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FRIDAY,   April 27th 2018

Mont Saint-Hilaire
HIKING  start at 12h15 PM
4 hours

Deuter 28l pack : at 12 lbs

TEMP : ~11°C , cloudy and no wind = excellent

 PAIN DE SUCRE three times
up and down to Shelter
up and down to Shelter, up and down
 to car
Lots of mud and wet icy snow on the middle of the trail. Not surprising considering the Late Spring we're having this year.

ACHES & PAINS : none! but we'll have to see tomorrow..


planned BED AT 10h00 PM


ACHES & PAINS :  at about 10 PM my lower RIGHT back really hurts, maybe from carring ONE heavy water pail..

SUNDAY,  April 29th 2018
ACHES & PAINS :  my back is ok!


4h00 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style # 11

50 Jumping Jacks /  course

50 Squat avec poids DB8s

50 Saut à la corde

25 Fentes G, D

40 Jog genoux hauts

40 Sumo déménageur DB8

40 Jog talons aux fesses

40 1/2 redressements

30 Squats sautés

30 Squats triceps DB8s

30 Mountain Climber

30 Squat, kick devant

30 Ski devant

30 Russian Twist

30 Twists sautés

30 summo & Biceps DB8s

20 Goodmorning 1 jambe G, D DB8s

20 Sumo sauté

20 Sumo Gliding G, D

20 Saute & ouvre sumo

20 Gliding Fente arrière G, D

20 Fente, élévation lat. épaule G, D

20 Burpee today..: 10 burpees / 10 PUs

20 Ischios jambier au sol G, D

20 Flex latérale tronc, en sumo

20 Flex latérale tronc, dév mil 1 bras  G, D DB8

20 Russian Twist

20 Squat Swing de Golf

20 Abduction Hanche Tronc incliné G, D

20 Squat Side Kick G, D

20 4 pattes, abduc jambe tendue côté G, D

20 4 pattes, fessiers G, D

10  Frog Squat

10 Jumping Jack

10 Jumping Jack Sumo

10 Ski, ski, plié

10 Push-ups / 10 Knee PU, / 10 PUs / KPUs

planned BED AT 10h30 PM 

MONDAY, April 30th 2018

too tired to go to the gym.

READING — Not me, but interesting.

6 Signs You Need to Strengthen Your Core


"You’ve probably heard trainers cue to keep breathing throughout an exercise — even if it’s really tough. Well, your core is part of what makes it possible to keep breathing while moving, and being able to do so is a sign your core is working efficiently, according to Nguyen.

“Holding your breath is a quick signal to a veteran coach that you do not ‘own’ a movement or exercise,” Nguyen explains. “As intense as an exercise is, if you cannot breathe, you are in the ‘too much’ zone.”

If you find this happening to you, here’s how to fix it: “Almost every exercise has two consistent points to it, a start and end point,” Nguyen says. For example, the top and bottom of a squat, the top and bottom of a pushup or the top and bottom of a biceps curl. “During the first few reps of an exercise, hold the end points and take 2–3 deep breaths — in through the nose and out through the mouth — at each. By doing so, you allow your core to organize the breathing muscles from the stabilization muscles.” For static movements like planks, simply try taking 2–3 slow, deep breaths while holding the best form you can."


BED AT 9h30 PM

Bed at 8h30

Tired / Absent from work / rest / M+C come in the afternoon / I sleep alot

not feeling good in the evening.. I think I ate some bad ham at work / bed at 8h00 PM

VERY SICK starting 3 am.. immodium helps at 7h00  but still too sick to even get out of bed / after 24 hours in bed

my back hurts so much that I can't stay still, and can't move either. / Take 2 Tylenols for back ache, but since

I haven't eaten for so long.. my stomach cramps up.. until I get myself to vomit..  it's about 2 am, when I'm a little better.

yeah sure.. May the 4th be with you, well it wasn't with me!

SATURDAY,  May 5th 2018
Wake up at 7h00 am feeling much better. But what a wasted day yesterday!

7h15 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style # 12
one of the "easier" WOs / feel good

1-12 :  45 secs / 15 sec to change
           rest 1 min
1 - 6 :  20 secs / 10 secs to change / repeat all 5 times
            Cario Bonus 1 min

7 - 12 :  20 secs / 10 secs to change / repeat all 5 times

1.  déménageurs DB8s

2. demi-redressements assis

3. push-ups en déplacement latérale

4. russian twists  DB8

5. mollets & biceps DB8s

6. triceps couchés DB8s

7. Sumo squats DB8s

8. extension lombaires  Green elastic strap

9. fentes arrières  DB8s

10. élévation latérales DB8s

11. good moring / rameurs DB8s

12. plank moutain climbers

BED AT 10h30 PM .

SUNDAY,  May 6th 2018

7h15 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style # 13
oups.. I did 3 and 4 b on the back instead of on stomach. still good./ This WO needs 3 timers.. and I used the 30-30 timer for my 2 mins cardio./ This is better than last year (july 5th) "
I downloaded a nice analogical time.. and with a nice be red needle going around it was easy to figure out when to change timings. I just gave myself 15 seconds between exersices so that I'll start on a quarter of the clock after I checked which exersices to do."

each pair is done 60 secs / 15 secs then 30 secs / 30 secs then 15 secs / 60 secs
1 squat  DB8s fente arrière alterné Biceps  DB8s
2 couché Abduc hanche - elastic - grands couché Abduc hanche - elastic - petit

bonus cardio 2 mins : burpees & mountain climbers

3 ischios  lève le bassin - gauche couché ventre battements des jambes
4 ischios  lève le bassin - droite couché ventre battements des jambes
5 summo down 3 up 1 abduc hanche , tronc incliné , élév. lat. épaules

bonus cardio 2 mins  : twists sautés & squats side to side (je fais Heinsmans)

6 Russian twists  DB8 flexion latéral du tronc  DB8s
7 Planche - lève main dr/ pied gauche alterné 1/2 redressements assis

bonus cardio 2 mins  : ski devant & MaryKatherines (fentes sautés alternées)

planned BED AT 10h30 PM

MONDAY,   May 7th 2018

4h00 PM PRECOR  100i and 576i
45 mins intervals : including 3 sets of intervals


5h00 CXWorx ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Simon V.
30 mins..almost a cool-down from my cardio

LESMILLS CXWORX™ is set to 6 musical tracks. It starts with a complete warm-up and then on to planks, crunches, and functional exercises to strenghten the torso, gluteus, obliques, back, and to improve your balance.

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
50 mins.. main course 5 muscle groups : 4 x 45 sec / 20 sec rest exercises each  I don't stay for the group competitions

BED AT 8h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,   May 9th 2018

1h30 PM MY-DOUBLES Program P90X3 : Triometrics  ~ 30 mins HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton
same comment as each time I do these : Lots of balance mouves that I hate but that I really need. I may never get good at them, but at least I'll be better than if I didn't practice at all.

P90X3 #2b    Triometrics
1. Calf Raise Squats
2. The Duper Skater
3. Frog Jumps
4. Warrior 3 Squats
5. Speed Skater
6. Superman Lunge
7. Sumo Kick
8. Run Stance Squats
9. ISO Squat
10. Slater Squat
11. Duper 2
12. Jack Squats
13. Hell's Chair
14. Kablam

BED AT 10h30 PM

THURSDAY,   May 10th 2018
Last show of season 11 of TBBT

8h30 PM ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton  OFF-Program  # 02+ Kenpo Cardio +
feeling ok, my left shoulder is good except for the end (high blocks) so I do jabs and upper-cuts

P90X+  #02+ Kenpo Cardio+

1a- jab, cross, shuffle
1b- hook, uppercut, shuffle
2- jab, step, cross
3- double hammer, lunge, sword
4- low block, hammer, front kick
5- side speed kicks

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 1 to 5

6- jab, uppercut, back kick
7- claw, hammer, lunge
8- claw, hammer, front kick
9- back fist, hammer, knee kick, front kick
10- elbow, sword, back kick

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 6 to 10

11- gladiator
12- spinning swords
13- spinning swords, back hammer
14- double sword, knee kick, back kick
15- high block, knee kick burnout

cardio or break — 60 sec

** repeat 11 to 15

cool-down & stretch

BED AT 9h40 PM 

FRIDAY,  May 11th 2018

Mont Saint-Hilaire
HIKING  start at 12h10 PM

Deuter 28l pack : at 12 lbs

TEMP : ~6°C , sunny & sometimes windy

don't feel the greatest, but ok.


BED AT 9h00 PM

SATURDAY,  May 12th 2018

Mont Saint-Hilaire
HIKING  start at 12h15 PM
2 hours

Deuter 28l pack : at 12 lbs

TEMP : ~11°C , cloudy and no wind = excellent

DIEPPE With Gabu. Manou, M-L & Charléloi!
our place after, and M+ML make supper.. Salmon, Asparagus, Vermicelle and Sauce Rosé. for Mothers' Day.


BED AT 10h00 PM

SUNDAY,  May 13th 2018
Mothers' Day, (yesterday)

8h10 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style # 14
55 mins. sometimes I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do "each" or "alternate" so I did it as I felt it.. but at 55 mins total WO, I guess it was good.

each pair is done 20-5 / 15-10 / 10-15 / 5-20 times


Sumo squats  DB8s

Jump sumo squats  DB8s


Static lunge  DB8s

step back lunge  DB8s


Squat - side leg lift  DB8s

static squat leg lifts  DB8s


Squat - triceps  DB8s



Jumping Jacks



1 leg hamstrings (each leg)

butt lift


Squats   12" step-ups

Jump squats side to side12" step-traverses


Russian twists  DB8

flexion latéral du tronc  DB8s


Front lunge  DB8s

Front knees



leg lifts

BED AT 10h00 PM 

TUESDAY,  May 15th 2018

As usual Xoom as timer with SPARTACUS APP.  . routine on Blackboard, have music from ceiling speakers, have ceiling fan,  and  floor fan. Add to that water, a headband, a towel.  today : Steps at 10"
I need cardio.. so even though the steps are at 10" .. I go for it.. as much as I can..

SPARTACUS :  1 min each.15 secs rests Do the whole thing 3 times
1 Step-up L/R
2 Traverses
3 Power Squats

TRX triceps

5 Skaters
6 TRX Push-ups
7 Pneus rapides L/R
8 Jump squats L/R
9 Butt lifts
10 Corners

BED AT 10h30

new Family Doctor : Dre Myriam Auclair / Catherine from Vitrerie Claude comes to measure shower glass

je n'arrive pas à m'entrainer.. j'ai besoin de me trouver un programme d'entraiment.  mais je peux au moins terminer les entrainements d'Amélie.

FRIDAY,  May 18th 2018
DIET Really need to get back into it.. print a few "JOURNAL ALIMENTAIRE" and weigh myself 152 lbs

5h30 PM HOMEFITNESS - ~   Amélie Style # 16 series completed !
My sprints are runs.. but that's better than last year's Jogs../ Gaby says he wants to start P90X on Monday..


50 Squat déménageurs DB8s

5 sprints


20 Élévation du bassin g/d

4 sprints


30 Push-ups avec rotation du tronc Knee

3 sprints


15 Fentes avec Flexion des coudes (biceps) g/d DB8s

3 sprints


30 Squat avec extension des coudes (triceps) DB8s

3 sprints


20 Flexion latérales du tronc DB8s

2 sprints


20 Squat avec abduction des omoplates DB8s

2 sprints


20 Demi-redressements assis au centre et 20 "lève les fesses"

2 sprints


60 Secondes de planche abdominale



50 Squats DB8s

5 sprints


40  Push-ups ( 2 x 20 )

4 sprints


30 Fentes et développé militaire DB8s

3 sprints


30 Squats sumo et flexion des coudes (biceps) DB8s

3 sprints


30 Extensions des coudes (couché) DB8s

3 sprints


20 Russian Twist g-d DB8

2 sprints


20 Demi-redressements assis au centre et 20 "lève les fesses"

1 sprints

10 burpees

BED AT 10h00 PM 

SATURDAY,  May 19th 2018
If we're going to do P90X .. I need to be able to do the Yoga.. and on Thursday I won't have time.. so might as well jump into it now.

1h40 PM   P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  Pre-Program  #04 Yoga
This is a very LONG program and I almost throw up a couple of times! I don't know if it's the ostheo artritis in my back that is worse than before or just the fact that I haven't been doing yoga and have gained weight.. we'll know in a few months..

#04 Yoga

A) Moving Asanas : Each Asana is led through a series of Vinyasas (Sun Salutations).
1- Runner's Pose
2- Crescent Pose
3- Warrior One
4- Warrior Two
5- Reverse Warrior
6- Triangle Pose
7- Twisting Triangle
8- Chair To Twisting Chair
9- Right-Angle Pose To Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab
10- Prayer Twist From Runner's Pose to Side Arm Balance
11- Warrior Three to Standing Splits
12- Half Moon To Twisting Half Moon

B) Balance Postures
13- Tree — 90 sec
14- Royal Dancer — 90 sec
15- Standing Leg Extension — 30 sec

C) Floor Work
16- Crane ( Pre-Handstand) — 60 sec
17- Seated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
18- Cat Stretch — 9 reps

19- Frog —60 sec
20- Bridge or Wheel — 5 breaths
21- Plough Into Shoulder Stand With Leg Variations Into Plough
22- Table — 5 breaths
23- Cobbler Pose — 60 sec
24- One-Legged Hamstring Stretch Into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch

D) The Yoga Belly 7
25- Touch The Sky — 30 sec
26- Boat — 30 sec
27- Half Boat — 30 sec each side
28- Scissor — 30 sec each side
29- Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
30- Deep Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
31- Touch The Sky — 60 sec

E) Final Stuff
32- Side Twist
33- Glute Stretch
34- Happy Baby
35- Child's Pose
36- Shavasana ( Corpse Pose)
37- Fetal Pose
38- Lotus (Meditation Pose)

BED AT 10h30 PM

SUNDAY,  May 20th 2018

3h03 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  Pre-Program  # 01 Chest & Back
checked my 2009 paper logs.. I started stronger then my first WO back then. / surprised!

#01 Chest & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Standard Push-Up
2- Wide Front Pull-Up
3- Military Push-Up
4- Reverse Grip Chin-Up

mini stretch — 2 minutes

5- Wide Fly Push-Up
6- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
7- Decline Push-Up
8- Heavy Pants

mini stretch — 2 minutes

9- Diamond Push-Up
10- Lawnmower
11- Dive-Bomber Push-Up
12- Back Fly

repeat but switch order of every 2 exercises :
2 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 1 0 - 9 - 12 - 11

cool-down & stretch

4h20 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   Pre-Program # 12 Ab Ripper X
NOTE 2009..I actually take my running shoes off to make my legs les heavy in the leg lifts and cycling!  *LOL*
so.. take my shoes offf.. but still have trouble.. but it's ok, it's the first time in a long time.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each ( not today ;)

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
50 reps
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


PLANNING with Gaby

P90X  Classic Program weeks 1-2-3 starting May 21st 2018
Monday Cardio / CXWorks / Cardio Militaire at gym (Gaby does Legs & Back )
Tuesday Kenpo / Ab Ripper X
Wednesday Shoulders & Arms
Thursday Yoga X
Friday Chest & Back  / Ab Ripper X
Saturday Plyometrics
Sunday Stretch / Ab Ripper X

BED AT 7h00 PM 

MONDAY,   May 21st 2018
Journée des Patriotes

1h30 PM  BICYCLE~ around Bousquet
15 mins Just to make sure the bike is ok.

3h40 PM PRECOR   576i
60 mins
Cross-country at low resisstance (1) average hr 115.

5h00 CXWorx ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Simon V.
30 mins..feeling The Yoga Belly 7 and the Ab Ripper X / we're only 2.

LESMILLS CXWORX™ is set to 6 musical tracks. It starts with a complete warm-up and then on to planks, crunches, and functional exercises to strenghten the torso, gluteus, obliques, back, and to improve your balance.

5h35 CARDIO MILITAIRE ~ GROUP FITNESS with  Rémy Morrissette Marsan
50 mins.. main course 5 muscle groups : 4 x 45 sec / 20 sec rest exercises each  I don't stay for the team stuff

BED AT 7h30 PM

TUESDAY,  May 22nd 2018
D's scan "excellent"

6h20 PM  P90X  Week 1  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 06 Kenpo X
with Gaby

#06 Kenpo X
saunders stretch cycle warm-up

1- Twist & Pivot — 25 each side
2- Twist & Pivot with Hook & Upper Cut — 25 each side
3- Jabs — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
4- Jab / Cross — 25 each side
5- Jab / Cross / Hook — 25 each side
6- Jab / Cross / Hook / Uppercut — 25 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

7- Step Drag / High-Low Punch — 20 reps +10 doubles each side
8- Jab / cross Switch — 20 reps
9- Hook / Uppercut Switch — 20 reps
10- Knee Kick — 20 reps + 10 doubles each side
11- Ball Kick — 30 each side

cardio break — 60 sec

12- Side Kick — 30 reps each side
13- Back Kick — 25 reps
14- Three-Direction Kick — 24 reps
15- Side Lunge With High Sword / Low Hammer — 15 reps each side
16- Step Drag / Claw / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side

cardio break — 60 sec

17- High Block — 30 reps
18- Inward Block —30 reps
19- Outward Block — 30 reps
20- Downward Block — 30 reps
21- Star Block — 16 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

22- Front Shuffle with High Block / Low Punch — 15 reps + 10 doubles each side
23- Knee / Back Kick — 15 reps each side
24- Front & Back Knuckles / Ball Kick / Back Kick — 10 reps each side
25- Hook / uppercut / Low Side Kick — 10 reps each side
26- Elbow Series — 30 reps
27- Vertical Punches — 100 reps

cardio break — 60 sec

cool-down & stretch

7h20 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 12 Ab Ripper X
better than on Sunday, but still a long way to go.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
25 front & 25 back
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo -
I do straight V-Ups
9- Oblique V-Up
- 25 each side
10- Leg Climb
 - 12 each side
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


BED AT 10h30 PM

WEDNESDAY,  May 23rd 2018
5h59 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 03 Shoulders & Arms 
Actually went quite well. even compared to my 2009 paper logs when I still had bad left shoulder aches..

#03 Shoulders & Arms
warm up & stretch

1- Alternating Shoulder Press
2- In & Out Bicep Curl
3- Two-Arm Triceps Kickback

repeat 1 - 2 - 3
rest 30 secs

4- Deep Swimmer's Press
5- Full Supination Concentration Curl
6- Chair Dip

repeat 4 - 5 - 6
rest 30 secs

7- Upright Row
8- Static Arm Curl
9- Flip-Grip Twist Triceps KickBack

repeat 7 - 8 - 9
rest 30 secs

10- Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Fly — 16 reps
- Crouching Cohen Curl
12- Lying-Down Triceps Extension

repeat 10 - 11 - 12
rest 30 secs

Bonus round

13- In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Fly
14- Congdon Curl
15- Side Tri-Rise

repeat 13 - 14 - 15

Ballistic Stretches

BED AT 9h30 PM

THURSDAY,  May 24th 2018
Happy Bday Daniela! Party at M's with Eveline & Raphael We give her an Ikea Standing miror and she says it's "coooool" / to D's liking we have my spaghetti sauce :)

BED AT 10h30 PM

FRIDAY,  May 25th 2018

DIET 150 lbs, I had gone up to 155 three days ago.. even though I had stuck to my diet, so I'm really glad that I'm -2 lbs for the week. Maybe it was because I was on Advil for my muscle aches.. anti-inflamatories have a tendency to retain water.

11h40 PM   P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   #04 Yoga
missed this yesterday, so I'm just catching up.

#04 Yoga

A) Moving Asanas : Each Asana is led through a series of Vinyasas (Sun Salutations).
1- Runner's Pose
2- Crescent Pose
3- Warrior One
4- Warrior Two
5- Reverse Warrior
6- Triangle Pose
7- Twisting Triangle
8- Chair To Twisting Chair
9- Right-Angle Pose To Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab
10- Prayer Twist From Runner's Pose to Side Arm Balance
11- Warrior Three to Standing Splits
12- Half Moon To Twisting Half Moon

B) Balance Postures
13- Tree — 90 sec
14- Royal Dancer — 90 sec
15- Standing Leg Extension — 30 sec

C) Floor Work
16- Crane ( Pre-Handstand) — 60 sec
17- Seated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
18- Cat Stretch — 9 reps

19- Frog —60 sec
20- Bridge or Wheel — 5 breaths
21- Plough Into Shoulder Stand With Leg Variations Into Plough
22- Table — 5 breaths
23- Cobbler Pose — 60 sec
24- One-Legged Hamstring Stretch Into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch

D) The Yoga Belly 7
25- Touch The Sky — 30 sec
26- Boat — 30 sec
27- Half Boat — 30 sec each side
28- Scissor — 30 sec each side
29- Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
30- Deep Torso Twist Hold — 30 sec each side
31- Touch The Sky — 60 sec

E) Final Stuff
32- Side Twist
33- Glute Stretch
34- Happy Baby
35- Child's Pose
36- Shavasana ( Corpse Pose)
37- Fetal Pose
38- Lotus (Meditation Pose)


7h03 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 01 Chest & Back
With Gaby / I up quite a few of my numbers

#01 Chest & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Standard Push-Up
2- Wide Front Pull-Up
3- Military Push-Up
4- Reverse Grip Chin-Up

mini stretch — 2 minutes

5- Wide Fly Push-Up
6- Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
7- Decline Push-Up
8- Heavy Pants

mini stretch — 2 minutes

9- Diamond Push-Up
10- Lawnmower
11- Dive-Bomber Push-Up
12- Back Fly

repeat but switch order of every 2 exercises :
2 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 1 0 - 9 - 12 - 11

cool-down & stretch

8h20 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X
Gaby says he'll do it tomorrow.
but I might be feeling my "Yoga Belly Seven" tomorrow, so I might as well do it tonight.

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each ( almost )

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
50 reps
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 I do V-Ups
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


BED AT 10h00 PM

SATURDAY,  May 26th 2018

11h46 AM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   05 Legs and Back
Since Amélie is gone (3 years) from the gym and I'm not doing "Fesses de Fer" anymore I need the Legs workout even though I do Cardio-Militaire en Mondays.

#05 Legs & Back
warm up & stretch

1- Balance Lunge 20 each leg
2- Calf Raise Squat
30 sec
3-      Reverse Grip Chin-Up
30 sec
4- Super Skater
25 each side
5- Wall Squat
  90 sec
     Wide Front Pull-Up 30 sec
7- Step Back Lunge
15 each side
8- Alternating Side Lunge
24 reps
     Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up 30 sec
10- Single-Leg Wall Squat
60 sec
11- Deadlift Squat
20 each leg
     Switch Grip Pull-up 60 sec

ballistic stretch / water break 60 sec

13- Three-Way Lunge 30 reps
14- Sneaky Lunge
20 reps
     Reverse Grip Chin-Up 30 sec
16- Chair Salutations
2x 30 sec
17- Toe-Roll ISO Lunge
20 each side
     Wide Front Pull-Up 30 sec
19- Groucho Walk
45 sec
20- Calf Raises
75 reps
     Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up 30 sec
22- 80/20 Siebers-Speed Squat
30 each side
     Switch Grip Pull-Up 30 sec

cool down & stretch

6h45 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —   # 02 Plyometrics
With Gaby who worked in the attic all day so we're both tired but do it strong to the end.

#02 Plyometrics
warm up & stretch

1- Jump Squat 30 sec
2- Run-stance Squat
30 sec
3- Airborne Heisman
30 sec
4- Swing Kick
60 sec

repeat 1-2-3-4

water break 30 sec

5- Squat Reach Jump
30 sec
6- Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-Up
30 sec
7- Double airborne Heisman
30 sec
8- Circle Run
30 sec each direction

repeat 5-6-7-8

water break 30 sec

9- Jump Knee Tuck
30 sec
10- Mary Katherine Lunges
30 sec
11- Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
12- Twist Combo
60 sec

repeat 9-10-11-12

water break 30 sec

13- Rock Star Hop
15 sec each side
14- Gap Jump
30 sec
15- Squat Jack
30 sec
16- Military March
60 sec

repeat 13-14-15-16

water break 30 sec

17- Run Squat 180 Jump Switch
30 sec
18- Lateral Leapfrog Squat
30 sec
19- Monster Truck Tire
30 sec
20- Hot Foot
30 sec each foot

repeat 17-18-19-20

water break 30 sec

21- Pitch & Catch
30 sec each side
22- Jump Shot
30 sec each side
23- Football Hero
60 sec

cool down & stretch

BED AT 10h00 PM

SUNDAY, May 27th 2018 .
Brunch in Terrebonne with Gaby. M, & ML,T, A & C for Manou's 36th Bday :)


6h40 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —    # 12 Ab Ripper X

#12 Ab Ripper X
warm up & stretch

25 reps each ( almost )

1- In & Out
2- Seated Bicycle
50 reps
3- Seated Crunchy Frog
4- Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up
5- Fifer Scissor
6- Hip Rock 'N Raise
7- Pulse-up
8- Roll-Up/V-Up Combo
 I do V-Ups
9- Oblique V-Up
10- Leg Climb
11- Mason (Kayak) Twist 40 reps


7h00 PM P90X  ~ HOME FITNESS with Tony Horton —  # 07 Stretching
57 mins+

#07 Stretch

1- Sun Salutations (Vinyasas) — 3 reps
2- Neck Stretch
3- Back up the car
4- Head Roll — 6 reps
5- Expand / Contract Back-Chest-Shoulder stretch
6- Topas Shoulder Stretch — 3 reps
7- Wrist-Forearm Flex Stretch — 20 sec
8- Dreya Forearm Stretch — 2 reps
9- Arm Circles — 40 sec
10- Shoulder-Triceps Combo Stretch
11- Ballistic Stretches
12- Standing Side Stretch
13- Roller
14- Plough
15- Steated Spinal Stretch — 5 breaths
16- Cat Stretch — 5 reps
17- Glute Stretch — 5 breaths

18- Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
19- Side Twist
20- Camel
21- Cat Stretch — 1 rep
22- Back Hero
23- Kenpo Quad Stretch
24- Bow — 30 sec
25- Low Squat 30 sec + 10 bonus sec
26- Frog — 60 sec
27- Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 90 sec
28- Seated Two-Leg Hamstring Stretch — 45 sec
29- Ballistic Hamstring Stretch — 10 reps
30- Split-Leg Hamstring Stretch
31- Toe Flexor — 48 reps
32- Downward Dog With Claf Stretch — 20 reps
33- Upward Dog With Ankle Stretch — 60 sec
34- Child's Pose With Right And Left Side Stretch

BED AT 8h30 PM 

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