
Update #7 .

Hello Friends and  Strangers,

Updates make me have to pause, and take a look at where I'm at and where I'm going. I don't go into too much detail since my logs are never far away, the Index is in the trop right corner of this page.

If you're dropping in for the first time, welcome, and if you're a regular.. welcome back! I hope you get something out of my Updates or logs that you can use for yourself. I'm not sure that I can convay my enthousiasm for living an active life through my logs.. I'd have to spend more time writing than doing stuff, but if you've met me.. you know how much I just love feeling good and moving.. wether it be dancing, hiking, stretching, working out or anything else that makes me feel alive. I hope you have that fire within you as well.

"Functional training also means training for sports. " mls

October  29th  2006


have to adapt it to many variables these days..
but this is what I try to do :

10 mins
Dynamic WU
60 mins Weights Changing program next week
60 mins Energie Yoga Class

60 mins
Ballroom Dance Class

60 mins Ballroom Dance Practice or Weights
20 - 40 mins cardio ~ including  HIIT*

120 mins Group-fitness classes :
Combo Aéro-Step
and Body Design
30 mins Steps / 30 mins Cardio, including High Intensity Intervals. very varied. / 60 mins strenght workout. Body Weight, DBs, Elastics, patners.. some stretching at the end of each class

Friday **
10 mins
Dynamic WU
60 mins Weights Changing program next week
20 mins
cardio ~ HIIT*

Saturday **
2 - 4 hours Hiking or going Dancing

Day off

*might be wishful thinking, but I've got to get it in somewhere
I might switch these two days around.. and believe me, I'd love to go hiking AND dancing.. but always have so many other things to do, have to set priorities


New Rules of Lifting, Break-In & Strength 1

I finished the program on October 27th and this is what my main lifts looked like on the last WOs of the program :
                                         click on the "WO" to see the complete workout.

1) Squat 
(with spotters for the 1 and 6 reps)

x BB 175 lbs / 1 x BB  200 lbs  / 6 x BB 175 lbs  / 1 x BB 200  lbs  / 10 x BB 160 lbs  /  15 x BB 150 lbs

1a) BB Bench Press
  (with spotter for the 1 and 6 reps)

6 x BB 70 lbs
/ 1 x BB 90 lbs  / 6 x BB 75 lbs / 1 x BB 90 lbs / 10 x BB 65 lbs

1) Deadlift

6 x BB 140 lbs
/ 1 x BB 200 lbs  / 6 x BB 145 lbs / 1 x BB 205 lbs / 12 x BB 135 lbs 15 x BB 125 lbs

1a) Chin-Up
6 x BW-30
lbs  1 chin-up x BW6 x BW-30 lbs / 1 chin-up x BW / 10 x BW -50 lbs

NROL was the first time in my life I did  BB Bench presses, Deadlifts or a real Chin-up. It was the first time that I did low reps. It was also the first time I worked with a spotter. Thanks, Yannick, Jean-François and the other guys at the gym . Oh! and the most valuable thing I learned : The MIXED GRIP!

I certainly gave it all my best! and even though I have no way of comparing this to other strength programs I liked the experience and will be back for more. Thanks Lou and Alwyn!

Here's a sample of my Excel NROL workout sheet with my e-mail if you'd like a copy.

Lots of mountainous hiking, and very intense intervals in group-fitness classes, but not as much controlled  HIITs on the eliptical as I would have liked.


Since my August Update

Mount Washington :  7 hours 53 mins (6h30 hiking + visit at top) see "Biggest Hike" below
Massif des Monts Sutton :  5 hours 15 mins
Mont St-Joseph, Mont Victoria, Mont Mégantic :  6 hour 30 mins
Mont Gosford, Mont Petit Gosford, Cap Frontière : 7 hours 20 mins
4 times Mont St-Hilaire  : various times and lengths

Lac Mohawk and Roundtop Trails

This was a pleasant surprise. Excellent hike and not too far away. The white lines are the Alpine Ski Resort Trails.


BIGGEST HIKE, September 2nd 2006

Lion Head  and Tuckerman Ravine Trails

DENIVELATION  1,295 m. (4,249 ft)
13,6 km (8,4 mi.)
TOTAL TIME   7 h 53 (6h30 hiking + visit at top)
The Lion Head trail is quite a challenge and there was one spot I'll always remember cause I have no idea how anyone shorter than 5'6" could ever go up. I was at my max, had to take my gloves off for more grip and use all my strengh and balance to get me up, with my left leg. Everything was on an angle and Gabriel couldn't help me cause of the way the rock formation was. Fun! I was scared but loved it. No wonder we only met a few hikers there, compared to the multitude on the Tuckerman Ravine Trail!


Starting the hike down Tuckerman Ravine. The Lion Head Trail is on the ridge at the left.. but there is still quite a long common trail going up to the top before coming back down.

Still taking classes with Gabriel, my boyfriend  at Le Sodanse

The yoga session at the gym started late (end of September) but I'm glad it was finaly back on the program.  Yoga is a good time to workout barefoot and in all directions. and once or twice is week is nowhere close enough to go overboard in flexibilty.. when we see a Yogi all bent and twisted.. it's like seeing Mr. Olympia.. The average trainee never gets anywhere close to that. (either that, or the guy is naturally double-jointed!)

More than I've had in a long time.. sometimes I work through them, sometimes I decide that I need to give them time to heal. Very often they only bother me at night.. I wake up wondering how I'll even go to work.. and then, once I'm up and about, I'm ok.

Just some snifles for 2 weeks in September. Dentiste appointment for a crown to save a molar. Glad I have insurance that covers 80% or I really couldn't hav afforded it!

Back on Protiens and low calories.. but still can't get my weight back down. Some of it is muscles.. but not all.

This is the best book there is on the subject. I talked about it in my May 2005 log.. but am only really starting to apply what I learned now.

Periodization Training for Sports

"In Periodization Training for Sports, Bompa demonstrates how to use periodized workouts in order to peak at optimal times by manipulating six different training phases: anatomical adaptation, hypertrophy, maximum strength, conversion to power, maintenance, and transition. Coaches and athletes in 32 sports have at their fingertips a proven program that is sure to produce the best results. No more guessing about preseason conditioning, in-season workloads, or appropriate rest and recovery periods; now it’s simply a matter of identifying and implementing the information in this book."

This is what my year should look like : though  I'm shifting the active season to start at the end of December, not much snow before that..Also notice that I don't have any "power" training in the periodization, that's because non of the sports I do need power. However.. with Steve Lussier, the main trainer at the gym, we've been talking about adding some "power endurance"  to the program. That would be at the begining of the Active season.. It is also mentionned in Bompa's book, just not in the table.

Adabpted from Periodization Training for Sports by Tudor Bompa


Jun Jul


Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Periodization Preparatory Active  Season Transition
of Strength

4 wks

6  weeks 9 weeks      5 weeks 10 weeks

12 weeks

6 weeks
Muscle Endurance of Long Duration   Maximum
Conversion to
Muscle  Endurance
of Long Duration
Muscle Endurance
 of  Energy Systems
Lactic Acid Tolerance Training  


*hope this table turns out right..
had lots of problems with it


Pre-cross-country-skiing training Partly from Condtitionning for Outdoor Fitness
: nothing big planned... yet
Ballroom Dancing :
hopefully we'll go more often on week-ends, I miss it when we don't go often enough.


My Goal for next summer..

"Be able to backpack on mountainous trails, 5-6 days in a row, with a  40 lbs pacsac,  and still enjoy my evenings by the campfire".

Quite and ambitous goal I think, maybe 3 days would be more realistic.. but it just came to me one day that I'd like to do that next summer.. so might as well stick to it.

I'm very lucky these days that things are going well with love, family, friends, health and work, but I've been through hard times, and I know that many people are suffering. Please accept some of my energy and good thoughts 'cause I'd like to send a whole lot of good vibrations to anyone who is going through a hardship.


Past Updates

2006-08-13 ~ tree adventure pic
2006-05-12 ~ yoga pics
2006-04-02 ~ wall climbing pic
2006-02-05 ~ with fitness pics
This way for comments or questions!
