FRIDAY, October 14th, 2005

HIKE (with nordic poles)
Mont Saint-Hilaire

Duration : 3h50 mins , starting 10:30 am.
Pacsac : 12 lbs

Trails : Red up, Red down, Blue up, Blue down.

Weather : Pouring Rain / Rain / Rain and Fog / Rain and wind. about 55°F
Positive side : I had the trails to myself, the air was excellent, and the colours very vivid.

Trail condition : as you would guess after 2 days of rain : muddy, wet, pools of water instead of puddles, and water streaming down the trails all over. Quite a Challange, very different from the past weeks. My clothes must have weighed 5 pounds by the middle of the hike.

Average HR : 124
Max HR : 156
Time in zone (125-170) : 1h52

Note : 1)my resting heart rate is 50 and I figure my Max HR to be around 180. I used 220-age for a long time but find that 210-(age/2) interessting for people over 30 who are in good shape.. it would give me 185.. but I feel that is a little too high for me.I found the formula here (It's in french but if you google on "210-age/2" you'll find quite a bit in english.

2)Those nordic poles really help keep the HR up on level ground, before I used them I averaged around 1h02 mins in zone for the same trails.

Meal : SLIM DOWN 1 nutritional supplement bar at noon.

I think that covers it..
ahh yes.. my impressions : wonderful day but glad it' not always raining like today!

SATURDAY, October 15th, 2005

9 am : SuperWorkout II with Nancy.
30 mins aerobics dance
30 minutes STEPS.
(Average HR for aerobics and steps : 144)
20 mins strenght exercises
10 mins stretching and relaxation

STEPS at 8" and going well.

Still have problems with some of the fancy footwork but learning, and like the instructor says, "doesn't matter, it's cardio". Besides, she has to change the routines around all the time, so that we don't get "used" to them, not likely to happen to me with my bad memory of routines!!!. I like very much some of the combinations.

SHOULDER : still (again) having problems with my left shoulder. woke me up a couple of times last night. hurt quite a lot during the push-ups. didn't do some of the reps of shoulder exercices with hand above head. Very hard on the Ego. Although I know I shouldn't care.

Didn't keep me from dancing tonight though.. not much Ballroom, more modern/disco (at a wedding).

I love ballroom, but sometimes it's good to just let go. Around midnight we danceed a Rock-in-line.. (to Footloose) WOW.. went all out and wasn't tierd at the end nore out of breath. What's nice also is that my bf who signed up for the gym a month after me was looking good dancing Footloose as well : )

/planning ON

I AM getting less motivated on the 5x 2 min intervals. I guess it's better to change them than to kick myself to continue. I'll try 5 one min intervals with 4 mins recup. ahhh I'm already looking forward to tomorow's training. and next change will be to do the intervals on the bike..

In the hiking or x-country, I get some intervals in anyways by not slowing down in up-hills. but on the straighs I was always just regular or à little higher allround intensiy. Good idea to actually work in some Pre-definde intervals. will make it interesting.

/planning OFF


/correction ON

nothing to log today, so I might as well correct the vocabulary on my weights programme with the new vocabulary I've learned :

Pre-Ski Training / Started September 12th, 2005

Time between sets : just enough to get to the next exercise.

1) 2x15 : squats on a Flat Side Up Bosu /epc Tempo 3-0-3 / 20 lbs in pacsac / Note : eyes closed when I can. (starting time 0 seconds eyes closed) now 4-5 seconds mostly when I’m low

2) 2x15 : Straight legged Dead Lifts / epc Tempo 3-0-2 / (starting wgt 33 lbs) now 66 lbs

3) 2x15 each leg, then change : “skiier”/epc Tempo 2-0-2 / (starting wgt 5 lbs) now 8 lbs

4) 2x15 : Seated Hip Adductions. /epc Tempo 2-0-2 / (starting wgt 100 lbs) now 115 lbs

5) 2x15 : Pulls “equivalent Double-pole-push” /epc Tempo 3-0-1,5 / (starting wgt 30 lbs) now 37,5 lbs

6) 2x15 : Swiss Ball Dumbell Bench Press , narrow hold. /epc Tempo 3-0-3 / (starting wgt 5 lbs each) now 12,5 lbs each

7) 2x20 : Bent arm Lateral Lifts /epc Tempo 3-0-3 / (starting wgt 7,5 lbs each) now 7,5 lbs each

8) 2x20 each side, then change : V-up Opposites / epcTempo about 1-0-1 secs / (starting on each side something like 20 + 6 + 6+ 3) now : 20+15+5 each side....

9) 2x15, leg lifts and plevic curls : on inclined bench /epc Tempo : 1-1-1-1

10) 2x Holding push-up position on elbows / Tempo Max / variable.. 75 secs + 75 secs

/correction OFF

MONDAY, October 17th, 2005

workday was ok.
gym at 16h30 ( was really sleepy, risisted temptation to have a coffee.)

WARM-UP stationary cycle
12 mins at 122 aveHR
that woke me up and I was fine for the rest)

 Previous workout   ~Next workout                                                                                                             
(program #3 Pre-ski by Amélie Martin -2) 

1) 2x15 : squats on a Flat Side Up Bosu / just opened my eyes once in the first set, not at all in the second set. /EDIT: [Big Grin] that IS the exercise.. and I'm not falling asleep [Wink]

2) 2x15 : Straight legged Dead Lifts / added 4 lbs = 70 lbs /still felt good

3) 2x15 each leg, then change : “skiier”/ added 2 lbs = 10 lbs /still felt good and had suprisingly good balance (maybe because of the extra weight?, but then I had good balance in exercise #1 as well, so I don't know ! )

4) 2x15 : Seated Hip Adductions. / same at 115 lbs

5) 2x15 : Pulls “equivalent Double-pole-push” / same at 37,5 lbs / left shoulder hurt, but left arm definitely weaker than the right arm, so I don't know if it was because of my shoulder or the weakness.

6) 2x15 : Swiss Ball Dumbell Bench Press , narrow hold. /+2,5 lbs each hand =15 lbs each hand. not easy but felt good.

7) 2x20 : Bent arm Lateral Lifts / still 7,5 lbs each, but it's getting easier

8) 2x20 each side, then change : V-up Opposites / epcTempo about 1-0-1 secs / wow! first time I completed the sets of 20 without stopping. not perfect style on the last ones (left hand side) but I did them.. thought I never would LOL. wonder if I'll be able to again on wednesday.

9) 2x15, leg lifts and plevic curls : on inclined bench / not easy but I slowed the tempo from 1-1-1-1 to 1,5 (legs up) 1-1 pelvec curl, 1,5 (legs down)

10) 2x Holding push-up position on elbows : 110 secs + 90 secs

CARDIO (I was going to do 5x1 mins intervals, but it didn't work out that way)on Eliptical Precor 546

(I did my intervals at 6,9,12,15 and 18 mins.. but of different lengths.. am just calculating my rests..)

6 mins at resistance 8 doing 8-10 METs
45 secs at resistance 14.. saw 18 METs for 20 counts (about 20 secs)
2m15 at resistance 8 doing 8-9 METs
45 secs at resistance 14.. again 18 METs for about 20 seconds.. saw 19,2 METs..
2m15 at resistance 8 who cares at how many METs LOL
45 secs at resistance 14.. no more than 15 METs
2m15 at resistance 8
30 secs at resistance 14.. 15 METs
2m30 at resistance 8
30 secs at resistance 14.. 12-15 METs..
7 minutes cool-down .

Argh.. I'll really have to get my act together on that before next HIIT in a week.

I think that if I respect the 4 min rests I had planned.. I could probably do 5 x 45 secs.. but no way 5 x 60 secs.. not for now.

about 10 mins..

still have a knot under my left Glute..I don't know how long I'll wait before I go see my Physical Therapist about it.. [Confused]

squats on bosu .. I asked my trainer for balance exercises for XCskiing but actually.. they are good for "older" people too.. I think that most hip fractures in older women do not occure because of Osteoporous, but because of bad balance.. (if they didn't fall they wouldn't break thier hip) (not at my age.. but at 70+).. seeing I have a "weaker" left foot.. I figured blance exercises would be excellent for me.. (for ballroom dancing as well)

eyes closed.. there is a huge difference in our balance eyes open and closed.. so once some balance exercise is mastered with the eyes open, the next step is to do it with eyes closed. A lot of blancing on the Swiss Ball is also done with eyes closed (not me, I can't even kneel on it eyes open) .. But I don't think there is much danger.. It's not as if I had my eyes covered and couldn't open them.. as soon as I feel a little off balance.. I can take a peek.. (did so for weeks) believe me.. it comes naturally .


I just learned that there were two types of Straight legged Dead Lifts..

Ordinary ..

Straight back..

I do the straight back type.


No training today but I did these exercises for my left shoulder. I hope they help.

Called my Physio Therapist .. I'll see him october 27th for my shoulder and for the "knot" in my right glutes..

Going to Dance Class in about half an hour.. Tripple-Time Swing.

Mild case of shin splints from yeserday's HIIT. But still glad I did it.

WEDNESDAY, October 19th, 2005

workday was ok.
gym at 17:15 arrived with aches and pains [Frown]

WARM-UP stationary bike as usual 12 mins at 120

WORKOUT : Previous workout   ~   Next workout                                                                                                            
(program #3 Pre-ski by Amélie Martin -3) 

1) 2x15 : squats on a Flat Side Up Bosu :
peeked twice at the biginning of the first set.

2) 2x15 : Straight legged Dead Lifts / added 11 lbs = 81 lbs (felt the pull where my right glute hurts)

3) 2x15 each leg, then change : “skier”/ added 2 lbs = 12 lbs

4) 2x15 : Seated Hip Adductions. / same at 115 lbs

5) 2x15 : Pulls “equivalent Double-pole-push” / +2,5 = 40 lbs

6) 2x15 : Swiss Ball Dumbell Bench Press , narrow hold. /same at 15 lbs each hand.

7) 2x20 : Bent arm Lateral Lifts / still 7,5 lbs each

8) 2x20 each side, then change : V-up Opposites / was difficult to complete

9) 2x15, leg lifts and plevic curls : on inclined bench / same

10) 2x Holding push-up position on elbows : 90 secs + 60 secs (much less than monday)

20 mins stair climber (HR around 148)
15 mins stationnary cycle +5 mins threadmill (HR around 135)

none.. didn't feel well

Good to be home..

THURSDAY, October 20th
workday.. ok mainly because I didn't sit down much in the afternoon.

gym at 17:00


total 60 minutes elipticals.

MaxHR 162, AveHR 150, Cross ramp 10, Resistance 10, METs 10-12
steady up as follows :

20 mins Precor576i AveHR 138
20 mins Precor546 AveHR 146
20 mins Precor546 AveHR 155

eyes closed on the 576 was easy after 5 secs, so I opened them when it got too comfortable.. and shut them again .. about 10 times..

tried it on the 546.. (no hands) not easy but interesting..

can hardly believe that when I started the elipticals, even with my eyes wide open I had to hold on to the handles most of the time. It pays off to keep trying to get out of my comfort zone, now I can adjust my .mp3 player, drink water or do some arm stretching exercises while pedaling at a good pace .


about 8 minutes

I never know what formula to use for the 60-80% effort I need for Cardio training.. there are so many.

At one time I made myself an Excel Graph..Just to compare the different formulas. I can change the age, the resting HR and the "if known" MaxHR.. If anyone wants to play around with it.. I can send a copy. (It's nothing exceptional.. I'm no expert).

For a 20 year old there is no difference between the Red and the Blue lines.

Set for 51 years old, Resting HR of 50, and a Known MaxHR of 180 (that's not me, I don't know for sure my MaxHR) it looks like this :



On the otherhand, if anybody thinks there's an error in it.. please do tell me!

FcR = Resting Heart Rate
FcM = Maximum Heart Rate

I read this article on Periodization,

most of it was a repeat of what I was told here, or what I already knew.. but it's getting clearer in my head. What I want is really to have a plan for a full year. Here are somethings I want to put in this plan is (in random order for now)

(Then I'll work on the variations in training within each period.)

(nothing is set.. suggestions always appreciated)

/planning ON

  • General hard weight training in the summer.
  • Pre-ski conditionning in september to november.
  • more "explosive" strenght training in december and begining of january
  • mixed cardio in the pre-ski season
  • More HIIT just before the ski season (december) .. say twice a week, and maybe 3 times a week during the X-Mas holidays, of course I'll have to cut back on the 60 mins cardios during that time.
  • ?? don't know what type of weight training in the XC-ski season (january to march) maybe same as summer but in maintenance mode.
  • maintenance cardio in the XC=ski season (january to march) (to keep my energy for the skiing that I HOPE to do)
  • maybe a few hours of private coaching to brush-up on my technique.. and some specifique technique practices
  • maybe...
  • mabye..

/planning OFF

Actually I know that at the level I'm skiing at, and for the time that I have to go skiing, all this is not very important. But I like to "pretend" I'm an athlete.. even if I don't take myself seriously, and know

that I'm not.

FRIDAY, October 21st 2005

Hike (with nordic poles)
Mont Saint-Hilaire

Duration : 5hrs, starting 11:00 am.
Pacsac : 8 lbs

Trails : Red up, Red down, Blue up, Blue down, Brown leading to : Yellow up, Yellow down.

Weather : Absoutely beautiful!!!! Sunshine, no wind, about 35°F

Trail condition : The Blue and Red trails were still muddy (rain just stopped yesterday) but that meant that the trail was soft under the feet, almost sensual. Very pleasant! the Brown trail is a Boardwalk in a marsh area, and the Yellow.. is always dry.. but not very natural.

Average HR : 122
Max HR : 155
Time in zone (125-170) : 2h01m

1)Did a little work in Red-up.. decided to take much longer (exagerated) strides about 3 x 20 // GOBBLA.. just as you said in your post! // but then.. thought that it might be a good day to do 3 summits.. so decided not to push it too much. But the whole thing was easier than I remembered from this summer. I don't regret not pushing though.. It was just such a BEAUTIFUL day to enjoy the nature.

2)In coming down both Red and Blue trails, quite often people asked me how much longer (time) there was to climb. This used to bother me.. as the people who ask.. are usually those who have a hard time going up.. so it is difficult for me to judge.. This year I finally found a trick. I take a mental note at what time I start coming down.. and just tell them.. "Well, I've been coming down for 15 mins" or whatever.. they saw at what speed, I leave it up to them to figure out the rest.

SATURDAY, October 15th 2005

9 am : SuperWorkout II with Nancy.
30 mins aerobics
30 minutes STEPS.
(Average HR for aerobics and steps : 141)
25 mins strenght exercises
5 mins stretching and relaxation

I'm getting the hang of the routine and this week learned the new steps quickly.

All in all : Good workout, different from the rest of the week.

Just found this, might help me...

Caracteristics of Interval trainings for Cross-country skiing : according to Pradet (1996)

• Long : 3 minutes @ 110% Maximum Aerobic Power / 3 minutes recuperation / 6 times
• Middle : 1 minute @ 120% MAP / 2-2,5 min recuperation / 8-10 times
• Short : 15 second @ 130% MAP / 1’30” recuperation
• Short-short : 5 to 10 minute series of 15-30-45seconds maximal (100% PMA) secs with equivalent rests. Done 2-3 times in the same workout.

FRIDAY, october 28th 2005

HIKE (with nordic poles)
Mont Saint-Hilaire
2 hours of which 50 minutes were in-zone (125+)
Weather : autome at the bottom, snow starting halfway up. no wind.
Just the Blue trail UP and DOWN to Rocky.

Did a couple of 30 second practices for Hill bounds Will be doing more and more of those.

Would have continued, but sometimes it's good to stay hungry for more.. that way the next time, if by chance the weather is bad.. or I'm not feeling too good.. I still have a craving for the mountains.

SATURDAY, October 29th 2005
I woke up again twice because of my Shoulder.. and with my Hammies tendon acting-up as well... I decided to take a week off.

I won't have any training to log this week so I'll log my food intake. I started eating like this 4 days ago, it's about 500 calories less than my usual.

SUNDAY, October 30th

1 c BranFlakes
½ c 1% milk
1 oz lean turkey
1 coffee (always with a little 1% milk, no sugar)

125 gr. 1% cottage cheese

1 egg and 4tbsp "simply egg white"s scrambled with ½ c canned green beans
1 tbsp peanut butter, licked from the spoon like a popsicle. (ok.. I know.. I'm a peanut butter junky)
2 green tea (leaves, not in bags.. please!)
1 orange

one Breton Cracker

Liver, oignon, olive oil (love my recipe)

decaf coffee

Also a One-A-Day multivitamin for women

Well I did end up doing a Non-training activity :
60 mins Bike ride around where I live, (sort of country roads, no red lights or stop signs)
of which 20 and later 10 mins were againt pretty strong winds.

I'm also doing every day the stretches the Physio suggested for my left shoulder even if I don't mention it.

MONDAY, October 31st  2005 (ressisted to Halloween Treats all day)

1 c BranFlakes
½ c 1% milk
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 coffee

3 Breton crackers

1 can sardines
1 orange
diet coke

3 Breton Crackers
1 apple

½ 2% cottage cheese
1 tbsp peanut butter
scrambled eggs with ½ c canned green beans
green tea

4% cheddar chees
decaf coffee

One-A-Day multivitamin


Dear Diary,

I hate diets.. and I hate injuries.. and I hate change..

and someone who is looking at my fitness programme to help me.. wrote me this yesterday :



After only a glance I see that you do a LOT of volume and a LOT of cardio. In my opinion, both need to change.

I'll know what change in a few days.. *sigh*

TUESDAY, November 1st 2005

1 c oatmeal
2 slices lean turkey
1 coffee

3 Brasil nuts
4% cheddar cheese
2 Breton Crackers

small V-8
1 orange
diet coke

SNACK 2h30 pm
3 Breton Crackers
1 apple

SNACK 4h30 pm
1 small piece of carrot cake

1 Slim Down bar

decaf coffee

Total about 1300 calories
One-A-Day multivitamin

60 minutes Eliptical low intensity

WEDNESDAY, November 2nd 2005

½ c oatmeal
4% cheddar cheese
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 coffee

diet coke
3 Breton Crackers

Lean Cuisine : chicken and veggies
small V-8
1 orange
1 oz Pine nuts

SNACK 2h30 pm
4% cheddar cheese
1 apple

SNACK 4h30 pm
1 small piece of carrot cake

decaf coffee

Total about 1350 calories
One-A-Day multivitamin

none again

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