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SUNDAY,  March 15th 2015

11h10 AM Week 5 of Program P90X3 : X3 Yoga  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Gabriel  also switched up some of the Workouts because of the Volleyball tournament next and he's not doing Doubles, so I'm alone on this one, and really didn't feel like doing it. Thought of it like torture, but kept telling myself "it's just 30 mins".. so it was OK. Did it barefoot and finished with cold feet but it WAS better than with running shoes.

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Childs Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

4h15 PM MY-DOUBLES Program P90X3 :Eccentric Upper  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Use My-Doubles to fill-in for the changes I have to make to my program so that I don't do THIS Workout just before the volleyball tournament. Gabriel switches to this WO as well so we do it together. I use the black bands (with a step to keep me from sliding) and Gabriel uses the Pull-up bars and a chair when he needs to. / I do an honest Workout but don't push it as hard as I might if my knee didn't hurt and I didn't think of Cardio Militaire tomorrow.

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

45 mins

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  March 16th 2015

4h35 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  
30 mins  / to be updated for 30 mins:  AveHR  128  77% / MaxHR  155  93%  / 322 cals / 35 % fat / 32 mins InZone (75%+)
Injred.. Right kneecap.- I leave before the main course

planned 5h34 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Amélie Martin'
Injured.. Right kneecap..

TRX~ HOME FITNESS about 30 mins
5 upper body eccentric exercises  - 10 times each

1) push-ups
2) triceps
3) rows
4) twist and up Left 5, Right 5
5) military push-ups
                             repeat all  - repeat all

Aches & Pains  : all over :( Start taking Naproxen 500 mg 2/day

BED AT 9h30 PM

TUESDAY,  March 17th 2015

9h30 AM Week 5 of Program  P90X3 : Incinerator ~ 30 mins
HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

I wish Gaby would look more at the WOs before doing them. He's very nervous first time for each new Work-out

P90X3 #4a     Incinerator
1. Renegade Row
2. Pull-Ups
3. Floor Flys
4. Push-ups
5. Rocket Launcher Row
6. Chin-ups
7. "A" Press
8. Military Push-Ups
9. Monkey Pump
10. Pike Press
11. Pterodactyl Flys
12 Flipper
13. Popeye Hammer Curls 
14. Kneeler Curls
15. Hail to the Chief
16. Skyfers
17. Arm and Hammer
18. Rocket Launcher Kickbacks

4h30 PM  MY-DOUBLES Program  P90X3 : Isometrics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Goes ok .

P90X3 #6a     Isometrix
1. Plank, L Arm Reach
2. Standing L Leg Ext
3. Plank, R Arm Reach
4. Standing R Leg Ext
5. Plank R Arm, L Leg Lift
6. Chair with L Leg Ext
7. Plank L Arm, R Leg Lift
8. Chair wiht R Leg Ext
9. Forearm Side Balance,  R 
10. Royal Dancer R
11. Forearm Side Balance, L
12 Royal Dancer L
13. One Arm Sphinx, R
14. Tree Pose, R
15. One Arm Sphinx, L
16. Tree Pose, L
17. Side Arm Balance R - tired arms.. on elbow
18. Warrior 3, R
19. Side Arm Balance L - tired arms.. on elbow
20. Warrior 3, L
 21. Bound Dog R Hand
 22. Inner Balance, R
23. Bound Dog L Hand
24. Inner Balance, L
  25. Bound Dog Leg Lift R -  no lift
26. Moon Dog, R
27. Bound Dog Leg Lift L -  no lift
28. Moon Dog L


BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY, March 18th  2015

SHOPPING : Canadien Tire Store

Belgian Waffle Maker - Black and Decker

6h00 PM Week 5 of Program P90X3 : X3 MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
with Gabriel /  It would have been good if it hadn't been that near the end my right knee hurt.

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5.Burnout ( Punch and Sprawl)

7h30 to 9h30 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
good fun.

BED AT 10h30

THURSDAY,  March 19th  2015

Aches & Pains : My lower back.. all of it..

planned 5h00 PM Week 5 of Program P90X3 :  Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

planned 7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
NOPE : I really thought that with Robax Platine I'd be good to go, but couldn't even lift my leg enough to get changed.. so I'll be wise about it and stay at home. I think Saturday (Enfant Soleil volleyball tournament ) will be out as well :/

BED AT 12h30 AM

   Aches & Pains : My lower back.. all of it..

I miss the volleyball tournament because of my lower back pain.

SUNDAY,  March 22nd  2015

ACHES & PAINS : Lower back AND Right knee :/

4h15 PM BALLROOM PRIVATE LESSON  at Studio de danse Harmonie ~ Louise Harrison &  Alain Geoffrion
60 mins with Gabriel —
Quickstep and Slow Waltz / no class on Easter Sunday, so next time in a month,
Note on April 19th
: Louise e-mails and phones to tell us that we need to change the hour of our class because of their rehersals, but I say it's ok, we'll end it for the year and take up in September.. / it's an early end.. but it's ok.

20h15 Week 6 of Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. I'm just trying to get back into it, but my right knee hurts.

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps

 BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, March 23rd  2015
Sign-up for another session of Volldyball in St-Pie.. starting April 29th for 8 weeks.

Aches & Pains Taking care of my lower back and right kneecap , I don't go to Buns of Steel and Cardio Militaire

19h15 PM Week 6 P90X3 : Eccentric Lower ~ 30 mins
HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
up alot of weights since my trial run, but still watch out for knee or back pain.

P90X3 #8b     Eccentric Lower
1. Squats
2. Lunge
3. Sumo
4. Weighted Pistol
5. Side Kick
6. Front Kick
7. Albanian Squat
8. Adductor Lunge
9. Cross Reach
10. TT Plus
11. Bridge Kicks
12. Hip Flexor Splits
13. Calf Dog

55 mins
Quickstep, chacha and triple-swing

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  March 25th  2014

My lower back stills hurts sometimes, so I take a Robax Platine and do Spartacus instead of P90X3 Incinerator that was on the program.
42mins ~ no HR monitor but
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at 8"  routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and Dips. Add to that water, a headband, a towel  Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.

Gabriel is doing P90X3 with my music. (Quickstep)

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips TRX
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

Aches & Pains :  Feel my right kneecap near the end of the 3rd set. otherwise it felt good, but we'll really see at volleyball.

7h30 to 9h30 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
My back hurts starting 8h15 but my knee is good. I stick it out and play OK .

planned BED AT 11h30 PM

THURSDAY,  March 26th  2015

planned 5h00 PM Week 6 of Program P90X3 :  Incinerator  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
we're only 10 and 6 for the last game that we end at 9h30. I think I know a reason my services were going to high sometimes. It has to do with where I look. I'll have to test my theory but so far so good. and as for attacking, I decide that since I'm too "shy" to jump for now, I can at least push enough to lift my heels, and if I do, sooner or later I'll jump without thinking about it. I do that and at least I'm not as cemented on the floor.

Aches & Pains : My lower back.. after about an hour of volleyball. Don't take Robax Platine because I just took a Contact because of my cold and I was sneezing so much I couldn't imagine playing like that..

BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  March 27th 2015

6h15 PM  Week 7 of Program P90X3: Eccentric Upper  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
I have to modifie the push-ups because of back/shoulder/knee problems, but up my weights on others

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

45 mins

BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  March 28th  2014

I want to do doubles so that I don't feel that I have to give it the intensity of a sprint, but I want to play it safe so I do this WO that I know so well I have p90X3 complex upper  and Complex lower on the TV just to motivate me while I do the WO.
42mins ~ no HR monitor but
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at 8"  and 10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband, a towel  Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.


SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats
4 Dips TRX
5 Skaters
6 Push-ups TRX
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

Aches & Pains :  I surprisingly feel good!

4h15 PM Week 7 of Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. Goes well! both for my back and my knee!

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps

BED AT 12h30 AM

SUNDAY,  March 29th 2015
 Visit Manou from noon to 8pm

9h30 AM Warm-up of Program P90X3 : Cold Start  ~ 10 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Skip some of the Yoga stuff we'll be doing next.

9h40 AM Week 7 of Program P90X3 : X3 Yoga  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Aching all over and my arms are week and trembling. but I get through it.

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Childs Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY, March 30th  2015

6h00 PM Week 7 of Program P90X3 : X3 MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
with Gabriel / I was going to do another WO but I gave it all I've got and that's enough for me today.

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5.Burnout ( Punch and Sprawl)


BED AT 10h30

TUESDAY,  March 31st 2015

9h30 AM Week 7 of Program  P90X3 : Incinerator ~ 30 mins
HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

Gabriel is at Volleyball series. / I worked really har and nailed it.

P90X3 #4a     Incinerator
1. Renegade Row
2. Pull-Ups
3. Floor Flys
4. Push-ups
5. Rocket Launcher Row
6. Chin-ups
7. "A" Press
8. Military Push-Ups
9. Monkey Pump
10. Pike Press
11. Pterodactyl Flys
12 Flipper
13. Popeye Hammer Curls 
14. Kneeler Curls
15. Hail to the Chief
16. Skyfers
17. Arm and Hammer
18. Rocket Launcher Kickbacks

TRX : decide not to do doubles today. Work a little on the TRX to imporve the lower half of  pull-ups because with Bands we work mostly the bent arm part.

BED AT 11h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 1st 2015
problèmes avec la pompe du puit

4h15 PM Week 7 of Program   P90X3 : Isometrics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Goes ok .  Do it early so that Gaby can do his thing before we go to volleyball. I work a little on TRX Pullups during the last minutes.

P90X3 #6a     Isometrix
1. Plank, L Arm Reach
2. Standing L Leg Ext
3. Plank, R Arm Reach
4. Standing R Leg Ext
5. Plank R Arm, L Leg Lift
6. Chair with L Leg Ext
7. Plank L Arm, R Leg Lift
8. Chair wiht R Leg Ext
9. Forearm Side Balance,  R 
10. Royal Dancer R
11. Forearm Side Balance, L
12 Royal Dancer L
13. One Arm Sphinx, R
14. Tree Pose, R
15. One Arm Sphinx, L
16. Tree Pose, L
17. Side Arm Balance R - tired arms.. on elbow
18. Warrior 3, R
19. Side Arm Balance L - tired arms.. on elbow
20. Warrior 3, L
 21. Bound Dog R Hand
 22. Inner Balance, R
23. Bound Dog L Hand
24. Inner Balance, L
  25. Bound Dog Leg Lift R -  no lift
26. Moon Dog, R
27. Bound Dog Leg Lift L -  no lift
28. Moon Dog L

YOUTUBE : TRX Pull ups  : Excellent explication on how to learn or improve Pull ups. have to be sitting "behind" the point of suspension and start by just pulling up the trunk without bending the arms, so our back muscles work properly.  / oh and I just learned that we can "over shorten" the TRX. LOL just never thought of doing it!    —       TRX TV October: The TRX Pull-up

7h30 to 9h30 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
Good but my lower back hurts after an hour. my serves are terribly low.. maybe becaus of my TRX WOs.

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  April 2nd  2015

planned 5h00 PM Week 7 of Program P90X3 :  Dynamix ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
NOPE!! I'm soooo tired, I take a long nap after work, but the program says Dyanmix or REST. :)

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
We're 13 When A (back after weeks of absence) is with me on the 7 player team I say that if she wants to always stay out of the rotation and play passer all the time ( like she usually does) she should be on the team of 6 or else it's like we are 8 and the other team 6, so reluctantly she joins the rotation and plays all positions. She doesn't seem to hurt anywhere and I get to play passer at times. so I'm really glad I spoke out :)

Aches & Pains : My lower back.. again after about an hour of volleyball. Took a Robax Platine but my sweat shirt around my waist helps alot.

BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  April 3rd 2015
Aches & Pains :  I surprisingly feel good! / Gaby goes Jogging for the first time. : twice around the block.
DIET : 140 lbs down 3 and back on track.

42mins ~ no HR monitor but
As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Plyo down & jump
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

7h30 PM  Week 8 of Program P90X3: Eccentric Upper  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
modifiying the program to fit my needs. I do the pull-ups and chin-ups on the chin-up bar but only the the lower half since that's what I need most.

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

45 mins

BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  April 4th  2015

1h30 PM Week 8 of Program P90X3 :  Dynamix  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabiel who has DOMS from jogging yesterday. / I haven't done it in a long time.. need it.

P90X3 #6b     Dynamix
1. Leg Lift
2. Adductor Lift 
3. Horse Step
4. Forearm Plank
5. Glute Lift R, then L
6 Scorpion - real bad
7. Shoulder Stretch
8. Ham-Hip rocker
9. Groiners
10. Pigeon 
11. Lunge Push-ups
12 Polka Stretch 
13. Hip Circles
14. Polka Plus
15. Double Knee Pulls
16. Front to Back Lunges
17. Double Quad Stretch
18. Glide Lunge
19. Tin Man Zombie
20. Gulte Rocker
21. Double Knee Pull
22. Double Pigeon Pull
23. Spinal twist
24. Fifer Scissor Stretch
25. Marching Bridge
26. Farrthing Stretch
27. Side Banana, R
28. Superman
29. Side Banana, L

3h30 PM Week 8 MY-DOUBLES P90X3 :  X3 AB RIPPER  ~ 15 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Work hard but like it. Very different from the P90X Ab Ripper./ I didn't need to do extra abs at home when I went to Buns of Steel and Cardio Militaire classes.. but since I'm missing them because of aches & pains, I need this.

"Welcome to the latest incarnation of abdominal hell, which not only focuses on your rectus abdominus ( thats where your washboard is) but also transverse abdominal and internal AND external obliques. This 15 minute trunk burner extreme is for those times when you absolutely, positively need to take your core strength to the next level. Think of X3 Ab ripper as your eight-pack bonus."

P90X3 #extra     X3 Ab Ripper
1. Tin Man Windmill
2. Dolphin Hops
3. C-Y Reach
4. Sphinx Crunch Hold
5. Five-Way Abrinome
6  Hip Drop Twist- DB 5
7. Bridge Burners
8. 2 Speed Bike

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  April 5th 2015
Easter / don't sleep well because of lower back pain.

30 mins
Triple-Swing.. all steps, my lower back hurts because I took the last Robax Platine a 8 am.

4h30 PM Week 8 of Program P90X3 : X3 Accelerator  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel who hurt his back moving a saw to repair the water pump. /  My Robax Platine from 2h00 PM is still helping me and we both get through the WO very well.

P90X3 #7b     Accelerator
1. Speed Salutation
2. Twist and Pivot
3. Foot Pursuit
4. Get Up - Get Down
5. X Jacks
6. Balance Burpees
7. Salom Hops
8. Mountain Climbers
9. Spin Stops
10. Plank Walkers
11. Joel Jumps
12. Plank Circles
13. Road Runner
14. Double Trouble Climbers
15. Diamond Hops
16. Swimmer Planks
17. Speed Skater
18. Plank/Sphinx Combo
19. 3 Squat Hops 
20. Donkey Kicks - I do Burpees with Push-ups


BED AT 10h45 PM

MONDAY,  April 6th  2015

Aches & pains : woke up at 4 AM with my lower back pain. Rest and RobaxPlatine most of the day

42mins ~ no HR monitor but As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L/R
2 Traverses
3 Plyo down & jump
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  April 7th 2015
Change to summer Tires and Oil change and  2e entretien.. $ too much :/

7h15 PM Week 8 of Program P90X3 : #1b  CVX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel / mostly DB 8, some 5. Back is ok.

P90X3    #1b    CVX
1.  Press Jacks
2.  Atlas Twist
3. March & Reach — shoulder
         Repeat 1-2-3
4. Traveling Tire Twist
5. Frog Squat Reach
6. Arc Press Lunge  — shoulder
         Repeat 4-5-6
7. Hop Overs
8. Balance Pull
9.  Twist & Pivot
          Repeat 7-8-9
10. Side Reach Jumps
11.  Crescent Chair
12. Globe Squatters
          Repeat 10-11-12 as a Brunout

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 8th 2015
Feeling good

6h10 PM MY-DOUBLES Program P90X3 : Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Gabriel is doing Yoga later, but I missed Pilates 2 days ago./ I put the picture en Pause at the very begining to run up to say hello to Gabriel as he was getting home from work, and this is how TH was waiting for me when I when back downstaires LOL

P90X3 #3a          Pilates
1. Hundreds
2. Single Leg Stretch 
3. Double Leg Stretch 
4. Peter's Bridge
5. Teaser
6. V rocker 
7. Bridge Lifts 
8. Scissor Ball
9. Bicycle
10. Hip circles
11. Floating Cobra
12. The Swimmer - The Flutter - The Bad Attitude
13. Saw
14. Alphabet Soup
15. Scissor Side plank
16. Sphinx Flag
17. Clam Killer
18. T's T
19. Scissor Roller
20 Pretzel

7h40 to 9h05 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
Wore my knee pads about an hour, first time in a long time, to try them out to see if my right knee cap hurts. to See what to tell the doctor./ I think it's ok. / I'll wear them again tomorrow.
Very disapointed that most want to leave early and others don't want to play 3 vs 3 :/

BED AT 11h30 PM

THURSDAY,  April 9th  2015

planned 5h00 PM Week 7 of Program P90X3 :  Dynamix ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
NOPE!! the program says Dyanmix or REST. :)

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
jumped from wednesday to friday.. log it a week later, so I don't remember much.. maybe I'll ask Gaby to remind me..

BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  April 10th  2015
Happy Bday Amélie M. and Richard Laf.

DIET : 142 lbs . up 2 / completely discouraged

10h20 AM appointment Right knee and lower back. ( 40 mins ! ) next appointment on June 9th at 2h00 PM. There is an opening on May 1st and I'm glad to take it.

Dr Sylvain Ladouceur
Clinique Réadaptation universelle / Clinique du genou
2035, avenue Ste-Anne, #202, St-Hyacinthe

KNEE :  OK, so I finally have the results from my MRI. and it says that I DON'T  have a meniscus tear as 2 doctors had said!  What I have is

"Il existe des signes de CHONDROPATHIE PATELLAIRE PRÉDOMINANT sur la FACETTE MÉDIALE de la rotule avec présence d'une zone de mise à nu de l'os sous-chondral. Présence d'un épanchement articulaire significatif. Pas de kyste poplité. Le tendon, les ailerons rotuliens, tendon de la patte d'oie, le tendon quadricital, la bandelette ilio-tibiale sont de morphologie normale .


"Présence de très nettes lésion cartilagineuses sur la facette médiane de la rotule, possiblement à l'origine des douleurs actuelles. Épanchement articulaire significatif."


*Dr proposes Synviscone or Durolane .. (~450$ for a treatment that is good for about 6 months) and I don't know yet if my insurance covers it.

*Chondro comes from kondros in greque and it means cartilage.


LOWER BACK : Checking to see if I have Arthritis in  my spine, and maybe a slight scoliose ( that I think I was told about 40 years  ago)     

Next appointment : June 9th 14h00.    

11h15 AM :

Centre Radiologique de Saint-Hyacinthe
2770  ave Raymond, Saint-Hyacinthe
7 X-Rays of the back.

NOON BUNS OF STEEL / Cardio Tae Boxe ~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  Nathalie
60 mins Don't wear my HR monitor not to put pressure on my WO.
Alternating buns of steel WO and Tae Boxe, but I like P90X3 MMX better :)

7h45 PM Week 9 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins
HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

Last time ( March 17th ) I told my self that it was only exploration and that If it had been an exam, I would have gotten about 40% . / Maybe 50% today.

TRICK : for band pull-ups, I pull on the bands and then keep them at the same level and move my body instead of my arms so the tension stays the same.. might be a good idea but I'll have to try it again to check if it's not my legs that are working.

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups - modified
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls - don't push on step but bring foot completely forward.

9. Joel Jump Freeze - better

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. big Brother Burpee.  - I do push-ups with mountain-climbers

BED AT 11h30 PM

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