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MONDAY,  July 13th 2015


5h200 AM car trip 3 hours   (including 5 mins at customs)
Get up at 4h00 am, our pacs are in the car. We eat light breakfast and leave at 4h30. at about 8h30h we eat cereals in the car..

HIKING  start : 8h15 AM finish at  3h00 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 20 lbs including 4  liters of  water.. Come home with 1,5 l
ASCENT  from 800'  on Carter-Moriah Trail
TOTAL LENGTH   :4,5 miles
hours including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE Warm. Heard thunder for about 45 mins, but only had a few drops of rain near the end of the hike. Just in time before the showers.

Aches & Pains : Th


Lots of slabs, and some parts remind me of ADK  Rocky Peak Ridge.

BED AT 9 h00 PM at :Northern Peaks Motor Inn, Gorham. Room 18; with microwave oven and small fridge.

TUESDAY,  July 14th 2015

Mount Middle Carter and Mount South Carter, NEW HAMPSHIRE
HIKING  start : 7h00  AM finish at  4h15 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 19 lbs including 4  liters of  water.. Come home with
ASCENT    from NH16 by Imp Trail from 1270'
TOTAL LENGTH    12,4 miles
TIME   about 9h15  hours including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE Quite a few times during the day we thought it would rain, so we put the pac covers on but it was very warm.

Aches & Pains : Th

Below : ORANGE Trail, I didn't want to go by the other IMP trail to keep things easy, since I'm still testing my knee.

Below : It only took me 2,5 minutes to do the U trail to get to where I took this photo. Gaby was 100 % right.. distances are difficult to judge.


BED AT 8h00 PM at : Northern Peaks Motor Inn, Gorham. Room 18; with microwave oven and small fridge.

WEDNESDAY,  July 15th 2015

HIKING  start : 11h30  AM finish at 3h00  PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 18 lbs including  3 liters of  water.. Come home with
ASCENT   by the Hale Brook trail from Zealand Road. from 1770'
TOTAL LENGTH   miles : 4,4 miles
TIME   3h30 hours including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE Rain starting at 3 AM until about 10 AM. so we changed our plans to do a hike mostly in the afternoon.

Aches & Pains : Th

there's another trail comming from the other side that is much easier. but the trail we did was still considered a moderate one.

No view point at the top and a Boy's camp all over the place made it quite a different lunch place than usual. but it was ok.


BED AT 9h30 PM at : Northern Peaks Motor Inn, Gorham. Room 18; with microwave oven and small fridge.

THURSDAY,  July 16th 2015

Mount Hight and Mount Carter Dome, NEW HAMPSHIRE
HIKING  start : 7h00  AM finish at 4h15 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 17 lbs including  3,5 liters of  water.. Come home with  1,5 l
ASCENT    from NH16 via Nineteen Mile Brook Trail  and Carter Dome trail, and Mount Hight.
TOTAL LENGTH   about 10 miles : including Mount Hight and Carter Notch Hut
TIME   about 9h15mins  including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE Beautiful, Sunny and cool!

Aches & Pains : Th

This is my Blue period in photography..


PINK Trail

Part of our ARMS LENGTH collection started loooong before selfies existed.


BED AT 9 h00 PM

FRIDAY,  July 17th  2015


Right wrist - extensor  Physiotherapiste : Chantal Couture

same exercises to continue. / She works on my right thumb as well. / next RV on August 7th.. but I'm not sure to go.. it's VERY expensive since insurance only reembourses 20/60$


Saturday.. 1-4 pm visit Albi & Lily at their new place on Monsabré. 4-8 pm supper at Manou's +5.

SUNDAY,  July 19th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre   Nathalie Archambault
Feeling good but my left quads don't really warm up and I feel them all the time.

BED AT 11h00 PM

MONDAY,  July 20th  2015

42mins ~ no HR monitor but As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP. Steps at  10" routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan and a yoga mat,  TRX for push-ups and DB 10s Dips. Add to that water, a headband,   Also my cell phone to time the 2 mins pause between repeating the sets.

SPARTACUS :  1 min each / 15 secs rest /  Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-ups L&R
2 Traverses
3 power Squats
4 TRX Triceps
5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides
8 Jump squats L&R
9 Butt lifts (hamstrings)
10 Corners

ACHES & PAINS : right wrist is getting better but not quite well. Do Physio exercises again, after  2 day rest because physio hurt.

BED AT 8h30 PM

TUESDAY,  July 21st 2015

Planned : TRAVEL TO

4h20 AM car trip 3,5 hours   (including 5 mins customs )
Get up at 3h30 am, our pacs are in the car. We eat light breakfast and leave at 4h20. at about 6h30h we eat cereals in the car..

Mount Garfield, NEW HAMPSHIRE
HIKING  start : 7h40 AM finish at  PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 20 lbs including 4  liters of  water.. Come home with 1,5 l
ASCENT   by Garfield Trail
TOTAL LENGTH   10 miles
TIME   about  6h40 including stops

TEMPERATURE Hot and humid but nice on top.

Aches & Pains : Th

Luckily there were quite a few Switchbacks

Gaby forgot his camera's memory card and had to use the internal memory but managed to take some great pictures of me ;)

 BED AT 9 h00 PM at :Northern Peaks Motor Inn, Gorham. Room 16; with microwave oven and small fridge.

WEDNESDAY,  July 22nd 2015

North Twin, South Twin, NEW HAMPSHIRE = 24/48 !
HIKING  start : 7h15  AM finish at 4h50  PM
Get up at 5h30 AM, leave the Motor Inn at 6h30.
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 20 lbs including  3 liters of  water.. Come home with
ASCENT   by North Twin Trail
TOTAL LENGTH   miles : 11,2
TIME   about 9h40 including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE : Perfect! (says Gaby :)

Aches & Pains : Th


I can't follow where Gaby goes since he's just a little taller than me.

I had the chance to practice walking in the river with my KEEN Women's Clearwater CNX Sandal. There are three crossings, the 3rd one is easy. On the way up I crossed in the water on the 2nd crossing only, but on the way down, I kept my Keen  sandals from the 2nd crossing to the end since I knew the terrain was mostly soft.

BED AT 9h30 PM at : Northern Peaks Motor Inn, Gorham. Room 16; with microwave oven and small fridge.

THURSDAY,  July 23rd 2015

Mounts Tom, Field and Willey, NEW HAMPSHIRE
HIKING  start : 7h15 AM  finish at 4  PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 18 lbs including  3 liters of  water.. Come home with 1,5 liters
ASCENT   Avalon Trail to A-Z Trail, down by Mount Avalon 
TOTAL LENGTH   9.8 miles :
TIME   about 8h45 including long stops and conversations

TEMPERATURE More clouds than we expected but cleared around noon

Aches & Pains : Th

No Trail sign at the very begining, really just across the tracks, behind the Information Center.

Easy to guess that I'm at the start of the trail, rested, relaxed and happy. Use this as my FB pic.

S.R. I'd love to see the pictures she takes.


BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  July 26th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre   Nathalie Archambault
I wish I had moved a little these past two days, but at least I ate properly. The hour goes by really well!

BED AT 11h00 PM

MONDAY,  July 27th 2015
Back to work for a week

6h00 PM PRE- Program FOCUS T25 : # Alpha SPEED 1.0 ~ HOME FITNESS with Shaun-T 
Alone, and difficult .
T25 Alpha — Speed 1.0
1. Jog it out
2. Hip hop turn
3. Hip hop hook
4. Hip hop hook squat
5. Jog
6. Up and over
7. Quad Stretch
8. Burpee, Alternate front kick
9. Namaste knee bend L
10. Namaste knee bend R
11. Side hop uppercut
12.Side Lunge stretch L & R
13. Low cross Jack
14. Hip flexor hold
15. zig zag hop & knee lift
20. Heisman crossword
21.Heisman crossword & clap
22. Flat back Roll-up
23. Criss cross hop
24. Criss cross hop & 1/2 tuck
25. Hip flexor calf stretch
26. Slow quick Jab combo
27.Chest opener stretch
28. Up & over
29. Burpee alternate front kick
30. Side hop upper cut
31. Low cross jack
32. Zig zag hop & knee lift
33.Squat thrust & criss cross
34.Heisman crossword

35. Heisman crossword & clap

36. Criss cross hop
37. Criss cross hop & jump
38.Slow quick jab combo
39. Stretch & stability

7h00 PM PRE- Program FOCUS T25 : # Alpha TOTAL BODY CIRCUIT ~ HOME FITNESS with Shaun-T 
Alone, and difficult . but I definately need it.
T25 Alpha — Total Body Circuit

1. Alternate knee lifts
2. Alternate knee lifts on toes
. Slow control jog
4. High knee jog
5. Hop hop turn
6. Jump rope run with turn
7. Hop hop hook
8. Hop hop squat
9. Plank - shoulder tap L
10. Plank - shoulder tap R
11. Shoulder tap L & R , push-up
12. L tap, PU, R tap PU
13. Alternate front lunge
14.  Alternate front lunge + squat
15.  Alternate front lunge + 2 squat-jacks
16. Lunge progression L  & R
17. 2+2 jabs
18. 2+2 rotating jabs
19. 2+2 in & out jabs
20. 2+2 moving jabs
21. Plank hold
22. Plank walk 1L-1R
23. Plank walk in+out abs
24. Plank & squat hold
25.Sprint it out
26. Power squat-jacks

27. Sprint & squat
28. Sprint turn & squat center
29. Pike walk in & out
30. Pike - 3 hops in, 3 hops out
31. Pike - 2 hops in, 2 hops out
32. Pike-up singles
33. Side squat L
34. 180° hop squats
35. 180° hop squat & touch floor
36. 180° hop squat & burpee
37. Plank - alternate spider lunge
38. Spider lunge + push-up
39. Spider push-up
40. Oblique knee push-ups
41. Tap L & R push-ups
42. Lung squat progression
43. 2+2 moving jabs
44. Plank walk, squat, hold
45. Sprint turn & squat center
46. Pike-ups, singles
47. 180° hop squat & burpee
48. Oblique knee push-ups
49. Floor sprint
50. Standing body run

BED AT 11h00 PM

TUESDAY,  July 28th 2015

7h00 PRE- Program FOCUS T25 : # Alpha — STRETCH ~ HOME FITNESS with Shaun-T 
 25 minutes, with Gabriel
T25 Alpha — STRETCH

1. Alternate knee hold
2. Control knee hold
3. Alternate straight leg kick
4. Calf stretch L + R
5. Squat hip flexor L
6. Crescent pose hip flexor hold L
7. Crescent pose hip flexor L + arms up
8. Squat hip flexor L
9. Crescent pose hip flexor hold L
10. Crescent pose hip flexor L + arms up
11. Lateral lunge L
12. Lateral lunge hold L
13. Center hold - touch floor
14. Lateral lunge R
15. Lateral lunge hold R
16. Center hold - touch floor
17. Cradle leg hug L
18. Prayer hold L
19. Cradle leg hug R
20. Prayer hold R
21. Standing flat back V hold
22. Torso twist L + R

23. Standing cat-cow
24. Elbow squat hold
25. Down dog + knee in L
26. Down dog + calf stretch L
27. Down dog + knee in R
28. Down dog + calf stretch R
29. Child's pose
30. Table top on knees + arm reach L + R
31. Spider static  stretch L + R
32. Low Pigeon L
33. 8 Torso L
34. 8 quad L
35. High pigeon L
36. Low Pigeon R
37. 8 Torso R
38. 8 quad R
39. High pigeon R
40. Bent knee hip up
41. Hip up hold
42. Single leg knee hold L + R
43. Dual knee hold
44. Knee crossover stretch  L + R

7h30 PRE-Program FOCUS T25 : # Alpha — Ab intervals ~ HOME FITNESS with Shaun-T 
With Gabriel who thought he'd only do a few minutes but did it all :). 25 minutes
T25 Alpha — Ab intervals

1- Child's pose + plank
2. Down dog + plank
3. Down dog + spider alternate spider lunge
Down dog + oblique knee
5. Low plank - hold
6. Side plank - hold left
7. V sit + arms down
8. Side hip-ups L
9. Low plank pulse
10. Side plank-hold R
11. V sit + arms up
12. Side hip-up R
13. Cardio - alternate speed knee slow
14. Alternate straight leg lift
15. Same arm / same leg R
16. Same arm / same leg L
17. Both arms / both legs
18. Cardio - T shuffle - side + back

19. Scissors leg + heel up
20. Alternate heel tap slow
21. Dual heel tap
22. Alternate heel tap fast
23. Superman
24. Lat pull down
25. Straight arm fly
26. Rocketman
27. Cardio - Lateral mountain climbers
28. Plank toetap in & out - slow
29. Plank feet up-up, back-back
30. Up & back + V up
31. Plank V up
32. Sprint + table top
33. Wide in & out ab pyramid to 7
34. High knee jog
35. Slow control jog


WEDNESDAY, July 29th  2015
32°C / 40 with humidex

7h30 PM Warm-up of PROGRAM P90X3 : Cold Start  ~ 12  mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton

6h00 PM OFF PROGRAM P90X3 : X3 MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
with Gabriel / 
hurt my neck when Gaby kicks the floor back to its place..hope it will be well

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

 1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5.Burnout ( Punch and Sprawl)


BED AT 10h30

THURSDAY,  July 30th  2015
slow day at work.

planned 7h15 PM Amélie's Buns of Steel WO

Élévation de la jambe

15 élévation de côté; jambe allongée
15 élévation en diagonal; jambe allongée
15 élévation en arrière; jambe allongée
15 élévation plié arrière
15 déplier/pier en arrière
15 élévation plié arrière
15 élévation en arrière; jambe allongée
15 élévation en diagonal; jambe allongée
15 élévation de côté jambe allongée
+ 15 élévation plié arrière ( just to make it 150 )

repeat other side

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  July 31st 2015
Annual check-up with Dr Poulin

ACHES & PAINS up-date

Right wrist - extensor & Neck

28th Wrist . He says my forearm muslcles are MUCH better than a month ago, and I sure believe him, he doesn't hurt even when he gives a strong massage. But not perfect.

31st Neck : muscle-wise quite good. (Can't do anything for the osteoartritis)


planned  but don't.. :/ 8h30 PM Off Program P90X3 : Agility X  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
? do TRX push-ups instead of plyo

P90X3 #2a    Agility X
1.  Explode & Hold
2.  Y Lunges
3.  Joel Jump Squats
4.  Toe Tap Skater
5.  Near 7 Farrs
6.  Ring around the posey
7.  Scissor Kick Jumps
8.  8 Sprint 3
9.  Plyo V Lunge
10. High Step Shuffle
11. Gump Jump Push Ups
12. Tap That Line
13. Jump Knee Jump
14. Triangle Lunges
15. Squat Jump Lunge
16. 3.4 Run
17. Long Jump Sprint
18. Plyo Line Push Ups

 BED AT 10h30 PM

Week-end in Québec City visit Bernard & Céline.

Week-end in Québec City visit Bernard & Céline.

On the way home, stop at St Dominique to check out a sign I saw last week.

Le Boisé de la Crête à St-Dominique.

MONDAY,  August 3rd 2015
I feel lazy, l'ike I'm on vacation.. :-D

4h29 BUNS OF STEEL~ GROUP FITNESS with Roxanne St-Pierre
52 mins   / 349 calories / 35% fat / AveHR 136 81% / MaxHR 162 97% / 39 mins  inZone (75%+)
boring but good workout

5h33 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre
54 mins / 329 calories / 45% fat / AveHR 128 77% / MaxHR 146 87% / 34 mins  inZone (75%+)
There was no Zumba yesterday, so this is my once a week..

BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY, August 5th 2015

4h33 PM CARDIO TAE-BOXE ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
2 mins+ / AveHR  136  81% / MaxHR  155  93%  / 352 cals / 35 % fat / 45 mins InZone (75%+)

5h33 PM CARDIO BODY DESIGN ~ GROUP FITNESS with Nathalie Archambault
47 mins+ / AveHR  127  76% / MaxHR  184  110%  / 280 cals / 40 % fat / 32 mins InZone (75%+)

PLANNING Hear rumors that Yan F. will be giving Cardio-Militaire in September.  Hope it's true!

BED AT 10h45 PM

Major Doms from yesterday

M+2 :)

SATURDAY,  August 8th 2015
Véronique was born on August 8th 1926, I'd rather miss her than forget her

M+2 & Albi and Bejgli for Gaby's Birthday on August 12th. Take video of Gaby on his outdoor gym set.

ACHES & PAINS Climb up orchard ladder just to try out, but my left quads hurt so much I have to put right foot first each time. Ask PL to see him when I come back from hiking.

BED AT 10h00 PM

SUNDAY,  August 9th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre   Nathalie Archambault
56 mins+ / AveHR  125  75% / MaxHR  156  93%  / 327 cals / 45 % fat / 28 mins InZone (75%+)

planned BED AT 8h00 PM

MONDAY,  August 10th 2015


4h20 AM car trip 3,5 hours   (including 5 mins customs )
Get up at 3h30 am, our pacs are in the car. We eat light breakfast and leave at 4h20. at about 6h30h we eat cereals in the car..


North Conway, NH today : First Light : 5:11 / Sunrise 5:43 / Sunset 7:56 / Last Light 8:28

Mount Hancock & South Hancock, NEW HAMPSHIRE
28 & 29 / 48

HIKING  start : 7h47 AM finish at 3h48  PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 20 lbs including x  liters of  water.. Come home with x l
ASCENT   by G Trail
TIME   about  7


Aches & Pains : Th


planned BED AT 9 h00 PM at : White Mountain Hostel, 36 Washington Street, Conway, NH


TUESDAY,  August 11th 2015


TEMPERATURE forecast : 50 mm rain

Aches & Pains : Th




planned BED AT 9 h00 PM

WEDNESDAY,  August 12th 2015

Mount Osceola, East Osceola, NEW HAMPSHIRE
30, 31  / 48

HIKING  start : 6h56 AM finish at 14h54 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 20 lbs including x  liters of  water.. Come home with x l
ASCENT   by G Trail
TIME   about  7


Aches & Pains : Th


planned BED AT 9 h00 PM at :White Mountain Hostel, 36 Washington Street, Conway, NH

THURSDAY,  August 13th 2015:

Mounts Bondcliff,  Bond & West Bond , NEW HAMPSHIRE
32, 33, 34  / 48

HIKING  start : 5h00 AM finish at 19h40 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 21 lbs including 3,5 liters of  water.. (Gaby pumps me another l on the way back while we eat supper.
ASCENT   by G Trail
TOTAL LENGTH   22,1  miles
TIME   14 hours 40 minutes!


Aches & Pains : Th



on Facebook : .. oui oui.. moi aussi quand j'avais vu la photo du livre ( AMC White Mountains Guide, 27th edition ) je pensais que c'était une grosse plateforme. lol et en plus.. sur le livre la personne n'est pas allé aussi loin que nous!

Il y avait des bourrasques de vent, pas très fort, mais assez pour inquiéter.. le vent venait VERS la montagne, mais comme je devais me pencher DANS le vent pour ne pas me faire pousser par le vent, je devais faire attention à ne pas continuer à me pencher vers le vide quand la bourrasque arrêtait!

planned BED AT 9 h00 PM at :White Mountain Hostel, 36 Washington Street, Conway, NH

FRIDAY,  August 14th 2015

Mount Tecumseh, NEW HAMPSHIRE
35 / 48

HIKING  start : 11h26 am AM finish at 16h46 PM
WEIGHT OF PACSAC : ~ 18 lbs including 2,5  liters of  water.. Come home with 1l.
ASCENT   by Tipoli Road Trail .
TOTAL LENGTH    6,2 miles
TIME   5h20

TEMPERATURE 21° C at start, and luckily it goes down at least a litte.. t0 18°C

Aches & Pains : Th

at 1h20 mins from Conway, but the other trail head is at 1h40..and anyways, after doing the Bonds yesterday.. a nice steady climb is better that an all out steep one.


Trip Home

unpack and rest

SUNDAY,  August 15th 2015

9h00 ZUMBA ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Roxanne Saint-Pierre
very good.

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

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