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Bianca Andreescu wins US Open

FRIDAY,   August 30th 2019

mins Getting used to having trouble with my Cardio (Effexor) I adapt the exercises to do more weight than excess cardio

BED AT 10h00 PM 

SATURDAY,   August 31st 2019

8h37 AM PRECOR  576i
60 mins
7-8 mets cross-country with 15/90 and 60/120 intervals./ instead of tomorrow, so that I can have brunch with B&C

BED AT 10h00 PM  / B&C until tomorrow

MONDAY,   September 2nd 2019

4h45 PM Concept 2 Rower ~
8 mi
ns WU

4h40 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
At the gym, without DVD, just the list on my water bottle.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front / 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
  I do A-Z
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 ½ V-UPs today
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


mins All bodyweight.. including 2 mins of burpees in WU and 7 +5 +3 lengths of BearWalk in main course.. I don't really like it.

BED AT 10h00 PM 

TUESDAY,  September 3rd 2019

1h15 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications

WU- 200 ea side petit chien arrière & 50 deep squats

Bloc 1           50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB8s

Bloc 2              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB8s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB8s

Dead lift / rameur DB8s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB5s

Squats large  avec  biceps DB8s & flex plantaire alternée



 BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,   September 4th 2019

4h35 PM Concept 2 Rower ~
10 mi
ns WU

4h40 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
At the gym, without DVD, just the list on my water bottle.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front / 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
  I do A-Z
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 ½ V-UPs today
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


5h30 CARDIO MILITAIRE~  GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
mins blocks of 4 exercises 40-30-20-10 reps repeated twice  / 1 min each

BED AT 9h00 PM 

SATURDAY,  September 7th 2019
Watched too much tennis this week. but it's good.

3h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications
Just before watching Tennis, US Open Serena & Bianca

Bloc 1           50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB8s

Bloc 2              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB8s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB8s

Dead lift / rameur DB8s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB5s

Squats large  avec  biceps DB8s & flex plantaire alternée



 BED AT 9h30 PM

SUNDAY,   September 8th 2019

h00 AM
PRECOR  556i
60 mins after WU, about 20 mins at resistance 10 then 8.

BED AT 10h00 PM 

MONDAY, September 9th 2019

7h15 HOME FITNESS  ~ Amélie Boot camp #1
60 mins / take more time, but use DB8s.

Amélie CrossFit Style
100 Squats DB8s
90 Crunches
80 Biceps DB8s
80 Triceps   DB8s
70 Jump rope
60 Squat Dev. Militaire DB8s
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
50 1 leg hamstring butt lift
40 Russian twist DB8s
30 Push-Ups / 30 feet / 30 knees
20 Squat - Rameur DB8s
10 Burpees
5 Jumping Jacks
~ 2 mins dance moves & rest
5 Jumping Jacks
etc up again

BED AT 9h30

TUESDAY,  September 10th 2019

7h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications

Bloc 1           50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB8s

Bloc 2              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB8s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB8s

Dead lift / rameur DB8s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3              50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB5s

Squats large  avec  biceps DB8s & flex plantaire alternée



 BED AT 9h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,   September 11th 2019

4h30 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
At the gym, without DVD, just the list on my water bottle.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front / 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
  I do A-Z
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 ¾ V-UPs today
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


4h55 PM Concept 2 Rower ~
10 mi
ns WU

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE~  GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
mins good

BED AT 9h00 PM 

THURSDAY,   September 12th 2019

12h35 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #4 ~ 45/15-TWICE
It was originally 45/15 and then 30/10 but this time I want it less cardio and longer..

45 secs / 15 secs rest —  short rest, then REPEAT


Squat, leave DB on floor, stand, squat, take DB and stand with biceps flexion


Arabesque with hip extension, left


Arabesque with hip extension, right


Elastic at feet, double side step and touch diagonal back


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, left


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, right


½ sit-up with DB over head, or not.


DB Russian twist with legs off the floor


Side plank with hip lift, left


Side plank with hip lift, right


Side lunge , touch floor with DB, stand with militairy press / alternate sides


Front Squat kick, alternate sides


Sumo Squats, lift heels each time, finish with 10 secs Sumo jump squats


Back lunge with DB biceps, alternate sides


on the back , hamstrings, left leg up


on the back, hamstrings, right leg up


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, left


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, right


45 secs : Double jumping-jack & Burpee


45 secs : Triceps push-ups 2 up 2 down


P90X3 - AB-Ripper some  isometrics
1.) Tin Man Windmill – 5 each side, 10 total
2.) Dolphin Hops- 3 hops in, 1 out, 15 total
3.) C-Y Reach – 5 each side, 10 total
4.) Sphinx Crunch Hold- 5 each side, 10 total
5.) 5 – Way Arbrinome
6.) Hip Drop Twist- 6 each side, DB optional
7.) Bridge Burners- 10 total, dumbbell optional
8.) Speed Bike- 100 reps ( 2 speeds, 10 each up to 100)

BED AT 10h00 PM

RV with Dre Auclair - up Effexor to 150 mg
Start piano again
Diet : 140 lbs

SATURDAY,   September 14th 2019
Piano ~ 1h00

5h05 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms
Almost the same weights as the 3rd session last spring :)

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 9h00 PM tired

SUNDAY,   September 15th 2019
Piano ~ -1h00

8h47 AM PRECOR  576i
60 mins
8-9 mets steady 8-9 resistance with 15/90  intervals. resistance 10. / First time I do this for a full hour. interesting

BED AT 9h00 PM

MONDAY,   September 16th 2019
Piano ~ -1h00


P90X3 - AB-Ripper some  isometrics
1.) Tin Man Windmill – 5 each side, 10 total
2.) Dolphin Hops- 3 hops in, hold, 1 out, 15 total
3.) C-Y Reach – 5 each side, hold each time  10 total
4.) Sphinx Crunch hold- 5 each side, 10 total
5.)Arbrinome hold each time 5 each side
6.) Hip Drop Twist- 6 each side, DB optional
7.) Bridge Burners- banana crunch & twists10 total, DB optional
8.) Speed Bike- 100 reps ( 2 speeds, 10 each up to 100)

6h15 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #4 ~ 45/15-TWICE
Mostly with DB10s / going good.

45 secs / 15 secs rest —  short rest, then REPEAT


Squat, leave DB10s on floor, stand, squat, take DB and stand with biceps flexion


Arabesque with hip extension, left


Arabesque with hip extension, right


Elastic at feet, double side step and touch diagonal back


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, left


lunge, touch floor with hands and, extend leg, lift arms, right


½ sit-up with DB10 over head, or not.


DB Russian twist with legs off the floor DB10s


Side plank with hip lift, left


Side plank with hip lift, right


Side lunge , touch floor with DB, stand with militairy press / alternate sidesDB10s


Front Squat kick, alternate sides


Sumo Squats DB10s, lift heels each time, finish with 10 secs Sumo jump squats


Back lunge with DB biceps, alternate sidesDB10s


on the back , hamstrings, left leg up


on the back, hamstrings, right leg up


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, left


on all 4s, leg lift to the side, 90°, right


Double jumping-jack & Burpee


Triceps push-ups 2 up 2 down

BED AT 9h00 PM

TUESDAY,  September 17th 2019
Piano ~ 1h00 +

9h00 AM St-Pie  WALKING ~  50 mins Club de Marche avec Jacinthe, Alain, Francine

10h00 AM St-Pie  MISE EN FORME POUR LES 50 ANS ET + ~   Amélie Martin
I would be shy to UP the exercises if I was just 50 years old, but since I'm 65 I feel ok about it.

2h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications
I've been want to try 2 WOs the same day, this is just the right mix to do it.

Bloc 1       ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB10s

Bloc 2        ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB10s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB10s

Dead lift / rameur DB10s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3        ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB8s

Squats large avec  biceps DB10s & flex plantaire alternée



 BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,   September 18th 2019

4h20 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
At the gym, without DVD, just the list on my water bottle.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front / 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
  I do A-Z
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 ¾ V-UPs today
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


4h47 AM PRECOR  576i
30 mins
8-9 mets steady 4 resistance  just to move a little before Cardio Militaire

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE~  GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
mins good

BED AT 10h00 PM 

THURSDAY, September 19th 2019

2h35 PM Off- Program P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Do it all at the right speed, and it's the first time in a long time that I do the real Burnout instead of jab-cross-high-knees

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5. Burnout (Punch and Sprawl)  

BED AT 7h40 PM !!

FRIDAY,  September 20th 2019
Diet : 136 lbs

1h00 PM WALKING ~  Near my house 5 km / 43 mins, same as when I jog!!

4h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications

Bloc 1       ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB10s

Bloc 2        ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB10s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB10s

Dead lift / rameur DB10s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3        ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB8s

Squats large avec  biceps DB10s & flex plantaire alternée


4h40 PM HIKING FINISHER ~ 16" STEPS / 24 lbs PACSAC (1x) / total 3 X 60/10 Step-ups couldn't do more...

 BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  September 21st 2019

11h00 AM Mont St-Bruno  WALKING ~  4 hours with Gaby, M+6

 BED AT 7h30 PM I wake up a few minutes almost every hour after midnight.

SUNDAY,   September 22nd 2019
Piano ~ 30 mins

8h47 AM PRECOR  576i
60 mins
8-9 mets steady 8-12 resistance with 180/180 then 60/120 Strong WO

BED AT 9h00 PM

MONDAY,    September 23rd 2019
Piano ~

Xoom  as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  .
 STEP-UPS ONLY, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 16" . 1st set with 23 lbs  pacsac, then 2 sets regular step-ups

BED AT 9h00 PM

TUESDAY,  September 24th 2019
Piano ~

9h00 AM St-Pie  WALKING ~  50 mins Club de Marche avec Jacinthe, Alain, Francine, Yves

10h00 AM St-Pie  MISE EN FORME POUR LES 50 ANS ET + ~   Amélie Martin

2h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #2 with some modifications

Bloc 1       ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Push-up au sol, 1 pas de côté, à nouveau push-up

Fente arrière / kick devant droite toucher petit orteil opposé

Fente arrière / kick devant fauche toucher petit orteil opposé

Mains au sol, bicyclette : alterner 10  lents 10  rapide

Squat triceps Kickback DB8s

Bloc 2      ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, développé militaire DB10s

Squat sumo / flexion des coudes avec flexion plantaire DB8s

Dead lift / rameur DB8s

Squat large  / lève le genou de côté, gauche

Squat large   / lève le genou de côté, droite

 Bloc 3      ( I do 60/10s )   50 secs / 10 secs rest. REPEAT

Squat, Side kicks, gauche

Squat, Side kicks, droite

Squats  / élévation des bras sur le côté  DB8s

Squats large avec  biceps DB8s & flex plantaire alternée


 BED AT very early PM

WEDNESDAY,   September 25th 2019

4h20 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
At the gym, without DVD, just the list on my water bottle.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front / 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
  I do A-Z
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 ¾ V-UPs today
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


4h47 AM PRECOR  576i
30 mins
8-9 mets steady 4 resistance  just to move a little before C

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE~  GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
mins good

BED AT 10h00 PM 

THURSDAY,    September 26th 2019

We got our NE111 numbers. I'm #970, Gabriel is #971.

Xoom  as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . ,  have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel. Steps at 16" 3 x 10 x 1 min / 10 secs rest with 23 lbs  pacsac,  up and down with same foot / alternate each minute


7h45 PM HOME FITNESS While Gaby does his Shoulder physio exercises / I have to check exactly how to do #7..

P90X3 - AB-Ripper some  isometrics
1.) Tin Man Windmill – 5 each side, 10 total
2.) Dolphin Hops- 3 hops in, hold, 1 out, 15 total
3.) C-Y Reach – 5 each side, hold each time  10 total
4.) Sphinx Crunch hold- 5 each side, 10 total
5.) Arbrinome hold each time 5 each side
6.) Hip Drop Twist- 6 each side, DB optional
7.) Bridge Burners- banana, boat & twists10 total, DB optional
8.) Speed Bike- 100 reps ( 2 speeds, 10 each up to 100)

BED AT 10h00 PM

FRIDAY, September 27th 2019
Diet : 136 lbs

5h35 PM Off- Program P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Do it all at the right speed
. feeling good

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5. Burnout (Punch and Sprawl)  

BED AT 9h40 PM

SATURDAY,   September 28th 2019
Piano ~ 60 mins

8h47 AM PRECOR  576i
60 mins
8-9 mets steady 8-10 resistance with 40 mins 180/180 then 60/120 Very tired near the end

BED AT 9h00 PM

SUNDAY,  September 29th 2019
Piano ~ 60 mins

7h00 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — OFF-Program  # 07 Stretching
57 mins+ with Gabriel .feeling good

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT 9h30  PM

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