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THURSDAY,  June 25th  2015
Take a vacation day

42mins ~ no HR monitor but As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L&R
2 Traverses
3 power Squats
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L&R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

ACHES & PAINS : right wrist :/

DIET Bad t not losing any weight.
BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  June 26th  2015
Cache-à-l'eau with M+2

ACHES & PAINS : right wrist :/

BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  June 27th 2015

UNTIL 7h00 PM With Gabriel


BED AT 9h30 PM

SUNDAY,  June 28th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre
NOPE / get up late ate my back aches just enough to take it easy

3h30 PM Off Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
heavy legs.. and do TRX push-ups instead of plyo

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups

60 mins Samba Just to get back into dancing


BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  June 29th 2015
Tired and big day at work.

4h36 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne St-Pierre
51 mins   / 274 calories / 45% fat / AveHR 119 71% / MaxHR 152  91% / 21 mins  inZone (75%+)
Week 2/3 for same routine, Nice, I like it.

5h42 Cardio Cross training 2
PRECOR  546  23  mins : 15-90 secs  and : steady near 9 mets the rest
45 mins
/ AveHR  136  81% / MaxHR  149  89%  / 408 cals / 35 % fat / 42 mins InZone (75%+)    

ACHES & PAINS I think the ciment shovelling didn't help my wrist.

BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  June 30th  2015


Right wrist - extensor "injury X frequently occurs in combination with  ... "

I think he found the spot.. but I think that most injuries are not just ONE thing, when we heel what hurts  most (I can bend my wrist more) another place hurts that I didn't know hurt cause I couldn't bend my wrist enough to make it hurt.

I'll continue doing the deep massage he showed me, near my elbow. We'll see how much it helps.


WEDNESDAY,  July 1st  2015
I'm on Canada Day holiday but Gaby's holiday is on Friday. It rains all day and I massage my R forearm a couple of times.

2h15 PM Amélie's Buns of Steel WO

Élévation de la jambe

15 élévation de côté; jambe allongée
15 élévation en diagonal; jambe allongée
15 élévation en arrière; jambe allongée
15 élévation plié arrière
15 déplier/pier en arrière
15 élévation plié arrière
15 élévation en arrière; jambe allongée
15 élévation en diagonal; jambe allongée
15 élévation de côté jambe allongée
+ 15 élévation plié arrière ( just to make it 150 )

repeat other side

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,  July 2nd  2015

7h30 PM  OFF PROGRAM  P90X3 : Yoga ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
With Gabriel

P90X3  #3b              X3 Yoga
1. Child's Pose
2. Down Dog to Forward Hang
3. Sun Salutation (3x) 
4. Sun Salutation - Crescent
5. Airplane Over Leg Shoulder
6. Sun Salutation
7. Warrior 1 
8. Warrior 2
9. Reverse Warrior
10. Bound Side Angle Pose
11. Sun Salutation B
12. Warrior 3 
13. Half Moon 
14. Twisted Moon
15. Standing Splits
16. Crescent Pose
17.  Wide legs: Forward Fold, Bind Toes
18.  Triangle
19. Twisted Triangle
20. Tree Pose
21. Extended Leg with Toe Bind
22. Teds Chair
23. Crow    
24. Vinyasa to Floor
25. Child's Pose 
26. Cat Dog
27. Bird Dog to Dog Dancer
28. Camel 
29 Figure 4 Series
30. Plow/Shoulder Stand
31. Fish
32. Shavasana

BED AT 10h30 PM

SATURDAY,  July 3rd 2015


5h200 AM car trip 3 hours   (including 10 mins at customs)
Get up at 4h20 am, our pacs are not quite ready. We eat light breakfast and leave at 5h20. at about 8h30h we eat cereals in the car.. I wasn't really hungry, follow my GPS, it's nice to have one.

HIKING  start : 9h20 AM  AM finish at 5h30 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 19 lbs including 3 liters of  water.. Come home with 1,0 l..
ASCENT    from 1600 to 4700 for Eisenhower and then to 5001' for Franclin
TOTAL LENGTH   miles : 2,9 to Crawford Path, + 0,4 to Eisenhower + -1,5  to almost Monroe
TIME   about 7 1/2  hours including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE 15°C and sunny,

Aches & Pains : This is a test run and it's all good, but I'm very nervous about my right knee and wrist.

Up Edmonds Path to Mount Eisenhower then ofer to Mount Franklin, but we pass by it and it's only when I don't want to go up what I was told is Monroe, that we check the map and come back a little. The Trail up Franclin (almost flat at this point) is very inconspicuous. Down same as up. OUPS.. have to correct the map, near the top of Eisenhower I highlited the wrong path..we went up, of course, and not just along the bottom. lol

Nice view of Mount Washington and Monroe and in front, Franklin
On the way down, going around Eisenhower. What a beautiful day.


BED AT 9 h00 PM

SUNDAY,  July 5th 2015
Woke-up from 1 to 2 am and alarm was still set on yesterday's 4h20 am.. didn't go back to sleep..

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre
Feeling good even after ! no aches

Play Module

Gabriel finished painting the metal. It's ready to be used, we'll just add some mulch around the posts.

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,  July 6th 2015
Tired and big day at work.

go to Clinique Robert Daigneault ~ to have my right wrist assessed. RV tomorrow morning with Chantal Couture.

4h33 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne St-Pierre
54 mins   / 317 calories / 40% fat / AveHR 125 75% / MaxHR 154  92% / 30 mins  inZone (75%+)
Week 3/3 for same routine, Feeling good except for my left Metatarsals. I can do the burpees (right wrist) much better than last week.

5h43 PM CARDIO intervals
45 mins 
/ AveHR  139  83% / MaxHR  153  92%  / 311 cals / 35 % fat / 43 mins InZone (75%+)
a) Precor AMT 100i
27  mins   / Manual with 3 min- 3 min intervals, resistance 6 - 20, running stride / climbing

b) PRECOR  546  18  mins  steady cross training #2 with some ressistance changes

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

TUESDAY,  July 7th  2015

ACHES & PAINS I now understand that it's not bending my wrist, but putting weight on my bent wrist that hurts.

Right wrist - extensor  Physiotherapiste : Chantal Couture

some bones out of line.. will see her again on Friday, July 17th at noon.


WEDNESDAY, July 8th 2015

ACHES & PAINS do physio and masso for right wrist

4h43 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
I don't wear my HR monitor but it was definately a good WO.

planned BED AT 10h45 PM M+2 arrived late last night they

THURSDAY : M+2  camp in the backyard tonight / I still work

FRIDAY M+2 here all day

Missing hiker found dead in Lake Arnold area


June 1, 2015

Outdoors Writer , Lake Placid News

An interior caretaker with the state Department of Environmental Conservation found the body of a missing hiker Sunday afternoon in the High Peaks Wilderness Area.

Julie Belanger, 34, of Montreal, Quebec, and a female hiking companion left the Adirondak Loj area at about 10 a.m. Saturday, heading for Grey and Skylight Mountains. The pair were returning from the hike at about 7 p.m. when Belanger fell off of a log while crossing Feldspar Brook and was swept away by the current.

Belanger's friend didn't have cell phone service to call for help, and heavy rain forced her to take refuge at the Feldspar Brook lean-to.

"The weather was too inclement, and it had become dark," trooper Jennifer Fleishman, spokeswoman for Ray Brook-based state police Troop B, told the Enterprise. "She became scared and distraught. She was assisted by some other hikers in attempting to look for her friend the next day."

Fleishman said when the group failed to locate Belanger, the hikers assisted her friend back to the Loj, where they called Ray Brook state police at 11:30 a.m. Sunday. State police notified the DEC, and an interior caretaker located Belanger's body in the early afternoon.

State Police Aviation and DEC forest rangers hoisted Belanger's body from the Lake Arnold area at about 7:10 p.m. Her body was flown to the Lake Placid Airport, where she was officially pronounced dead by Essex County Coroner Francis Whitelaw. Whitelaw ruled the manner of death accidental.

Belanger's body was then taken to the Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake, where an autopsy was performed Monday morning by Dr. C. Francis Varga, who determined the cause of death to be asphyxiation due to fresh water drowning.

- See more at:


2 ) We were there in 2013 and note : Lake Arnold is at the junction of trail to Mount Colden)

MONDAY, July 22nd 2013

Day 1
Get up at 5 am
with Gabriel,  .



From ADK Lodge  to Feldspar Leanto ORANGE on the map


SKYLIGHT & GRAY = 37/46 BLUE on the map
start at  11h45 am  to  ~  5h30 pm

Une vie à 100 km/h freinée tragiquement
La jeune professionnelle mordue de plein air est décédée en faisant ce qu’elle aimait le plus


Un mois après son décès accidentel lors d’une randonnée dans l’État de New York, la famille de Julie Bélanger, une adepte de plein air et écrivaine, s’apprête à célébrer la «vie extraordinaire» de leur fille brisée par un accident tragique.

Le 31 mai dernier, la femme de 34 ans originaire de Québec qui travaillait maintenant comme ingénieure-géologue à Montréal, est partie avec une amie dans les Adirondacks, pour une longue randonnée.

Surprises par des pluies torrentielles, les deux femmes se sont butées au retour à un ruisseau devenu rivière en raison de la crue.

Celles-ci ont alors tenté de traverser le torrent sur un arbre couché au-dessus de l’eau. «Son amie a traversé, mais quand ma fille a traversé, le tronc s’est rompu», raconte la mère de victime, Andrée Morissette. «Elle est partie à la dérive, le courant était très fort. Elle a enlevé son sac à dos, c’est une technique, et pourtant c’est une bonne nageuse, mais... le courant était tellement fort.»

Son amie était impuissante en voyant la victime être emportée par le courant. Les recherches ont permis de retrouver la dépouille de Julie Bélanger le lendemain.

«Vie extraordinaire»

Un mois après le décès de Julie, sa mère a maintenant choisi de se rabattre sur la «vie extraordinaire» de sa fille pour se consoler. «Cette fille-là, elle a voyagé, elle a fait le tour du monde. Entre la fin de son université et son décès, elle a fait des choses que bien des gens ne font pas dans une vie. On essaye de se consoler avec ça», raconte-t-elle.

«Elle avait un sentiment d’urgence de vivre. On n’arrivait pas à comprendre pourquoi c’était si urgent de tout faire», ajoute sa mère tout en réalisant que le triste destin de sa fille est peut-être devenu une réponse à cette question. La jeune femme a même écrit deux romans jeunesse alors qu’elle avait 17 ans tout en faisant du sport et en travaillant dans le domaine du plein air.

«Cette fille-là elle a voyagé, elle a fait le tour du monde. [...] Elle a fait des choses que bien des gens ne font pas dans une vie. On essaye de se consoler avec ça»  — sa mère, Andrée Morisette

Voyages :

  • Camp de base de l’Everest
  • Islande
  • Patagonie
  • Kilimandjaro
  • GR20 (Corse)
  • Nouvelle-Zélande

Auteur de deux romans jeunesse

  • Chloélia ou l’été suédois
  • Soleil de minuit

Guide à Grosse Île pendant ses études

SUNDAY,  July 12th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre
Feeling good even after ! no aches

BED AT 9h00 PM

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