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Since Gaby changed the doors and frames and painted.. we put the
White Mountains Map back on the hallway  wall.
oh.. I forgot..
This is not a map, this is a to do list. "

SATURDAY,  April 11th 2015

10h39 SYNERGIE catch-up  ~SMALL GROUP FITNESS with Olivier Blouin
We are 5. I'm in better shape than I thought :) I think it's the first time that I have no problem doing the PUs in Burpees. Olivier says that Energie Cardio is abandoning Synergie in the near futur, so I better take the class I'm still owed next wee.

1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Floor :
Steps :
Traverses en largeur
Speed Ladder  : Burpee, PU,  Stand, jump forwards
3 mins rest with explanations for next block
1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : Flys
Floor :  Russion Twists with 14 lbs soft med ball
Steps :
DB 15s, 1 foot up, knee-up, down, alternate
Speed Ladder  : jump-jack, 2 hops
3 mins rest with explanations for next block
1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : Pecks
Floor :  Med ball plank , alternating hand
Floor :
Squat, stand, calf-jump
Speed Ladder  : on one foot, change at end of ladder

7h50 PM Week 9 of Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, quite cardio but good

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups

BED AT 12h30 AM

SUNDAY,  April 12th  2015
Quite discourage about osteoarthritis in my right knee / ref. 2015-04-10

11h45 AM Week 9 of Program P90X3 :The Challenge  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. I use the black band and do all exercises with "Constant Tension" / It's good not to think about my knees for a while :)

P90X3 #4b    The Challenge
1. Wide Pull-up
2. Standard Pushup
3. Wide Pull-up
4. Standard Pushup
5. Chin-Up
6. Military Push-Up
7. Chin-Up
8. Military Push-Up
9. Close Grip Pull-Up
10. Wide Push-Up
11. Close Grip Pull-Up
12. Wide Push-Up
13. Vaulter Pull-Up –Right Hand Forward
14. Staggered Push-Up –Right Hand Forward
15.  Vaulter Pull-Up –Left Hand Forward
16. Staggered Push-Up –Right Hand Forward
17. Burnout - 3 Pull-Up / 6 Push-Ups

30 mins

BED AT 10h45 PM

MONDAY,  April 13th 2015

4h36 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  
49 mins  / to be updated for 30 mins:  AveHR  126  75% / MaxHR  154  92%  / 289 cals / 40 % fat / 28 mins InZone (75%+)
Amélie changes the program à little because the air conditionner hasn't worked for 2 weeks and it's very hot.

5h36 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Amélie Martin'
50 mins  AveHR  123  74% / MaxHR  158  95%  / 281 cals / 40 % fat / 24 mins InZone (75%+)


Aches & Pains  : I feel surprisingly well. / but Supreme Collagene+ and Soya protein.

BED AT 9h30 PM

TUESDAY,  April 14th  2015
I think that after this round of P90X3 I'd like to start over, and do it better

6h15 PM Week 9 of Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel -

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats -
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps

6h45 PM   Yesterday's WO  P90X3 : Yoga ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, who did it yesterday but wanted to do it again. / I have alot of cramps because of yesterday's WOs but it's ok. I feel good., I do all the PUs in the Vinyasas.

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Child's Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

30 mins Rumba, I think that P90X3 is helping with my balance in dance.

BED AT 9h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 15th 2015
On FB I read about Keith B's bad experience on the Great Range last Sunday/Monday. He writes long text.. very emotional Trip Report.. I comment "
Je ne te connaissais pas.. mais je connais biens chacune de ces montagnes .. en été.. et d'autres montagnes des Adirondacks en hiver.. merci d'avoir partagé. Je penserai à toi chaque fois que je trouve que j'ai apporté trop de choses dans mon sac. // safe hike."

6h10 PM Week 9 of Program P90X3 : Total Synergistics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. my balance isn't that great, but my abs are.

P90X3 #1a    Total Synergistics
1. Push-up / Side Arm Balance
2. Crescent Chair  
3. Pull Knee Pull
4.  Flip Flop Crunch
5.  Crawly Plyo Push-Ups
6.  Relevé-Plié, Weighted
7.  Chin-Up Circle Crunch
8.  Boat Plow ( 10 reps )
9.  Balance Arch Press ( 10 reps )
10.  3 Hop Press ( 10 reps )
11. Glamour Hammer
12. Branon Boat
13. Flying Warrior
14. Squat Rockers
15. Side Rise Punch
16. Warrior Squat Moon very difficult

7h30 to 9h20 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
Last evening of this session, peaps are chatting more than really playing even if we don't stop between the games. I'd rather play. Next session starts on April 29th.

BED AT 11h45 PM watch recorded first game of Stanley-Cup Playoffs with Gaby.. Canadiens 4 / Senators 3

THURSDAY,  April 16th  2015

planned 5h00 PM Week 9 of Program P90X3 :  Dynamix ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
NOPE!! the program says Dyanmix or REST. :)

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
We're 14.. at 9h30 I would still have played but we're 9, and I'm the only girl so I step off to let the boys play.. they seemed please to play an all boy game but they won't admit it too much.

BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  April 17th  2015
Still using Voltaren 5 mg twice a day.. and Supreme Collagen+ in the evening.

DIET : 140 lbs . down 2 / same as on March 20th

Small Weight Loss Takes Big Pressure Off Knee

1 Pound Weight Loss Unloads 4 Pounds of Joint Stress in People With Knee Osteoarthritis.

Researchers say the results indicate that even modest weight loss may significantly lighten the load on your joints.

"The accumulated reduction in knee load for a 1-pound loss in weight would be more than 4,800 pounds per mile walked," writes researcher Stephen P. Messier, PhD, of Wake Forest University in the July issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism. "For people losing 10 pounds, each knee would be subjected to 48,000 pounds less in compressive load per mile walked."


They say more studies are needed to confirm this assumption.

60 mins Don't wear my HR monitor not to put pressure on my WO.
Boring classic Steps Class but these are rare so it's ok.

7h45 PM Week 10 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel / difficult, and RKC hurts more and more at the WO advances / take 2 Advils after.

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups - modified
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls - don't push on step but bring foot completely forward.

9. Joel Jump Freeze - better

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat DBs 10
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. big Brother Burpee.  - I do push-ups with side leg lifts

BED AT 11h30 PM

SATURDAY,  April 18th 2015
Thought that there was Synergie at 10h30 but it was posponned to next week,  so I went to the gym for nothing.

3h27 PM  JOGGING FROM HOME — First jog of this spring, 4 times around the Block
32 mins goes very well but last bit (against wind and then up hill a little ) was definately hard. but I really enjoyed the run.Maybe even more so because the Dr said I can run even with my osteoarthritis. (Arthrose)

4h45 PM Week 10 of Program P90X3 : X3 MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
with Gabriel / feeling good... I was definately warmed up for this WO.. I do Sprawls with PUs.. that's sort of like bad burpees, but I think it will help me learn to bring my legs back close to my hands at the same time as I push up from the PU, using my abs as well.

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5.Burnout ( Punch and Sprawl)

1h15 mins Rumba & Mambo

BED AT 11h30 PM

SUNDAY,  April 19th 2015

30 mins
Triple-Swing WU

11h45 AM Week 10 of Program  P90X3 :Eccentric Upper  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS Just find out today that our classes are over until september.. well we could have had a few more but at odd hours because Louise has the year end rehersals to  teach but it's ok.

7h05 PM  JOGGING FROM HOME —  4 times around the Block
34 mins goes super well even from the start!! and the weather is perfect and so is the sunset / I have DOMS after in my lower quads.. no idea if it's from running or yesterday's Sprawls.

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  April 20th 2015

4h36 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  
DOMS in hamstrings, so very difficult, but good. partner work alternating cardio/muscu

5h36 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Amélie Martin'
12 exercises 45 secs / 15 sec to change
First 6 exercises 20 secs / 10 secs to change / repeat all 5 times
Cario Bonus
Last 6 exercises 20 secs / 10 secs to change / repeat all 5 times
              I don't remember the exact order.

  1. déménageurs

  2. demi-redressements assis

  3. push-ups en déplacement latérale

  4. russian twists

  5. mollets & biceps

  6. triceps couchés

  7. Sumo squats

  8. extension lombaires

  9. fentes arrières

  10. élévation latérales

  11. good moring / rameurs

  12. mountain climbers horizontales

BED AT 10h030 PM

TUESDAY,  April 21st  2015

6h10 PM Week 10 of Program P90X3 : Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. I'm feeling my ABS DOMS from yesterday

P90X3 #3a          Pilates
1. Hundreds
2. Single Leg Stretch 
3. Double Leg Stretch 
4. Peter's Bridge
5. Teaser
6. V rocker 
7. Bridge Lifts 
8. Scissor Ball
9. Bicycle
10. Hip circles
11. Floating Cobra
12. The Swimmer - The Flutter - The Bad Attitude
13. Saw
14. Alphabet Soup
15. Scissor Side plank
16. Sphinx Flag
17. Clam Killer
18. T's T
19. Scissor Roller
20 Pretzel

7h40 PM My DOUBLES Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
My doubles.. OR the WO I missed yesterday for FdF & CM. BUT ends up doing mostly Balance moves.. My legs are in cement from yesterday, and I need balance.. to it's all good :)

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats -
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps


L'évolution de l'arthrose du genou

Déséquilibre entre la douleur et les signes radiologiques

La poussée d'arthrose traduit des modifications de structure puis une destruction de la surface du cartilage, avec production de débris.

Au début, l'épaisseur du cartilage est conservée et les radios sont normales. Les débris et les enzymes de dégradation libérés sont très irritants pour les articulations.

Ces dernières fabriquent, en conséquence, une plus grande quantité de liquide synovial (qui normalement n’existe qu'en petite quantité) permettant la dilution des substances irritantes et la lubrification de l’articulation lésée.

En savoir plus

Lors d'une poussée arthrosique, ces lésions persistent et s'aggravent si l'articulation n'est pas traitée et/ou mise au repos (soit complètement ou relativement, comme par l'utilisation d'une canne pour les articulations portantes).

Dans ce cas, le cartilage n'ayant plus sa résistance normale, les substances irritatives continuent leur action de dégradation du cartilage et la cicatrisation lente ne peut se faire correctement.

La poussée douloureuse se prolonge.

Grâce à la mise au repos de vos articulations en poussées, celles-ci peuvent finalement "s'auto nettoyer" et se cicatriser : le cartilage retrouve sa fermeté de surface. Même s'il est aminci sur les radios, il assure une fonction normale.

Après quelques jours, vous pouvez alors reprendre vos activités habituelles.

L'évolution se fait ainsi en une succession de poussées douloureuses séparées par des intervalles de durée variable, jusqu'au stade de l'ulcération cartilagineuse. A ce stade, le cartilage a disparu et une partie de l'os est à nu, les douleurs peuvent s'intensifier. Parfois. les crises se ralentissent, voire disparaissent, remplacées par des douleurs proportionnelles au temps de marche et de station debout.

Il peut se passer un délai d’une vingtaine d'années entre le début de la première crise et la destruction totale du cartilage.

Cependant, les douleurs provoquées lors de poussées d'arthrose ne sont pas toujours très marquées, si bien que certains les négligent. Leur arthrose risquant ainsi d'être découverte à un stade avancé.

Ainsi, il faut savoir qu'il n'est pas normal de souffrir régulièrement d'une articulation.

Il est impératif de faire un point chez votre médecin le plus précocement possible.

Il vous prescrira des radiographies standards qui serviront à un suivi régulier. Si elles sont normales, elles serviront de référence pour ce suivi.

BED AT 9h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  April 22nd  2015
Continue reading quite a bit about Osteoarthritis / I feel sick to the stomach all day and don't eat well for supper. / Reallly don't feel like doing Eccentric Lower..

42mins ~ no HR monitor but As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets. / Gabriel is doing Eccentric Lower while I do this.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L&R
2 Traverses
3 power Squats
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L&R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

ADD THIS as cool down first time, but I plan to do it more

1 min each / 15 secs rest / 

OTHERS from Decelerator
for some other time

1 Good-morning leg lift DB8s L&R Bounding squats diag fr 2 and bk L
2 Airplane with semi squat L Bounding squats diag fr 2 and bk  R
3 Airplane  with semi squat R 2 Pop hops - up 1 knee  L
4 Duper Skater 2 - Side  L&R 2 Pop hops - up 1 knee  R
5 Valse demie-pointe - tête up Joel Jump freeze - fr and bk L
6 Touch front-side-back L&R Joel Jump freeze - fr and bk R
7 Duper Skater Front & Back Elevator Tip Toe Squats
8 Walk on 4x4 Front & Back Good God Squats - toes, bent fr.
9 Yoga Tree L&R Starfish push-ups
10 Spirale de Rumba Holmsen screamer hold

DIET Bad for the first time in a long time, but very discouraged about not losing any weight.

BED AT 11h30 PM too late.. I'm tired.. but stayed up to watch CSI Cyber

THURSDAY,  April 23rd  2015

5h00 PM Week 9 of Program P90X3 :  Dynamix ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
NOPE!! the program says Dyanmix or REST. :)

7h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
We're 14  but 8 at the end and I play ok . Gaby has alot of cramps in the calves from Eccentric Lowers yesterday,

BED AT 12h30 AM

FRIDAY,  April 24th  2015

DIET :  bad.. 142 - up 2

BONNES NOUVELLES! je viens d'appeler mes assurances et les injections de Synvisc sont couverts. je ne paierais que 20% du 450$..  c'est presque raisonnable. My appointement is on June 9th but get called to go in early on May 1st.

Synvisc One (Acide Hyaluronique)
  • Lubrifie et protège l’articulation.
  • Réduit la douleur et les sensations désagréables.
  • Aide à reprendre ses activités habituelles.
  • Aide à protéger le cartilage contre de nouvelles lésions.
  • Sa mise en œuvre à plusieurs reprises a été approuvée.
  • Peut retarder la nécessité de recourir à la prothèse totale du genou.

60 mins Don't wear my HR monitor not to put pressure on my WO. but do a very honest work-out. and RKC hurts at times
The main course is

each pair is done 60 secs / 15 secs then 30 secs / 30 secs then 15 secs / 60 secs
1 squat  fente arrière alterné Biceps
2 couché Abduc hanche - elastic - grands couché Abduc hanche - elastic - petit

bonus cardio 2 mins : burpees & mountain climbers

3 ischios  lève le bassin / temps ch. côté couché ventre battements des jambes
4 summo down 3 up 1 abduc hanche , tronc incliné , élév. lat. épaules

bonus cardio 2 mins  : twists sautés & squats side to side (je fais Heinsmans)

5 Russian twists flexion latéral du tronc
6 Planche - lève main dr/ pied gauche ch. 1/2 redressements assis

bonus cardio 2 mins  : ski devant & MaryKatherines (fentes sautés alternées)

5h00 PM Week 11 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel who is really good even if he finds it difficult . again RKC hurts more and more at the WO advances / take 2 Advils before

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls

9. Joel Jump Freeze -

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat DBs 10
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. Big Brother Burpee.  -

planned BED AT 11h30 PM Manou +2 come at 8h30 pm

SATURDAY,  April 25th 2015
some yardwork outside in the afternoon..

10h30 SYNERGIE catch-up  ~SMALL GROUP FITNESS with Olivier Blouin
We are 3. Yesterday Olivier said we'd do the same program as last time but since it's the LAST workout of all of Synergie in all of the Energie Cardio gyms he decided to do a favorit of the others.. I find it TOO cardio. but the timing is  ok. I think I have excellent style and intensity, I just can't keep it up for the 2 first  required times with little rest, so I have to stop at times.

ACHES & PAINS : right knee cap : 7/10 when I squat low or jump forwards.

1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  :  3 Push-ups / 3 Rows
Floor : Planche / main alternent à l'épaule opposée
Steps :
Up - down un pied ch coté - vitesse max
Speed Ladder  : in-out 1 pied, forwards
3 mins rest with explanations for next block
1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
TRX  : Squats sautés
Floor :  V-ups
Steps :
plyo: up on step; down; jump high; jump forwards
Speed Ladder  : in-out 1 pied, backwards
3 mins rest with explanations for next block
1 x 45 secs / 15 secs rest ; 1 x 40 secs / 20 secs rest ; 1 x 30 secs / 30 secs rest
Wall  : Ballon 10 lbs au mur hauteur poitrine en squat
Floor : Planche avec Glider. ouvre/ferme 5x, bicycle 5 x
Steps :
Power Squat 16"
Speed Ladder  : side to side - wide.

4h30 PM Week 11 of Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, D watches us closely from the sofa for at least the first 20 mins../ R plays with Playmobiles on the carpet.

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups

BED AT 12h30 AM

SUNDAY,  April 26th  2015
M+2 leave at 11h30 AM / I upload and announce on FB : SWAMPY BAY RIVER 1975

4h15 PM  Tomorrow's WO  P90X3 : Yoga ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, just because I'll miss it by going to the gym.

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Child's Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

5h15 PM Week 11 of Program P90X3 :The Challenge  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Gabrie wants to do it tomorrow because of DOMS or yardwork from yesterday so I use the chin-up bar instead of the Black Bands. the effort is the same, but the bars reflect more how weak I am LOL / though yesterday's Synergie and Friday's FdF+ really tired me.. but as I always say.. " A WO when tired is worth double.. strenghtens the muscles.. and the mind." // this is the last time for The Challenge in this round of P90X3

P90X3 #4b    The Challenge
1. Wide Pull-up
2. Standard Pushup
3. Wide Pull-up
4. Standard Pushup
5. Chin-Up
6. Military Push-Up
7. Chin-Up
8. Military Push-Up
9. Close Grip Pull-Up
10. Wide Push-Up
11. Close Grip Pull-Up
12. Wide Push-Up
13. Vaulter Pull-Up –Right Hand Forward
14. Staggered Push-Up –Right Hand Forward
15.  Vaulter Pull-Up –Left Hand Forward
16. Staggered Push-Up –Right Hand Forward
17. Burnout - 1 Pull-Up / 3 Push-Ups nope, not today.

BED AT 10h45 PM

MONDAY,  April 27th 2015

4h36 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  
very good, just DOMS from the V-ups in Synergie on Saturday

5h36 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Amélie Martin'
very good, just DOMS from The Challenge yesterday / new guy, P,  up front beside me is 59.. and has the look of someone who must have done Danse aérobique in the 1980s but seems ok.

BED AT 10h30 PM but wake up very often

TUESDAY,  April 28th  2015
Mammographie at Imagix in Granby

DIET : Extremely difficult, and I don't have anyone who supports or encourages me, at least that's how I feel when I see or read others being encouraged just because they have let themselve be so fat that they need to loose more. plus.. I didn't sleep well last night.

5h45 PM Week 11 of Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel -

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats -
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps

6h30 PM  MY-DOUBLES Program  P90X3 : Isometrics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Work mostly on my balance

P90X3 #6a     Isometrix
1. Plank, L Arm Reach
2. Standing L Leg Ext
3. Plank, R Arm Reach
4. Standing R Leg Ext
5. Plank R Arm, L Leg Lift
6. Chair with L Leg Ext
7. Plank L Arm, R Leg Lift
8. Chair wiht R Leg Ext
9. Forearm Side Balance,  R 
10. Royal Dancer R
11. Forearm Side Balance, L
12 Royal Dancer L
13. One Arm Sphinx, R
14. Tree Pose, R
15. One Arm Sphinx, L
16. Tree Pose, L
17. Side Arm Balance R - bad wrist.. on elbow
18. Warrior 3, R
19. Side Arm Balance L - tired arms.. on elbow
20. Warrior 3, L
 21. Bound Dog R Hand
 22. Inner Balance, R
23. Bound Dog L Hand
24. Inner Balance, L
  25. Bound Dog Leg Lift R -  no lift
26. Moon Dog, R
27. Bound Dog Leg Lift L -  no lift
28. Moon Dog L

NOPE .. too tired .. gone to bed mins 

BED AT 8h30 PM !!!

WEDNESDAY,  April 29th 2015

5h15 PM MY DOUBLES Program P90X3 : #1b  CVX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
mostly DB 8, some 5. Back is ok. but knees, legs and arms very tired.

P90X3    #1b    CVX
1.  Press Jacks
2.  Atlas Twist
3. March & Reach
         Repeat 1-2-3
4. Traveling Tire Twist
5. Frog Squat Reach
6. Arc Press Lunge  
         Repeat 4-5-6
7. Hop Overs
8. Balance Pull
9.  Twist & Pivot
          Repeat 7-8-9
10. Side Reach Jumps
11.  Crescent Chair
12. Globe Squatters
          Repeat 10-11-12 as a Brunout

6h10 PM Week 11 of Program P90X3 : Total Synergistics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel who's knees hurt :/

P90X3 #1a    Total Synergistics
1. Push-up / Side Arm Balance
2. Crescent Chair  
3. Pull Knee Pull
4.  Flip Flop Crunch
5.  Crawly Plyo Push-Ups
6.  Relevé-Plié, Weighted
7.  Chin-Up Circle Crunch
8.  Boat Plow ( 10 reps )
9.  Balance Arch Press ( 10 reps )
10.  3 Hop Press ( 10 reps )
11. Glamour Hammer
12. Branon Boat
13. Flying Warrior
14. Squat Rockers
15. Side Rise Punch
16. Warrior Squat Moon very difficult

7h15 to 9h10 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
First evening of this session, starts at 7h00 pm instead of 7h30 but the youth soccer league is playing indoors probably for another few weeks. We're only signed-up, and 9 tonight. I'm on the team of 5 . Annie and Jean-Marc encourage me alot to attack.. I really have to learn to jump and smash.

planned BED AT 10h45 PM - Montréal Soccer.. Impact play in Finals of CONCACAF

THURSDAY,  April 30th  2015

NOPE, not today..   Dynamix ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
the program says Dyanmix or REST. :)

6h45 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at EURÉKA school :
We're 11  but 8 at the end and I play ok .

 BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  May 1st  2015

DIET : 142 lbs . stable

7h45 PM Week 12 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins
HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

Very difficult in the morning.. but I do get it done.

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls -

9. Joel Jump Freeze

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. big Brother Burpee.  -

9h20 AM appointment Right knee and lower back. this was supposed to be on June 9th but I got called yesterday for an opening today. last appointement was on April 10th 2015

Dr Sylvain Ladouceur
Clinique Réadaptation universelle / Clinique du genou
2035, avenue Ste-Anne, #202, St-Hyacinthe

RIGHT KNEE :  Since my insurance covers 80% of the Synvisc infiltration (450$)  that Dr Ladouceur proposed, I get it done. He says "repos complet pour 48 heures, glace et Advil au besoin; repos relatif 10 jours" the paper he gives me says :

"Pendant une période de 10 jours, limitez-vous à vos activités normales de tous les jours. Évitez toute activité répétitive impliquant le membre qui a été infiltré. Aucun sport avec impact (tennis, hockey, etc.) ni sport avec risque de chute (patin, ski, etc.) ne doit être pratiqué pendant cette période. Après deux semaines, reprenez vos activités, votyre programme d'exercices ou de physiothérapie, progressivement."

LOWER BACK : Dr says all is good. I imagine he means "for my age"

Léger effacement de la lordose lombaire. Légers pincements discaux L3-L4, L4-L5 avec légère spondylose multi-étagée. Arthrose facettaire modérée L4-L5, L5-S1

Pas d'anomalie significative notée.

HIGH MOUNTAIN FIRST AID KIT :  I ask for something strong in case my knee hurts on top of a mountain and I need to walk down. :

Over the counter suggestion :
2 x 500 mg Atasol fort  AND 2 to 3 Motrin 200 mgs

I ask for a prescription of something strong, just a couple of pills for a one time accident. Here is what I get  prescribed. :

4 pills of STATEX 5mg (1-2 every 4 hours)
morphine à libération immédiate" "Ce médicament est un analgésique narcotique. Habituellement, on l'utilise pour la douleur. On peut sentir son action en moins d'une heure."


BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  May 3rd 2015

2h05 PM  WALKING  FROM HOME —  around the neighborhood
25 mins 
With Gabriel, around the double-block. Use this as a WU, since I mustn't run or jump

2h45 PM Synvisc Day  Week 12 of  P90X3 :Eccentric Upper  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Am I lazy or careful of my Synvisc Knee? I do what I can.  Use the Pull-up bars and Gabriel uses the bands since the bands are harder on the knees. do PUs on left knee with right leg extended but no weight on it.

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

7h00 PM BALLROOM DANCE PRACTICE at HOME during Hockey intermissions.. TB 6 / M 1
15 mins Rumba / 15 mins slow Waltz.. we'll see how the knee does.

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  May 4th 2015
6h25 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — Synvisc Day 3 Program  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 
50 mins since I don't do the Bonus round.

#03 Shoulders & Arms 12-15 reps / on swiss ball to protect knee
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press  DB20s
2- In & Out Bicep Curl 
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback 

repeat 1 - 2 - 3

4- Deep Swimmer's Press  DB15s
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl 
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6

7- Upright Row DB12s
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack 

repeat 7 - 8 - 9

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps DB8s
- Crouching Cohen Curl DB12s
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12

Bonus round NOPE.. not today.. right knee is acting up.

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  May 5th  2015

6h00 PM Synvisc DayWeek 12 of  P90X3 : Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. I'm feeling my ABS DOMS from yesterday

P90X3 #3a          Pilates
1. Hundreds
2. Single Leg Stretch 
3. Double Leg Stretch 
4. Peter's Bridge
5. Teaser
6. V rocker 
7. Bridge Lifts 
8. Scissor Ball
9. Bicycle
10. Hip circles
11. Floating Cobra
12. The Swimmer - The Flutter - The Bad Attitude
13. Saw
14. Alphabet Soup
15. Scissor Side plank
16. Sphinx Flag
17. Clam Killer
18. T's T
19. Scissor Roller
20 Pretzel

just do the "petit chien" 130 moves with each leg.. to show Gabriel an exercise we do

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY, May 6th  2015
don't go to Volleyball.. still on my "Synvisc-one Rest days"

Finish Writing my comments about Swampy Bay River 1975 / 40th anniversary log. (in french)

19h15 PM Synvisc Day Week 12 of  P90X3 : Eccentric Lower ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel. Soft program, down the weights to respect my rest days and do only 1/4 squats (not supposed to do any)

P90X3 #8b     Eccentric Lower
1. Squats
2. Lunge
3. Sumo
4. Weighted Pistol
5. Side Kick
6. Front Kick
7. Albanian Squat
8. Adductor Lunge
9. Cross Reach
10. TT Plus
11. Bridge Kicks
12. Hip Flexor Splits
13. Calf Dog

SHOPPING Gabriel orders Gibbons Classic Slackline! from we should get it soon.

 BED AT 11h30 PM

FRIDAY,  May 8th 2015

DIET : 144 lbs . up 2

1h45 PM Synvisc Day Week 12 of  P90X3 : X3 MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Do it softly cause I'm still "resting" but feels good.

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5.Burnout ( Punch and Sprawl)


planned BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  May 9th  2015
D & E with us while M is in Italy

Coaching D (spontaneously)  au sousol

Daniela veut sauter en bas des block de Yoga. Je lui montre que le Step est fait pour ça. J'apporte le step sur le tapis et mets le tapis de jeu et le tapis de yoga devant. Elle ne veut pas mettre de souliers, je ne veux pas la forcer, mais c'est OK, ça va être assez doux pour atterrir. Elle saute et remonte 5-6 fois, je lui demande si elle veut sauter de plus haut, elle dit oui, je vais checher 2 montants . =6"  je lui explique de plier un peu les genoux quand elle attérit  Elle saute et remonte 5-6 fois, je lui demande si elle veut sauter de plus haut, elle dit oui, je vais checher 2 montants . =8"   Elle saute et remonte 5-6 fois, je lui demande si elle veut sauter de plus haut, elle dit oui, je vais checher 2 montants . =10" elle saute une fois en tenant mes doigts puis seule  Elle saute et remonte 5-6 fois, je lui demande si elle veut sauter de plus haut, elle dit oui, je vais checher 2 montants . =12"  elle saute une fois en tenant mes doigts puis seule . je lui explique la différence entre sauter en bas à 2 pieds ou un pied avant l'autre..   Elle saute et remonte 5-6 fois, je lui demande si elle veut sauter de plus haut, elle dit oui, je vais checher 2 montants . =14"   elle saute une fois en tenant mes doigts puis seule  je lui montre qu'elle peut faire un 2e saut par en avant quand elle a sauté en bas.. je dis.. saut de lapin. elle le fait qq fois. / elle saute encore souvent un peu trop sur les talons. même si elle semble comprendre la différence et réussir parfois. . je ne veux pas qu'elle en fasse trop.. je lui dit qu'un autre exercice qu'on peut faire c'est marcher sur la poutre de 4" par terre. on "joue" à ça un peu.. elle voit l'élastique bleu et demande à quoi ça sert. je lui dit que ça sert à faire des exercises de musculation.. et lui montre "le pied au milieu de l'élastique par terre et faire des biceps.. elle veut en fait qq uns. on m'appel de la cuisine pour mettre des fleurs dans un pot.. je dis à D qu'on va dehors rejoindre PapyGaby.

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  May 10th  2015
Mother's Day M is in Italy. Left me miniture roses and an sweet Mother's Day card yesterday when we went to pick up the Car seats for the girls. / evening surprise : He joined FB to surprise me and he did and I smile each time I think about it.

12h30 PM Synvisc Week 12 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Lots of modifies because of Synvisc Rest Days.. and maybe because I ate too much :/ push-ups on TRX

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls -

9. Joel Jump Freeze

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. big Brother Burpee.  -

7h10 PM Synvisc Day 9 doubles of Program P90X3 : Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel.  / what I find the hardest is barefoot

P90X3 #3a          Pilates
1. Hundreds
2. Single Leg Stretch 
3. Double Leg Stretch 
4. Peter's Bridge
5. Teaser
6. V rocker 
7. Bridge Lifts 
8. Scissor Ball
9. Bicycle
10. Hip circles
11. Floating Cobra
12. The Swimmer - The Flutter - The Bad Attitude
13. Saw
14. Alphabet Soup
15. Scissor Side plank
16. Sphinx Flag
17. Clam Killer
18. T's T
19. Scissor Roller
20 Pretzel

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  May 11th 2015

4h35 PM CARDIO Precor EFX 576i  Synvisc Day 10 doubles of Program
45 mins (as planned)  / 316 calories / 30% fat / AveHR 139 83% / MaxHR 152 91% / 41 mins  inZone (75%+)
better to start retraining after my Synvisc infiltraition with something other than  Buns of Steel or Cardio Militaire..

7h45 PM   Week 12 of   P90X3 : Yoga ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, I really don't feel like doing it but after a bit of TV I figure ahh why not.. I do what I can " and that's always enough" says TH

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Child's Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

ACHES & PAINS : my right wrist really hurts when I do push-ups (from being knocked over in vb on a wednesday in january)

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  May 12th  2015
Gabriel gets his Slackline !
I hate volleyball for hurting my knee and wrist ..( 2 different occasions..) I'm in a bad mood.
but can sort of laugh at myself for BEING in a bad mood.. so all's well.

6h30 PM  Week 12 of   P90X3 : Isometrics  ~ 30 mins  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Work mostly on my balance

P90X3 #6a     Isometrix
1. Plank, L Arm Reach
2. Standing L Leg Ext
3. Plank, R Arm Reach
4. Standing R Leg Ext
5. Plank R Arm, L Leg Lift
6. Chair with L Leg Ext
7. Plank L Arm, R Leg Lift
8. Chair wiht R Leg Ext
9. Forearm Side Balance,  R 
10. Royal Dancer R
11. Forearm Side Balance, L
12 Royal Dancer L
13. One Arm Sphinx, R
14. Tree Pose, R
15. One Arm Sphinx, L
16. Tree Pose, L
17. Side Arm Balance R - bad wrist.. on elbow
18. Warrior 3, R
19. Side Arm Balance L - tired arms.. on elbow
20. Warrior 3, L
 21. Bound Dog R Hand
 22. Inner Balance, R
23. Bound Dog L Hand
24. Inner Balance, L
  25. Bound Dog Leg Lift R -  no lift
26. Moon Dog, R
27. Bound Dog Leg Lift L -  no lift
28. Moon Dog L


BED AT 11h30 PM after Montréal -  eliminated by Tampa Bay, but I didn't watch it.

WEDNESDAY,  May 13th 2015
good results for recent Mammographie. Special since I learned yesterday that a girl from Thursday's volleyball has a bad breast Cancer.

7h00 to 9h10 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
Good to be back in the game

9h30 PM Week 12 of Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
late, but I wasn't sure if I was up to doubles before volleyball

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups

BED AT 11h45 PM

THURSDAY,  May 15th 2015

Week 12 of Program P90X3 :  I need this more..
SPARTACUS style Routine #1
.42mins ~ no HR monitor but As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets. I FEEL GOOD

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L&R
2 Traverses
3 power Squats
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L&R
9 TRX for hamstrings
10 Corners


BED AT 10h30 PM chez Manouane pour garder les fille car il est en Italie.

SATURDAY,  May 16th 2015

Just learned that Amélie Martin doesn't have any classes this summer. I asked her on FB if she's coming back to Energie Cardio in September. I guess I've thought of her going away for a couple of years now.. I've been with her at EC for 10 years, and 1 year in St-Pie..

2h45 PM Week 13 of Program P90X3 : X3 Accelerator  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Final wee of the program.  doing ok. .

P90X3 #7b     Accelerator
1. Speed Salutation
2. Twist and Pivot
3. Foot Pursuit
4. Get Up - Get Down
5. X Jacks
6. Balance Burpees
7. Salom Hops
8. Mountain Climbers
9. Spin Stops
10. Plank Walkers
11. Joel Jumps
12. Plank Circles
13. Road Runner
14. Double Trouble Climbers
15. Diamond Hops
16. Swimmer Planks
17. Speed Skater
18. Plank/Sphinx Combo
19. 3 Squat Hops 
20. Donkey Kicks -first time I really try them

BACKYARD SLACKLINE - GIBBONS CLASSIC - Gabirel sets it up between 2 trees and we experiment with it. I do max 5 secs per foot. They say we need to be able to do 15 secs before trying to walk lol

BED AT 10h45 PM

SUNDAY,  May 17th  2015

BACKYARD SLACKLINE - GIBBONS CLASSIC - Try a couple of times with Gabriels spotting me.. or me spotting him. with one hand in the middle of the back and the other under the elbow. later.. Set up a help line for my hight, Gabriel will have to put it higher if he wants to use it, but I'll be able to use it even if it si higher cause I also put a double guide strap (my yoga strap with a hook in the midle that goes on the help line.) go outside a few minutes very often.

7h30 PM  Week 13, Day 87 of  P90X3 : Decelerator~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel, I do push-ups on TRX. Honest WO but I haven't been feeling well all day.

P90X3 #7a     Decelerator
1. Bounding Squats
2. Crane Cracker Push-Ups
3. Good God Squat
4. Elevator Pull-Ups
5. 2-Pop Hop
6. Crawly Plyo Push-Up 
7. Holmsen Screamer Hold

8. Chin Pulls -

9. Joel Jump Freeze

10. Starfish push-Up
11. Duper 2
12. Vaulter Pull-Ups
13. Elevator Tiptoe Squat
14. Superman/Bow
15. Spinning Plyo Squat Lunges
16. big Brother Burpee.  Push-ups with climbers

60 mins Triple-Swing, Rumba, Merengue, Chacha

BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  May 18th 2015

4h36 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Amélie Martin  
59 mins (as planned)  / 346 calories / 40% fat / AveHR 125 75% / MaxHR 157 94% / 34 mins  inZone (75%+)
Full body WO even though it's Buns of Steel class

50 mins / 275 calories / 45% fat / AveHR 122 73% / MaxHR 163 98% / 26 mins  inZone (75%+)
4+4 Tabatas
. mixing cardio and weights.

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  May 19th  2015

7h10 PM My DOUBLES Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
I'm mixing up the WOs a little but with my doubles program, I can definately say I've done the Program.

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats -
2. The Duper Skater - balance
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats - balance
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat - balance
10. Slater Squat 
11. Duper 2 - balance
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14.  Kablam - Chair and Back Lunge
15. Burnout - 30 secs - side jumps

7h50 PM Week 13 Day 89 of Program P90X3 : Pilates  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel who didn't want to do ANY WO today but ended up doing two!

P90X3 #3a          Pilates
1. Hundreds
2. Single Leg Stretch 
3. Double Leg Stretch 
4. Peter's Bridge
5. Teaser
6. V rocker 
7. Bridge Lifts 
8. Scissor Ball
9. Bicycle
10. Hip circles
11. Floating Cobra
12. The Swimmer - The Flutter - The Bad Attitude
13. Saw
14. Alphabet Soup
15. Scissor Side plank
16. Sphinx Flag
17. Clam Killer
18. T's T
19. Scissor Roller
20 Pretzel


BED AT 9h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  May 20th 2015

5h45 PM  DAY 90 / P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
Was supposed to finiish with Dynamix but I need this more.

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups on TRX

7h15 to 9h00 PM VOLLEYBALL with Gabriel at St-Pie Centre culturel
I would have like to play longer.

LAST DAY of P90x3 Program  I think I can rightly say I did MY DOUBLES !



number of times
P90x3 103
Buns of Steel 16
Cardio Militaire 7
Spartacus 8
Jog 2
P90x 1
Elliptical 1

Total :

plus Volleyball 18

BED AT 11h00  PM

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