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TUESDAY, March 26th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00

10h07 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
4 mins / AveHR  124  78% / MaxHR  144  90%  / 452 cals / 40 % fat / 39 mins InZone (75%+).
Less cardio than last week, but  at least I'm taking care of my left metatarsals.

BED AT 10h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,     March 27th 2019
Piano ~  2h00+

9h30 PM ~ I forget to do my stretching because of piano practice!

BED AT  10h15 PM 

THURSDAY, March 28th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

10h03 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
52 mins / AveHR  130  81% / MaxHR  149  93%  / 452 cals / 35 % fat / 48 mins InZone (75%+).
There's a lady who's 81 in the class, I hope (wonder if..) I'll be in better shape when I'm her age.

BED AT 10h00 PM

FRIDAY,  March 29th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

1h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   05 Legs and Back

#05 Legs & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Balance Lunge 25 each leg
2- Calf Raise Squat
3- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
43 sec
4- Super Skater
25 each side
5- Wall Squat
  90 sec
6- Wide Front Pull-Up
55 sec
7- Step Back Lunge
15 each side
8- Alternating Side Lunge
24 reps
9- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
45 sec
10- Single-Leg Wall Squat
60 sec
11- Deadlift Squat
20 each leg
12- Switch Grip Pull-up
60 sec

ballistic stretch / water break 60 sec

13- Three-Way Lunge 30 reps
14- Sneaky Lunge
20 reps
15- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
39 sec
16- Chair Salutations
2x 30 sec
17- Toe-Roll ISO Lunge
20 each side
18- Wide Front Pull-Up
42 sec
19- Groucho Walk
45 sec
20- Calf Raises
75 reps
21- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
34 sec
22- 80/20 Siebers-Speed Squat
30 each side
23- Switch Grip Pull-Up
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 11h30 PM 

SATURDAY,  March 30th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

5h05 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 
me weights as when I started 10 years ago. I'm glad I still have my paper logs.

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 10h00 PM

SUNDAY,    March 31st 2019
Piano ~
take a break

9h02 AM PRECOR  576i Intervals 15 secs / 90 secs — 1 min / 2 mins — 3 mins / 3 mins
60 mins / AveHR  130  81% / MaxHR  145  91%  / 560 cals / 35 % fat / 56 mins InZone (75%+)
I have DOMS all over. I really have to change my WOs to Mondays & Wednesdays instead of like this week Friday & Saturday.

7h30 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 07 Stretching
47 mins  with Gaby

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT  10h00 PM 

MONDAY,  April 1st 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

7h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   05 Legs and Back
With Gaby

#05 Legs & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Balance Lunge 25 each leg
2- Calf Raise Squat
3- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
43 sec
4- Super Skater
25 each side
5- Wall Squat
  90 sec
6- Wide Front Pull-Up
55 sec
7- Step Back Lunge
15 each side
8- Alternating Side Lunge
24 reps
9- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
45 sec
10- Single-Leg Wall Squat
60 sec
11- Deadlift Squat
20 each leg
12- Switch Grip Pull-up
60 sec

ballistic stretch / water break 60 sec

13- Three-Way Lunge 30 reps
14- Sneaky Lunge
20 reps
15- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
39 sec
16- Chair Salutations
2x 30 sec
17- Toe-Roll ISO Lunge
20 each side
18- Wide Front Pull-Up
42 sec
19- Groucho Walk
45 sec
20- Calf Raises
75 reps
21- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
34 sec
22- 80/20 Siebers-Speed Squat
30 each side
23- Switch Grip Pull-Up
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 11h30 PM 

TUESDAY, April 2nd 2019
Piano ~ 2h00

10h07 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
59 mins / AveHR  1294  81% / MaxHR  177  111%  / 534 cals / 35 % fat / 49 mins InZone (75%+).
Feeling good, but arms still tired from Saturday's WO.

BED AT 11h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 3rd 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

7h05 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,   April 4th 2019
Nice to have Albi come for lunch.
Piano ~ 2h+

Xoom (still working?) as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 10" .

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats

 TRX Triceps  

5 Skaters  
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R   
8 Jump squats L/R  
9 Butt lifts    
10 Corners

BED AT  10h30 PM 

FRIDAY,   April 5th 2019
Piano ~ 2h+

7h20 PM ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
With Gabriel

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 10h30 PM 

L’exercice pour vaincre l’arthrose, partie 2

Qu’en est-il des exercices d’étirement ?

Dans les cas d’arthrose, les exercices d’étirement sont généralement contre-indiqués.

En effet, l’idée d’augmenter la flexibilité des tissus pour augmenter la mobilité de l’articulation est contre-productive, car on sait que l’articulation arthrosique est déjà instable. Ce que l’on recherche, c’est d’augmenter la stabilité de l’articulation, et non sa mobilité. Si les exercices de musculation sont faits dans toute l’amplitude normale d’une articulation, il n’est pas nécessaire d’ajouter des exercices d’étirement pour maintenir la mobilité de celle-ci, même pour une personne qui ne souffre pas d’arthrose.

On pourrait penser que les exercices d’étirement pourraient avoir un effet bénéfique sur les raideurs matinales caractéristiques de l’arthrose, mais il faut comprendre que les raideurs ne proviennent pas d’un manque de flexibilité des muscles, mais bien de spasmes induits par la douleur et par le fait qu’après une période d’immobilité, la température des tissus mous et la viscosité du liquide synovial (« l’huile » baignant l’intérieur des articulations) ne sont pas optimales. La maladie provoque aussi une fibrose de la membrane synoviale, ce qui la rend moins flexible et augmente les raideurs caractéristiques de l’arthrose.

Plus l’arthrose est sévère, plus l’articulation est instable, plus les exercices d’étirement (et les autres activités basées sur des amplitudes de mouvement extrêmes comme le yoga) sont néfastes.

Ce phénomène est encore pire si les exercices d’étirement sont mal exécutés. En effet, certaines personnes « poussent » trop l’étirement, au point que la manœuvre devient douloureuse, ce qui active un réflexe spécifique du système nerveux central (réflexe myotatique) et favorise les spasmes musculaires, augmentant ainsi les douleurs …

SUNDAY,    April 7th 2019
Piano ~  2h+

9h06 AM PRECOR  556i Intervals 15 secs / 90 secs — 1 min / 2 mins — 3 mins / 3 mins
60 mins / AveHR  135  84% / MaxHR  148  93%  / 585 cals / 30 % fat / 58 mins InZone (75%+)
556i has no "elevation" but still good..

7h30 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 07 Stretching
47 mins  with Gaby

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT  10h00 PM 

MONDAY,  April 8th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

7h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   05 Legs and Back
with Gaby

#05 Legs & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Balance Lunge 25 each leg
2- Calf Raise Squat
3- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
43 sec
4- Super Skater
25 each side
5- Wall Squat
  90 sec
6- Wide Front Pull-Up
55 sec
7- Step Back Lunge
15 each side
8- Alternating Side Lunge
24 reps
9- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
45 sec
10- Single-Leg Wall Squat
60 sec
11- Deadlift Squat
20 each leg
12- Switch Grip Pull-up
60 sec

ballistic stretch / water break 60 sec

13- Three-Way Lunge 30 reps
14- Sneaky Lunge
20 reps
15- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
39 sec
16- Chair Salutations
2x 30 sec
17- Toe-Roll ISO Lunge
20 each side
18- Wide Front Pull-Up
42 sec
19- Groucho Walk
45 sec
20- Calf Raises
75 reps
21- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
34 sec
22- 80/20 Siebers-Speed Squat
30 each side
23- Switch Grip Pull-Up
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 11h30 PM 

TUESDAY, April 9th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00

10h07 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
I don't feel like wearing my HR monitor.. it's good to be able not to wear it at times.. to not be too hooked on it.

BED AT 1h30 AM Soirée retraite CSSH : get home earlier, but had a coffee after supper :/

WEDNESDAY,  April 10th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+

7h05 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 
I up most of the weights in most of the exercises to DB15s

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise
I do TRX Push-ups instead

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,   April 11th 2019
Piano ~ 2h+

Xoom (still working?) as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 12" .

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats

 TRX Triceps  

5 Skaters  
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R   
8 Jump squats L/R  
9 Abs instead of butt lifts    
10 Corners

BED AT  10h30 PM 

Piano ~ 2h00+

M+ML+C pm & supper. bring home the puppet theater

SUNDAY,     April 14th 2019
Piano ~ 3h00

8h53 AM PRECOR  576i Intervals 15 secs / 90 secs — 1 min / 2 mins — 3 mins / 3 mins
60 mins / AveHR  137  86% / MaxHR  152  95%  / 607 cals / 30 % fat / 58 mins InZone (75%+)
feeling good

7h50 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 07 Stretching
47 mins  with Gaby // I really don't feel like it and my left shoulder hurts from the eliptical this moring, but since Gaby is doing it. I try.

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT  10h00 PM 

MONDAY,  April 15th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+
DIET bad 152 lbs

7h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   05 Legs and Back
with Gaby - I upped my weights to DB15s, doing the chin-ups etc with Black elastic but concentrating on the legs for hiking.

#05 Legs & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Balance Lunge 25 each leg
2- Calf Raise Squat
3- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
43 sec
4- Super Skater
25 each side
5- Wall Squat
  90 sec
6- Wide Front Pull-Up
55 sec
7- Step Back Lunge
15 each side
8- Alternating Side Lunge
24 reps
9- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
45 sec
10- Single-Leg Wall Squat
60 sec
11- Deadlift Squat
20 each leg
12- Switch Grip Pull-up
60 sec

ballistic stretch / water break 60 sec

13- Three-Way Lunge 30 reps
14- Sneaky Lunge
20 reps
15- Reverse Grip Chin-Up
39 sec
16- Chair Salutations
2x 30 sec
17- Toe-Roll ISO Lunge
20 each side
18- Wide Front Pull-Up
42 sec
19- Groucho Walk
45 sec
20- Calf Raises
75 reps
21- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
34 sec
22- 80/20 Siebers-Speed Squat
30 each side
23- Switch Grip Pull-Up
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 10h30 PM but wake-up quite a few times.

TUESDAY, April 16th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00 (planned)

10h07 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
I don't wear my HR monitor.. just feel like dancing.

The 4 person swing we bought on Friday is delivered. It will be a nice place to relax outside. Specially with the mosquito netting that will keep the birds out as well.

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 17th 2019
Piano ~ 2h00+  / M finishes his thesis

7h05 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

5h48 PM JOGGING  1 km around the block
  / AveHR  140  88% / MaxHR  153  96%  / 91 cals / 25 % fat / 7min51secs InZone (75%+)
It's a start..// with Gaby who plans on running on Wednesdays when he doesn't have Volleyball. / we go around the block in different directions so as to really run at our own pace.

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,   April 18th 2019
Piano ~ 2h+

5h52 PM JOGGING  1 km to St-Jacques and back
No HR monitor, no music.  I was dressed to do Spartacus later so " Just get up and go. "

Xoom  as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 14" . // difficult but I'm feeling good about hiking.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats

 TRX Triceps  

5 Skaters  
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R   
8 Jump squats L/R  
9 Abs instead of butt lifts    
10 Corners

BED AT  10h30 PM 

Piano ~
nope :/

Piano ~ 2h

SUNDAY, April 21st 2019

Easter Sunday M+6 come from brunch to after supper. Very nice day

BED AT 10h30 PM

Piano ~ 2h

TUESDAY, April 23rd 2019
Piano ~ 2h+

10h07 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Maryse Trahan
I don't wear my HR monitor..

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,   April 24th 2019
Blood tests am
Piano ~ 2h+

Xoom  as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 12" .

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats

 TRX Triceps  

5 Skaters  
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R   
8 Jump squats L/R  
9 Abs instead of butt lifts    
10 Corners

BED AT  10h30 PM 

THURSDAY,   April 25th 2019
Piano ~ 1h+

ACHES & PAINS I cough all day, like the lady beside me at the clinic yesterday

BED AT  10h30 PM 

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