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SUNDAY,    March 25th 2018
M+2 visiting since yesterday. jump rope with R who is learning to cross

9h00 AM BUNS OF STEEL Group fitness with   Nathalie Archambault
first half is steps, I like it. .

BED AT 9h45 PM

MONDAY,   March 26th 2018
feeling better / C is abs

4h00 PM PRECOR 556i  
45 mins
Hill Climb 1 min / 2 mins intervals

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan

Main course

1 min 20 squats, then wall squat 20 push-ups, then plank
1 min 20 squats, then wall squat 20 push-ups, then plank
30 secs squat sautés plyo push-ups

1 min 20 Static lunges, then repeaters 20 renagade rows, then bear walk
1 min 20 Static lunges, then repeaters 20 renagade rows, then bear walk
30 secs Mary Katherines Alternating Lateral plank with hand up

1 min 20 Bicep curls, then Squat & Press 15 Arrachée, then Bent-over row
1 min 20 Bicep curls, then Squat & Press 15 Arrachée, then Bent-over row
30 secs Biceps curls / dév. militaire / triceps up-right row / bent over row

also : Burpee Pyramid alternating with partner 1 to 8
         Team contests I do on my own, the Burpee pyramid really killed my lower back.


BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  March 29th 2018

7h00 PM Off- Program P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
 I'm FAT :(

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, Burnout (Punch and Sprawl)

BED AT 9h40 PM

FRIDAY,  March 30th 2018
pm & evening.. At M's , Gaby replaces sump pump

11h00 AM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style #5
with a break before repeating.

12 exercises 1 mins each non stop. / repeat.

1.    Burpees,
2.    Floor mountain climbers,
4.    3 squats then jump squat sideways  (or jump squat)
Floor hamstring curls (lift bum) one leg straight and low
Stand one foot each side of 8" steps. jump to center of steps one foot in front of the other, jump down repeat  changing front foot 
7.    Back lunges with bicep curls
Squats with triceps
Crunches and variations
Sumo squats with military  Press
Plank I do side planks


BED AT 11h45 PM .

SATURDAY, March 31st 2018
Gaby works on Shower.. finishing up the Kerdi

As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel.  today : Steps at 10"
feeling good even though it's late and I'm tired.. I'm happy that M+2 are coming tomorrow evening.. it gives me energy !

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R DB10s
2 Traverses DB10s
3 Power Squats

Overhead  triceps DB10s

5 Skaters DB10s
6 Knee Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R DB10s
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts
10 Corners

BED AT 9h30

SUNDAY, April 1st 2018
Feel sick and tired all day but get up some courage to do the WO / Gaby finishes the Kerdi in the shower.

8h00 PM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #6 ~ 4 blocks FdF 

Long circuit.. one person per station — 2 mins between each block — in red this is why it's Buns of Steel, not Cardio Militaire

Block 1 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations 

2 squats, jump squat
Squats with  biceps DB 10s
Step-ups on 20" stage - right foot
Step-ups on 20" stage - left foot
Squats with triceps on the side.. DB 8s
Power squat on 10" Step (some Jump over, turn, jump over)

Block 2 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

2 squats, 2 back lunges down from 10" steps
Gliding side lunge to the right
Gliding side lunge to the left
Step-downs from 10" steps with DB 10s  ( next time do 1 min each side)
½ sit-ups

Block 3 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

Squat with military press DB 10s
Summo Squats with biceps
DB 10s
Burpees with push-ups and jumps
Triceps push-ups
on 4 on floor, lift leg at 90° ( next time do 1 min each side)

Block 4 : exercises 60 secs each & just enough time to change stations

Russian twist with legs up, DB 8
Summo squat jumps
Squat and extend leg diagonal back, DB10s  ( next time do 1 min each side)
Ski, ski, squat / but I do 4 Mary-Kathrines, 2 squats..
Squat summo & mover (déménageur) DB 10

BED AT 10h20 PM

Gaby cuts tiles for bottem of shower / M+1 come for afternoon 'til 7h00 PM / 30 mins Stretching watching TV

TUESDAY, April 3rd 2018
I'm on vacation all week / We (Gaby)  tile bottom of shower in the evening

1h30 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style #7 ~ 90-30 secs

3 blocks of 5 stations

90 secs each, 30 secs rest between stations,

1. lunge with dévelopé militaire DB8s
2. on back with elastic, legs up, press apart
3. step-ups on 10" steps
4. chair on wall
5. forward in-outs on speed ladder

2 mins rest between blocks

1. squats with biceps DB8s
2. crunches
3.  power squats on 10" steps
4. 1 leg abduction - change at 45 secs
5. hop, touch floor  on speed ladder

2 mins rest between blocks

1. sumo squats with above-head triceps DB8s
2. diagonal crunches
3. march up-down, squat, perpendicular  to 10" steps
4. jog
5. side in-outs on speed ladder

ACHES & PAINS I have a Sprained right foot.. not the ankle, below.. when I turn my foot inside.. It started yesterday, but is much worse today.

BED AT 11h30

April 4th 2018

8h00 PM P90X3  HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton — off program Eccentric Upper ~ 30 mins 
Do the Pulling exercises with the Black band and most of the PUs on my knees but it's a very honest WO
mostly because my right foot wasn't up to going to volleyball.

P90X3 #8a     Eccentric Upper
1. Standard Push-Ups
2. Standard Pull-Ups
3. Military Press
4. Military Push-Ups
5. Chin-Ups
6. Deep Swimmer's Press
7. Fly Push-Ups
8. V Pull-Ups
9. Upright Hammer Pull
10. Staggered Push-Ups
11. Rocket Launcher Row
12. Lateral/Anterior Raise
13. Plyo Push-Ups
14. Vaulter Pull-Ups
15. Pterodactyl Flys
16. Rocket Launcher Kickback
17. Flip Flop Combo
18. Tricep Skyfers
19. Kneeling Preacher Curl

BED AT 9h30 PM .

FRIDAY,  April 6th 2018
First good productive day at home in a long time.

2h30 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style #8
 don't have a Bossu, so use ankle weight on floor for rounds 1 & 3 and Step for round 2


Round 1  / 90 secs / 10 secs rest


Fente latérale & abduction


Squat Sumo développé militaire


Squat Sautés chaque côté du step

Floor mat


Bossu rond

Fente avant alternées


Round 2  / 90 secs / 10 secs rest


Fente arrière


Sumo alterné de chaque côte avec biceps


Pneus rapides / fentes

Floor mat

4 pattes , abduction hanche,

Bossu plat

Burpees : mains sur Bossu, lever Bossu par dessus tête.


Round 3  / 90 secs / 10 secs rest


Sumo arrière


Triceps avec squats / Triceps sans squats


Genou repeat

Floor mat

Ischio jambiers

Bossu rond

3 squats avec un pieds sur Bossu, traverse.


BED AT 10h30 PM .



MONDAY,  April 9th 2018

30 mins intervals : 3 mins climb / 3 min run

5h00 CXWorx ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Simon V.
30 mins..goes quite well

LESMILLS CXWORX™ is set to 6 musical tracks. It starts with a complete warm-up and then on to planks, crunches, and functional exercises to strenghten the torso, gluteus, obliques, back, and to improve your balance.

5h41 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
50 mins.. very varied exercises.. mat / steps / DB8s DB5s

BED AT 9h30 PM

Zumba 30 mins but stop to help Gaby Tiling..

Bed at 8h30 PM !

FRIDAY,   April 13th 2018

8h07 PM HOMEFITNESS  ~   Amélie Style # 9
Took me MORE than an hour to do. but did the jump rope and jogging in the back yard, and had to look for my DBs upstairs. also swept the floor before burpees.


jump rope real thing outside


jogging around the yard


squats DB8s


squats sumo


abduction jambe - chaque côté


ischio jambiers  - chaque côté


fente - développer militaire DB8s


step up on stage - chaque côté 18"




jumping jacks




ski-ski- squat


ski ski

rest 1 mins and UP AGAIN

planned BED AT 10h30 PM .




show pics of the unfinished shower at work and everyone says it's excellent

WEDNESDAY,  April 18th 2018
Feel well but don't feel like going to volleyball even though it's the last week

7h25 AM HOME FITNESS ~   Amélie Style # 10  10-15-20-25
Gaby is at volleyball so for B I just improvise the number./ I whould have done a WU before the PUs


A) do 10-15-20-25 reps
(alternate with partner)

B ) do continously  while partner does numbered exercise


Squat -  side kick left ½L ½R

Sumo squat  with Biceps DB8s


diagonal  knee Push-up -  other diagonal

1 Burpee and 4 knees


Squat déménageur ½L ½R

2 power squat forward, 6 run back


Dolphin Hop

Squat - back lunge


Squat - développer militaire

Mountain climber

BED AT 10h00 PM

THURSDAY,  April 19th 2018
Last show of season 2 of Disctrict 31


4h20 PM ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
feeling ok, my left shoulder is good except for the end (high blocks) so I do jabs and upper-cuts

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 9h40 PM 

FRIDAY,   April 20th 2018

As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel.  today : Steps at 10"

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats


5 Skaters
6 Knee Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts
10 Corners

BED AT 9h30

SUNDAY,   April 22nd 2018

1h15 PM HOMEFITNESS - POWER WALK ~ Was going to run.. but not feelin well.. I think I really need to get out more in the sun. 50 mins mostly walking, some jogging but my lower back hurts.

planned BED AT 10h30

MONDAY, April 23rd 2018

4h05 PM PRECOR  556i
45 mins intervals : 23 mins : 15/90 and then cross-country


5h00 CXWorx ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Simon V.
30 mins..goes quite well , some new exercises I like, will be same routine for 4 more weeks

LESMILLS CXWORX™ is set to 6 musical tracks. It starts with a complete warm-up and then on to planks, crunches, and functional exercises to strenghten the torso, gluteus, obliques, back, and to improve your balance.

5h41 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
45 mins.. very varied exercises.. mat / / DB8s DB5s.  I don't stay for the group competitions

BED AT 8h30 PM

45 mins Walk around the neighborhood with Gaby

THURSDAY,  April 25th 2018

7h30 PM Off- Program P90X3 : MMX  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
 While Gaby goes to last volleyball at St-Pie

P90X3 #5a           MMX
30 secs rest between rounds.

Round One   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. High and Low Jab/Cross
2. Hook/Uppercut/Front Knee
3. Triple Jab/ Cross/ Back Knee
4. Hook Elbow/Down Elbow

Round Two   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Jab/Over The top Elbow/ Crescent Kick
2. Superman Punch/4-Punch Scramble/Sprawl
3. Lead Uppercut/Hook Elbow/ Snap Kick
4. Sprawl/Power Knees/ Hook and Upper Elbow

Round Three   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Upper Back elbow/Hook Elbow/ Back Kick
2. Jab/Cross/sprawl/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl
3. Push Kick/ Snap Kick
4. Hook/Uppercut/Hook/ Uppercut/Sprawl

Round Four   **Change Lead at 30 seconds

1. Frt Leg Check/Frt Snap Kick/ Superman Punch
2. Jab/Cross/Sprawl/Scramble
3.Jab/Cross/Hook Elbow/ Over the Top Elbow
4. Gladiator/Sprawl/Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
5, (Punch and Sprawl) high block, knee kick burnout

planned BED AT 9h40 PM

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